• Jackie is just a normal college student. She has a bunch of friends, but only a few are close to her. Once you get to know her better, you'll want to hang out with her more. She can be quite fun to talk to.

    Jackie often plays the violin. She puts every bit of emotion into playing the violin. And whenever she plays, she'll either make you laugh, cry, etc. Her friends enjoy listening to her play.

    The violin was very special to her. It was the violin that her mother had used to play to her before she passed away. That happened when she was so young. She still doesn't know much about her mother. Her father has described her for Jackie, but it was never enough. She kept asking over and over again.

    Everything was going well for Jackie, until one day she woke up to find her father on the floor, as still as stone, not breathing. She had the shock of her life.

    From that day since, she was no longer the Jackie everyone knew. She avoided contact with everyone. She never talked to anyone. She sat all by herself. And, always, after school, she would immediately leave for home. Eventually all her friends left her.


    [February, 14th]

    Six months had passed by and she still remained the same. She didn't care about much. It was all school, work, homework, sleep to her. She had even forgotten that about her birthday. She also had stopped playing the violin, something which was considered almost impossible since she was practically attached to it since young. After all, it was the only thing she rememebers of her mother. She came to school as usual, always keeping a straight face...

    " I hear he's from England...." one of the girls nearby was gossiping.
    Rumors had it that there was a new kid in school. But Jackie didn't care. She was too engrossed in being a zombie.


    Later on after school, a guy approached her. "Hey there! You're Jackie, right?" the guy said. Jackie ignored him and continued walking her way to the gate. The guy caught up with her. "Well, I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you. I'm new here" He extended his hand toward her. Jackie ignored him again and continued walking. Ryan shrugged and called out "The principal asked me to look for you! He said that you'd be the first person I should talk to...He'd also told me that you'd show me around the school ....!!"

    Jackie stopped and turned to face him; as if she only noticed him for the first time. "WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT!?" she snapped. Ryan caught up with her again. "As I was saying..." he continued on explaining again what happened during his visit with the principal.

    "You should go look for someone else" Jackie nearly shouted. She continued to walk again.

    Ryan still refused to give up. He ran in front of her and said " I know what happened...I understand what you're going through"

    Jackie stopped short. She looked up at him with accusing eyes. Tears were welling up. "How...would you...know...what...I'm going through? YOU'RE NOT ME!!!!" she said whilst gritting her teeth.

    "I asked around..."he shrugged. "But listen, I know what you're going through. I lost my parents too..." he voice trailed off. His eyes fell down to the ground.

    Jackie was taken aback. This was the first time she had actually met someone who had been through the same things she been through. She looked closely now.

    After a momentary pause, she finally said "Oh...

    "Listen, I'm sorry for over-reacting just now...It's just that I've been through a lot lately...Thank you, for being honest with me..."

    Jackie extended her hand toward Ryan. He looked up, looked at her for awhile. And then, he smiled, and took her hand.


    [Months later]

    Jackie and Ryan became good friends. It surprised Jackie how well they could relate to each other. She feels totally at ease with him. She needn't hide anything from him. For once in a long time, she felt totally, relaxed...Over a period of time, Jackie became her normal self again. Her friends found it hard to believe that she has changed back to her old self again. Slowly, each of them started to accept her once again. But, as time passes by, Jackie also grew fonder and fonder of Ryan. She did not know, however, that Ryan had held feelings for her. But as time passes by, it became more evident.

    Jackie was thrilled, upon realizing that. But, she also felt very unsure of herself.


    Epilogue: Feelings

    Monday, 15th Semptember; 11:30 pm

    Dear diary,

    Ryan has been very nice to me over the past few months. I feel very comfortable around him...

    I've never felt the same way with anyone else...