Super.Human.Associates of.Penguins ™
“Will all members of S.H.A.P please come to order…Thank you.” Said MPH “When do we get the salmon?” asked Pokey with drool dripping from his mouth. “When they say we can!” said MPH hotly. Pokey growled in despair and hunger. “My fellow S.H.A.Pians you may all be wondering why we called you here. Well it seems that our arch nemesis Spandex Roother and The P. have started their own association of super villains. Some enlisted are Spandex of course, Heysterio, Plagueneeto, and even the feared Prankster.” The heroes all gasped. “Well it seems that they’re not messing around here.” Said Creepy Crawler. There was a scraping noise. It echoed off the slick plated dome. The ice chair turned around. There sitting atop was an old penguin named Sir. He was a black penguin and had a gray beard. He had a cane in one hand, salmon in the other. “Our association has been going very well so far, but now we must make sure all of our cities are safe from…The A.S.H.A.P.B aka The Anti Super Human Associates For Polar Bears.” Sir rose from his seat, gulped down his salmon, and dove into an underwater haven. “With that being said I think we should all go home!” said Gold Guy. The heroes nodded their heads in approval. After ten minutes the dome was vacant. “I put a tracker on Creepy Crawler, Pokey and myself Mr. P. So if you need to see how things were going with the top ranked super humans you could check.” Said MPH “Thank you.” said a large figure from the shadow. “And welcome to The A.S.H.A.P.B……..
Creepy Crawler
“Hey Header! I have your box of bugs.” Said Julius the pet shop owner. “Goodness your frogs sure do love these bugs!” said Julius gaily. “Wha…? Oh yes, they sure do Julius.” Said Header. He took the box and paid then removed himself from the store. Header pulled out a moth and munched it. Soon Header was at his condominium. He stepped in. From ceiling to floor there were webs. Header emptied his box of bugs onto the web and slept. “Beep! Beep! Beeeeeeeeeep!” exploded Headers police box. Header opened his eyes, tore off his shirt into his suit. He drew his four other arms. He then slipped them through the empty arm holes in his suit. Within seconds Creepy Crawler was slinging his way downtown to the crime scene. Standing before “CC” was Heysterio. An I-cube flew at Creepy Crawler. He dodged and hit Heysterio with eight web clusters. Heysterio evaded and floated himself above Creepy Crawler and landed atop him. You would imagine a grown man with eight arms could hold a weirdo in a metal clad suit. You guessed wrong. “Hahaahh-achoo! Haa!” said Heysterio. “Ooh. My leg.” Moaned Header. Heysterio tossed him into a large gray van and sped off to places unknown…
“C’mon! Dumb Harley! Go…go…GOOOOOOOOO!!!” yelled Pokey drawing his claws. He cut the blue wire…tisk tisk. KABLAM!!!!!!!!! Pokey got up; the explosion sent him flailing away. “Ah drat. Well at least I got the twenty minute warranty!” said Pokey optimistically. He picked up the scraps and brought it back to the dealer. He got his money refunded. I bet you’ll never guess what he did. Bought a Chopper. As Pokey drove off with his new Chopper his phone rang. It was Creature… “Pokey we have a problem, Plagueneeto has made everyone in the bank sick. They’re zombified now they listen to his every command and…Ahhh!” the line went dead. “Creature? Hello? Now it’s personal!” Pokey snarled. He pressed a button on his bike. There was an ear popping noise. Pokey was flying down the street at supersonic speed. “Man! I really got my money’s worth on this baby! Woo hoo!” There was a screech, the bike jolted then stopped. “Well Pokey I see you’ve come a little bit too late for the F-Men are zombified! There are as sick as a small boy when he sees his very first chocolate fountain. Now they are at A.S.H.A.P.B HQ…I know I hate the length too. But now Pokey you shall sicken!” as Plagueneeto finished the civilians jumped at Pokey. He tried to push them back knowing he couldn’t hurt citizens. There were too many to push away. They pounced off him but milliseconds afterwards he was trapped in a plagued cloud. He fell over unconscious. He was tossed into a large gray van and sped off to A.S.H.A.P.B.
“Well Mason Ferret you did very well. It’s ok if your hero friends dislike you you’ll make new villain friends.” Said Mr. P “Thank you Mr. P.” said Mason. A robot came in followed by Plagueneeto, the sickened F-Men, Creepy Crawly, Pokey and Heysterio. BOOM!!! It was Gold Guy and The Phenomenal Bulk. Gold Guy threw a pill at the F-Men it exploded into gas. The F-Men came out of sickness and into their senses. Weather stirred up a storm which sent a guard flying to the machine which powered the cuffs Creepy Crawler and Pokey were wearing. Shing! Another guard taken out. Psh! Psh! Psh! Three guards were stuck to the walls by their rumps. Creature smashed the ground with his hairy purple hands. Concrete shattered sending a shockwave which made Spandex Roother flying into Plagueneeto who then, with Spandex landed in Snowball’s arms. He froze them solid. Feline grabbed the villaincicles and sunk them waist-high in the ground. Just then Sir entered. So did Mr. P. The melee paused. Everyone stepped back. The two old arctic creatures stood there. Mr. P raised himself onto his hind legs. His white fur was luxuriant. The valiant penguin pulled out his cane and ran towards the polar bear. He swiped at Sir with his paw. Shockingly enough Sir dodged it except he did it in a blur. Penguin Yoda. He flicked his cane up at Mr. P, who was knocked into the air. Sir swiftly appeared behind him but Mr. P bicycle kicked him. Sir flew at neck break speed towards the crack Creature made. “Noooo!” Snowball burst. He shot an enormous pile of snow which broke Sir’s fall. He got up. “P…we’re evenly matched, this is pointless. Let’s settle this like civilized arctic creatures!” Sir scolded. “Fine!” growled P. They both exited the room. A few moments later P. came in with a table and two chairs. Sir returned with cards, a hat, black sunglasses and a large box. “Pokey! Deal us in…the rest of you come watch.” Said Sir. Pokey dealt each of them two cards. Mr. P opened the box and pulled out a tray with poker chips. Ten white chips, six red chips, four green chips, and three blue chips. OPTION CHOOSE
A- Sir
B- Mr. P
C- Neither
A…Sir’s two cards were king of spades and queen of hearts
B… Mr. P’s cards are a four of hearts and a five of clubs
Burn. Turn. Turn. Turn. Jack of Hearts, Ten of clubs, and Ace of diamonds. Two white chips were tossed in. Sir raised it by three greens. P. matched it. Burn. Turn. It was another ten. “Check.” They both said in unison. Everything was silent. All you could hear was heavy breathing and hearts pounding. Burn. Turn. There was a gasp. It was…an Ace of Hearts. P. dropped his cards down. “Fold.” He said glumly. “Yes! I win!” Boom! The cops charged in. It was all over for A.S.H.A.P.B.
1 ½ Weeks Later
“Well my fellow S.H.A.Pians I called you all here today because of a few announcements. One!” said Pokey. A TV turned on. It was the news. “In later news the government has said that thanks to the help of S.H.A.P we have captured over 500 villains from across the United States. So we thank you and please keep up the good work.” The screen went blank. “So that was one. Two! Another association has started. A.S.H.P.S.A.S.H.F.VL.A.F.S…AKA Anti Super Human Partners Slash Accomplices Slash Helper For Villainous-like Acts For Seals. We must and I mean must! Protect our cities. Lastly pizza on me!” there was a cheer. They all left to go to Pizza Hut. The heroes resumed their everyday lives with more caution though. The World was safe…for now…THE END
Credit to Marvel comics and DC comics for characters and villains used in this fantasy story. The following characters were.
Creepy Crawler-Spider Man
Phenomenal Bulk- Incredible Hulk
Cap’n Antarctica- Captain America
Spandex Roother- Lex Luther
Gold Guy- Iron Man
Rex Montoya For Giving Me The Crazy Awesome Idea
- by DCsCyborgSuperman |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/15/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: S.H.A.P
- Artist: DCsCyborgSuperman
- Description: It was a fantasy story i wrote for english class its funny and based off of comic book heroes hope ya like
- Date: 07/15/2008
- Tags: penguin funny shap associates comics
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