Self rating PG13 for now
Becoming of Angels
Ep. N/a
A New Year, a New Brother
The day darkened near twilight, as like my name.
My wife and I were making dinner, preparing it for the guests that were to arrive soon. We suddenly stopped when we heard the door bell ring. I thought it might be a guest that came early to help prepare.
I eagerly answered the door, but was stopped in mid greeting, “Hell-.. No,” I restrained myself from slamming the door on the man's face. "What are you doing here, Legaia?" I questioned. "Can't a brother celebrate a holiday with his family?” He said with a slight chuckle. "No, but the brother's family can,” I smirked as I moved aside for his wife and twins to enter. The twins instantly ran in and over to my kids. They were all so cute.
My brother tried to come in, but I blocked him and slammed the door on his face.
Later on, after I cleaned Legaia's blood off the door and the guest arrived, we finished dinner, and we all moved outside to watch the clock tower. All the children were sent to sleep for the night accept my son, Skyler.
Before I was able to get out, my brother suddenly grabbed my shoulder. "I have to talk to you, it's important,” he said with a whisper, a stern whisper.
We went into the garage. Before I could say any thing, my brother took his large, muscular arms and gave me a gentle hug. My body tensed, unknown to his touch. I may be an inch tall and possibly stronger, but he scared me. "I am truly sorry,” his voice deeply sincere. He let go and rested his hands firmly on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry for any time I hurt you,” he said as he moved his hands to my head forcing me to look at him. I began to tremble. "I don't want you to be afraid of me anymore," He said, trying to comfort me.
My brother, some how, he knew me to well. He took his hands away, but kept one hand keeping my chin up, forcing me to stare at him. He looked deep into to my fearful sapphire eyes with his deep violet eyes. His eyes were sharp, yet soft in the dim light of the garage. Something about the blue tone in the room seemed to soothe me. "I once had a brother,” he began,” a brother that would die for his family. He was such a good brother. I loved my brother... I wonder where here went?” his voice was slow and gentle, so soothing... oh, so soothing.
That fear drained away, and I felt secure near him now. "Do you forgive me?” he asked, still in that nice voice. My reply was,” Sure, why not." I seemed to have dazed off with the voice in my head, but then he snapped me out of it. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean,” asked with a stupid look on his face that made me giggle. {Yes, I giggled, got a problem with that} His squinted eyes and enlarged line of a mouth looked funny.
I broke the connection by lightly shutting my eyes. "Why shouldn't I? You ARE my brother, aren't you?” I said as my mouth drew into a playful smile.
He threw his arm over my shoulder, as I folded my arms and some what faced the ground. I felt odd, as of embarrassed at what happened. We then made are way out side, readying ourselves for the new year...
We sat on the sand of the beach outside my house. My brother had got a bit of beer, but it didn't seem to bother my nose like it usually did. Everyone began to count down.
It started at 30 and when down and down and down. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0... As soon as it his 0, the clock tower chimed as it struck 12.
And before I knew it, Lexi was in my lap with our lips and tongs connected. I drift off so easily.
We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes before,"Ahem," came the annoyed voice. Lexi sat up in my lap as I laid there. I looked over to where the voice came from. Legaia looked at me with an 'Oh you lucky dog' look. I just cheerfully smiled then said,” I’m losing feeling in my legs," Lexi quickly jump off,” sorry," she sweated. "Don't you mean loin," Logia tried to correct. "No..." I stare at him with an odd stare.
Lexi stared also," Ok, thanks buzz kill." "Oh, did I- Oh carry on," Legaia chuckled,” It was getting good." He was buzzed, so he was of his rocker. I stood up, brushing the sand off of me. He began to talk again,” Now all you two need is a be-,"I cut him off by sitting on his head, forcing him to eat sand. "Mit mff," he said muffled." What’s that? Can't hear you?" I mocked.
Every one was still celebrating the New Year, and Legaia went off to some bar.
I got a call later on that night. "Hello?" I answered. "Uh, yeah, hi, um, this... is... Legaia... yeah... I need you to come and drive me back... yeah..."he sounded like he had gotten really buzzed. "Ok, I'll come and get you, kay?” I said, assuring him. "Uh, yeah, ok, see ya," and then he hung up.
I drove up in front of the bar and parked across the street just in case. I don't want to be near that place. Legaia was standing outside waiting for me. I got out and called over," Hey, Legaia! I'm here, come on!"
He looked both ways down the street. Safe enough it seemed. He began to walk over.
This split second changed that safety.
A car, a drunk driver, and stupidity rammed into my brother. Everything was soundless. Soundless, until he finally touched the ground. The car sent him ten feet off, but the car kept going! It was about to run over him!
"Legaia!" I screeched with all the breath I could use.
Last I saw before I could close my eyes to blink was a flare of dark, black, lightless fire.
When I opened my eye, I found myself knelt over my brothers body and the car, turned over, totally upside down next to us. I felt his neck for a plus... nothing. I listened for a heart... nothing. I looked for his warmth... nothing, but night air.
I didn't know it, but I had already been crying. The warmth of a tear fell upon my brother’s face. I began to scream.
"Legaia!" his name rang out of my dying voice. "Brother, don't be gone! Don't be!" my breath began to fade off. I suddenly gained that breath back and screeched to the Heaven I hoped for,” LORD! PLEASE DONT TAKE HIM! DEATH, PLEASE DON'T TAKE HIM! BROTHER!"I don't know how many times I repeated those words, but as I did, I sensed Deaths peasants come towards Legaia's body.
"DEATH!"I yelled as I caged the cold body under mine.” DON’T YOU DARE TAKE HIM!"I warned.
Legaia, he lay under me... dead... Tears were still pouring from my eyes and rivered down my cheeks. His soul was slipping away. Death was taking him from me. "Please don't, please don't take him,” I pleaded.
I was silent. The presents of Death disappeared. "No, he didn't..."I whispered to myself as I held the dead body close to me.”Don't be gone, don't be,” I murmured as there were more tears.
... Don’t...
... I'm not...
...I'm not going to leave you just yet...”
I raised my head and looked at his face.
His eyes slowly began to open. My body started to become weak and I just stared at him in aw of what happened. "I'm not leaving you any time soon,” he said weakly, as he laid a cold hand to cheek. I winced at the touch of ice that glistened my warm cheek. "Please... please don't cry..." My brother asked weakly. "I'm not gone yet," he said, encouragingly.
I could finally hear everything around me. My senses came back to me. I realized that we were in the middle of the street and that people were staring at us.
I just held him up and hugged him as I buried my face in his chest. He seemed to have regained some strength, or maybe it was given to him. I don't care.
He was able to hold himself up and wrap his arms around me. I slowly began to stop my tears from there flowing and rested in his arms. The security, I felt it, as well as the warmth. "Don't worry; I'm here,” were that words he spoke.
Warmth filled my eyes. Tears swelled and finally poured out, but they weren't of sadness.
It was of happiness. He was still here, and finally, we were truly brothers, brothers that had each other.
Later on, as we sat there in the middle of the street, too weak to move, an ambulance came up since some one must have called 911. They checked Legaia. He only had a few broken ribs and a bump on his head.
I was just glad he was alive.
The next day, I couldn't help, but wake up early to check on Legaia. When I checked, he wasn't there.
He had gone out side, in the back yard to welcome the morning. I walked up behind him and rested my head on his shoulder. He wasn't surprised, he expected it, I guess.
"You know you should really be resting," I informed him. He didn't answer. Instead, he was savoring the breeze that slid around his chest, through his unbuttoned shirt.
I smirked, "We are so brothers." I stepped back and crossed my arms and then took my place standing next to him. "Why would you say that?” he finally spoke.
I got a nice big smile and said,” We could do better without shirts.” I chuckled a bit when I said it, as I accounted for me being shirtless, and also having perfect form on such a slender body.... more like scrawny... "Oh yeah," he said with a slight daze. "I think women could do better without shirts,” he dazedly chuckled. I began to laugh, but I cover my mouth with both hands and crouched down trying to stop laughing.
After a good minute or so, after my lungs seemed to have died, I stood back up and looked at him with a look that seemed to say 'pshaa.' I simply set out these words... "You pervert." I began to chuckle more. "Oh yeah? Oh yeah?" he raised his voice playfully. "You want me to show you how perverted I can be?" he said in a crackly low, dazed tone.
"Yeaaahhhh, never mind," I sweated.
We stood there, watching the sun rise. "Time for a new oath," I pronounced. "Oh yeah? And what would that be?" he asked. "Simple," I began, "Thy we be brethren, and to such truths we shall look out for each other and-" I was cut of by my brother,” And might we respect and honor each other and give comfort and counsel when needed-" I slapped my hand over his mouth. "That we always have our fallbacks ready, and that death with not cut our bond."
I released my, now slobbered on hand and whipped it off on his shirt. Then I put arm up, slanted a bit. "Promise?" it was a simple question I had asked. He lifted his arm and did the same as I did so that we made an x. "Promise," he said in that voice, that voice I loved to hear, and he knew it. "And so do I. I promise," I promised.
"Never harm, always protect, faith, tis my virtue, live by it." Words that ran through my head and through my heart. I kept it to myself, yet everyone knew it.
"Do you love me?" I asked my brother in a daze. "Yeah, sure," he said simply. "Hey, what's that suppose to mean," I asked, snapping out of the daze. "You ARE my brother, aren't you? Of Corse I love you," he still used the soft voice. I let out a soft, dazed chuckle, remembering what I said yesterday. "Yeah, I love you too." I threw an arm over his shoulders. I felt small, innocent, and child like around him.
"So, you're not going to punch me in the face when I annoy you, right?" I wanted to clear up. "Yes," he answered. "Ok, good," I began poking him, repeatedly in the head. He just twitched and restrained himself from punching the hell out of me.
Yay, purification!

- Title: Brethren once again
- Artist: Omtay
Writen in first person as my oc, Segrow.
This is part of a very big story of mine, but fail to write the whole thing.
For some background, Segrow doesn't like his brother much because when he was younger, Legaia would get mad beat the snot out of the poor kid. Segrow never stood up against him because he was afraid if he did the beast inside him rouse and kill his brother.
(c) www.omtay.deviantart.com http://omtay.deviantart.com/art/BoA-ep-N-a-Brethren-once-again-73744417 - Date: 07/16/2008
- Tags: brotherly love
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Comments (1 Comments)
- rythmguitar14 - 07/17/2008
I like the storyline and the ingrained wittiness.
Good work! - Report As Spam