"Tunia, what do you say you and I go to the dance tonight?" Alvin asked as she passed her in the hall. She flipped her thick blonde hair and shook her head.
"Sorry, man. I already have a date." Tunia said with a fleeting smile, then continued on her way to her class.
"Hey, Tunia. You, me, dance." Ivan said and pointed at himself.
He thinks he's so cool, Tunia thought irritably.
"Sorry. I'm taken." Tunia pushed past him. Or rather, shoved him out of the way. He frowned and rubbed the back of his neck, then faced away from her to the next girl that passed.
So what if I don't have a date. I can just follow Hun and Robby to the dance. No biggie. She held her book to her chest and sighed. No one around the school really appealed to her. Many others asked her to the famous Homecoming that day, but every one she turned down.
Then she ran into HIM.
"Oh, uh, hi, Tunia." Grant smiled warmly as he helped her up off the floor. Head on collision is the most humiliating thing to show in front of all your admirers. She raised her blushed face and accepted his help.
"Thanks, Grant. How are you? I didn't hurt you did I? Oh, dear. I think I did. Your hand is scratched. I'm so sorry. Here, let me help." She held his hand closely to examine the scratch that was obviously her fault. She felt her nails draw back till they were neat stumps.
"Don't worry about it. I'll just have the nurse take a look. No big deal." Grant smiled again. That smile that made all the girls blush.
"No, I made the scratch, I'll fix it." Tunia said stubbornly and pulled him to the side so people could pass in the thin corridors.
"Do you mind if I leave you for a moment? I need water. Stay, don't even think about moving." She held her hands out in front of her as she watched closely for any signs of retreating. She finally turned into the girls' bathroom. She was sure she saw Grant lapping at the overflowing wound on the back of his hand as she left.
"Gah, how stupid of me!" Tunia scolded herself in the mirror, fluffed her hair, then held a paper towel under the running water. She rushed out the door and barely avoided running into the waiting boy again.
"Geez, I'm sorry. Here, give me your hand." Grant hesitated, but surrendered his hand into her awaiting palm. She caught her breath as she looked at the already cleaned wound. Ignoring its cleanliness, she dabbed lightly at the back of his hand.
"So. You already have a date for the dance?" Grant asked quietly. Tunia froze, towel halted inches above his hand.
"Um, no, not really." She shook her head, laughing humorlessly as she continued to clean the healed hand.
"Well, do you want to go with me? You don't have to if you don't want to." He added hastily, staring into her bright blue eyes.
"Oh." Was all she could muster. She bit her tongue with sharpened teeth for not having the courage to accept.
"You don't want to?" He lowered his head to peek at her lowered face. She looked up immediately and nodded quickly, paused, then shook her head.
He looked at her confusedly.
"I would like to go to the dance. With you." She smiled sheepishly and took down the towel to her hips.
He smiled that smile again, then nodded approvingly. "You did an awesome job with the scratch... not even a mark." His smile dulled guiltily, and Tunia chuckled.
"So, when should I expect to pick you up?" Tunia asked softly, hugging her arms to her chest without letting the damp towel touch her tight white tee.
"Shouldn't I be picking you up?" He asked confusedly. She thought of what that night would bring, and immediately shook it from her head.
"My parents might object a little. I'll come by your place."
"Ookay... The dance starts at eight, so... 7:30?"
"Sounds great." Tunia tried to immitate his dazzling smile, but to no avail. As she watched him walk away, she swished her rear like a tail and stalked off in the opposite direction. Time to go dress shopping.
She crept past security guards and through the parking lot, skipping her last period. She would explain to her parents that she felt sick, so she had to leave and.... buy a dress. The parents would understand without a doubt.... she hoped.
Tunia strutted down the street, holding her long, ash blonde hair in both hands, wringing it out of habit. The closest store she knew was the next block, but the dresses were cheap and ripped easily. Not like that was a bad thing, but she needed something a little more extravagant.
She slipped into the shadows of the nearby oak and dug her enlongated nails into the bark, hopping up without any struggle. She scaled the tree quickly and sat in the branches for a moment, deciding what she was looking for. Finally she came up with her dream dress and leapt off the tree, landing softly in the pounded dirt. She continued her strut and began to pick up the pace. She had a ways to go if she wanted to make it back before 7:30.
I like this one. She thought with a gleam in her eye. She pulled away from the glass and cocked her head as she examined the cloth. A long, swishy black skirt that pulled up to her left hip, and a blue and black corset that matched the theme. She walked quietly into the store and straight to her ideal dress, plucked it off the maniquin without a care, and brought it to the cashier.
"This is all." Tunia said smoothly to the younger cashier. The younger girl scanned the ticket, and held out her hand.
"Two hundred dollars please."
"No problem." Tunia promised and dug in her little handbag that slung over her shoulders. She pulled out two, hundred dollar bills and handed them to the girl with a smile. The girl rolled her eyes and shoved the bills into the register and stuffed the dress into a long bag. As she handed the bag up to Tunia, Tunia gave a smirk. She reached down and ran her sharpened nails across the back of the girl's hand, drawing blood.
"Thank you, Miss." Tunia said and quickly stalked out of the room. The cashier screamed, clutching her hand, bringing the attention of all the customers in the store.
"Too easy, little brat." Tunia muttered angrily to herself as she walked a brisk one back to her country house. It soon came into view; a monstrously huge mansion perched on the hill, conveniently out of view, and surrounded by a small lake. Tunia came to the edge of the water and looked up at the camera eye on the corner of the house. With a short wave to the red dot, the bridge rose silently from the water. It was shaped like an aligator. Oh, what humor her family had.
She daintily stepped across the way with the dress slung over her back, then shoved the enormous door open.
"I'm home!" She called and ran with all her might up the many stories of stairs.
"So early?" Her father leaned out of his room with a confused look on his face. "Everyone's still at school, Darling."
"I felt sick." Tunia shrugged and halted. Her father's eyes scanned the bag she held delicately. He raised an eyebrow expectantly.
"I thought a dress for tonight would make me feel better." She said sheepishly and began walking again.
"A date?" The word stopped her in her path again.
"No, Homecoming." She turned her head back to him, and he was frowning.
"What?" She asked irritably.
"You know what tonight is, right?" He asked slowly, his omunous silver eyes staring into her blue ones.
"The new moon. I know, I'll be careful, Dad." She started to turn again, but again she was stopped.
"You know you can't control yourself full well yet, Tunia." He argued, stepping out of his room. Her mom leaned her head out of the doorframe, her wise eyes a deep purple.
"Dad, I will control myself. Promise." Tunia insisted and stroked the bag. "You're gonna love my dress."
The father sighed frustratedly. "Is he at least a were-"
"I don't know, Dad. But yes, I'm guessing he is. Can I go change now? It's already getting dark." Tunia pouted and her mom chuckled.
"Let her go, Trent. She'll be careful. Besides, I believe Hun is going anyway. They'll babysit each other." The purple eyes studied Tunia's face, and Tunia at last nodded.
"I was gonna follow them around, whether they want me or not." Tunia flashed a sharp grin and turned around, bounding up the last set of stairs to the loft. Below her, her parents laughed and strode back into their room, not bothering to shut the door like Tunia did.
She paused, then sighed and turned to the bed.
"What are you doing here, Jonathon." Tunia demanded. The young man stood from the large bed and walked over to her, tipping her chin with an elongated nail.
"Don't talk to me like that, young lady." He smiled with fangs, and Tunia huffed.
"Get out, I need to change."
"Why? I've seen you naked before."
"Because it's private." Tunia stressed the last word and ducked under his long legs to escape, bag trailing behind her. She stood gracefully behind him, but he had already turned around to cross his arms at her.
"Nah." He smiled again and shrugged. "I want to see what you look like for Homecoming."
"Then you can see after I change. Get out." She turned him around and pushed him out the door, even though he struggled lightly against her hold. She slammed the door in his face and nodded with a frown.
"Stay out, Jon, or I will kill you." She called through the door when she heard clawing on the wood. The sounds immediately stopped, and she grinned in spite. She tossed the bag to the bed and peeled off her tight white shirt, revealing her blueish black cami underneath. The clawing started again.
"Jon, I am f**king warning you." She hissed under her breath, and again it stopped. She took off her pants and pulled the dress from the bag. It caught her breath, and she slowly slipped it over her head. From there she took off the cami, and spun in the full-length mirror. She scanned it for any signs of damage and gladly found none. Suddenly, Jon was behind her, grinning wildly.
"Jon, dammit." Tunia cursed and spun, kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. To her happiness, the movement didn't tear the loose swirls of fabric. A short flash caught her sharp eye, and she saw a glinting piece of metal on the floor. She gingerly picked it up and examined the sheen on the surface.
"It was for you." Jon muttered, brushing himself off, obviously undamaged from his flight into the side of the bed. She looked up in shock, then back down at the necklace. It was shaped like two hearts, connected at one side, all black and silver, with a thin silver chain dangling from Tunia's opened hand. In the center of the hearts was a cat's face, sapphire eyes almost glowing.
"Th-thank you, Jon. It's almost... nice of you." She stared up at him suspiciously. "What do you want from me?"
"It's for the dance tonight. I hoped you would wear it." Tunia, without removing her eyes from his greenish grey stare, she gently hooked the pin on the back of her neck. She carefully turned to look in the mirror, and smiled carefully at her reflection. Tunia stroked it gently and turned back to Jon.
"Now, I do have something to ask you." He smiled, and Tunia frowned.
"No. Whatever it is, no." Tunia frowned.
Jon continued anyway. "Would you go to Homecoming with me?"
Tunia blinked in surprise, then looked down, frowning.
"I already have a date, Jon. Sorry." His eyes narrowed frustratedly, and he sighed.
"Okay. Who is he? One of us?" Tunia shook her head slowly.
"Right." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry Jon. Um, you'd better get outta here before my Dad gets up here to check on me. He'll think the wrong things."
"Those things aren't so bad. It's what he's hoping for anyway." Jon mumbled and leapt off the balcony, running on all fours until his body had disappeared and a large black and white cat was in his place. Tunia sighed after him and turned to her mirrored image again. She lifted her long hair above her head and tried to decide on a hairdo.
She dropped the bundle.
Nah, Hun will want to do my hair anyway. Tunia tied the bow tight in the back of the dress, framing her slender body perfectly. She spun again then rushed to her nightstand and the make-up drawer that sat inside. Just as she was reaching down to the foundation container, a knock sounded on the door.
"Yeah?" Tunia called out and pulled the container from the drawer.
"Hey, Tunia! I hear you're going to the dance!" A small girl skipped through the door with bright red eyes and a playful smile.
"Hey, Ruby. How're you?" Tunia patted Ruby's bouncy brown curls and turned to the mirror.
"Doin' good. You? So, are you going to the dance or what?" Ruby insisted, making Tunia chuckle.
"Where'd all the demanding come from?" Tunia teased and pulled a brush from the bin.
"Alex wants to know." Ruby said, smiling widely.
"Ah." Tunia mumbled and ran the powdered brush over her face.
"Where'd you get that necklace?" Tunia froze slightly, but hid it well with a smile.
"My date gave it to me."
"Who? Is it Jon?" Ruby looked up with innocent eyes.
Tunia laughed, a little too hard.
"No, his name is Grant." Tunia smiled and pulled out the eyeshadow; a dark, gloomy blue. As she slowly brushed the color onto her closed eyes, Ruby fell quiet.
"The Grant?" Tunia opened her eyes and looked down at her.
"What do you mean?" Ruby chewed on her lip with noticeably sharp teeth.
"He's that one werecat that abandoned his family." She replied softly.
Ah, so he is a Were. Well that's good. She turned back to the mirror and finished the dark shade under the eyes as well. She tossed the makeup in the box and slid a short line of a dark red across her lips. Rubbing them together, she realized Ruby was still in the room. She was trembling slightly, hands clenched into fists and eyes squeezed shut.
"Crap, Ruby. Get outside before you explode!" Tunia grabbed her arm and dragged her toward the balcony.
"I can't hold it anymore, Tunia! Help me!" Ruby shreiked and turned back with tears.
"Get outside. I'll send Vince out right away. Just hold on!" Tunia pointed to the open glass doors that led to the balcony. Ruby nodded once with a whimper and leapt off the 3rd floor loft.
Tunia rushed to the door and threw it open, bounding down the stairs quickly.
"Vince! Get outside NOW!" She called and raced out the back door. Her older brother was soon racing beside her, along with half the humongous family. Ruby was laying on the ground, shaking like crazy. Tunia stopped a ways back and let the others push past her.
"Ruby, breathe." Tunia heard Vince mutter, along with the quiet reassurances of the rest of the group. She saw Robby and Hun together, Hun kneeling in front of Ruby with her Homecoming dress on and ready to go. Robby was dressed in a black tux and his hair spiked casually.
"Ruby, just let it go. It's okay, just let go." Hun assured. Ruby let out a pained cry and her shape began to blur, human features fading gently. A few more of the younger ones also began to shift, though quieter than their sister. Soon, a dark brown cat was in Ruby's place, mewing and crying almost human noises. Hun clapped her hands happily and stood, holding out her arms. Ruby's head raised to Hun's waist, and she nuzzled her gratefully.
"That's my girl." Hun smiled and patted Ruby's head. The cat mewed and looked in Tunia's direction. The expression she gave Tunia was almost smug, but still excited and thrilled at her first transformation. Ruby stumbled over to her, still getting used to walking on four legs. Her head butted Tunia's hand, and Tunia smiled.
"Good job." She said with a bright smile. Tunia looked up to the other cats that were sitting patiently on their haunches, and waved. They nodded with a mew and she grabbed Hun's hand.
"Wanna do my hair?" She asked, flicking her head toward her balcony. Hun gaped at Tunia.
"Why wouldn't I?" She said jokingly, and pulled Tunia along as she leapt from balcony to balcony that lined the outside of the house. Soon, their feet rested lightly on Tunia's balcony, and Hun smiled as Robby bounded up next to them easily.
"Now, what were you thinking?" Hun asked as she circled me, examining my outfit and makeup. Tunia pulled her hair up into a ponytail, then motioned for braids here and there. Hun nodded.
"Piece of cake." She muttered and pulled a ribbon from her own sleeve.
- by LostJavaBytes |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/15/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Werecat Manor
- Artist: LostJavaBytes
- Description: Now here's something you don't see every day. A family of werecats. Not werewolves, vampires. Werecats. I felt creative. And Homecoming is coming soon. Put them together, and vuala! Instant story! Read and comment, rate if you please. Sorry for the length... it is a bit long.
- Date: 10/15/2008
- Tags: werecat manor tunia homecoming grant
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- EarthChild Eco-Friendly - 05/30/2010
- I liked it and I love werecats it cool know your not the only one who believes in them
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- Euphoriafly - 01/02/2010
i luved it
is there any more? - Report As Spam
- Lord Midgetman - 06/29/2009
- Wow...I don't read stuff like this often. This is great, one of the best stories ive seen here!
- Report As Spam
- Toonkill - 05/05/2009
and i dont usually read this kind of stuff - Report As Spam
- LostJavaBytes - 05/04/2009
- i know its a lil ramblish, but it was totally epiphany, not planned at all. call it a warm up, if you will. please don't trash talk it for that
- Report As Spam
- Annelean - 12/27/2008
- wow... couldnt stop reading... this piece is just so... just so... wow... eek
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