(Still in the works, but it is pretty long so far)
To the outpost
"Get back here you little scoundrel!" footsteps raced across the cobblestones of an alleyway in San d'Oria as a small elvaan, breathing heavily, fled from the soldiers. I'll never return here... He thought quietly to himself. He grinned slightly as he recognized the small indentation in the wall that surrounded the city. Diving, Zakath slid shoving open the hole and crawling through, keeping a hand on a small lump under his tunic. Turning around, he slid the stone back into place and sat quietly waiting for the guards astonishment when they find that he’s nowhere in sight.
"The heck? It’s just a dead end, where do you think he got to?" One of the guards asked, obviously confused.
"It’s a dead end, let’s go the other way." A second one replied. Sighing with relief, Zakath pulled a round object, covered in cloth, out from under his tunic. Slowly removing the cloth, a small head poked out. Grinning to himself, Zakath gently rubbed its head.
"We made it Azure..." The small wyvern tilted its head slightly, confused. Smiling Zakath looked up at the area they were at. West Ronfaure, Zakath had thoroughly explored this area multiple times and knew of a safe spot where he could spend the night. It had gotten dark during his run from the soldiers. If they had caught him they would have taken him to prison, he was sure of it. "Now... Where did I put that...?” Searching in some shrubs near the place he crawled from, he found a small spear he made during his expeditions in Ronfaure. "It might not be much, but I'm sure it could fend off a rabid rarab..." Getting up, Zakath looked around, the vicinity he was in seemed clear. Hand over the bundle of wyvern under his tunic and the other carrying the makeshift spear, he dashed into the woods of Ronfaure. "I'm sure someone will let us stay in Selbina, Azure." Cutting through the woods, he suddenly stopped as the ground began to rumble. Zakath raised an eyebrow; he couldn't remember seeing something like this happen before. As the ground continued to rumble a mound began to push its way up and out of the soil, persisting to grow until it was a near two inches taller than Zakath, staying there, bobbing in the wind. Slowly walking towards the creature, poking it with his wooden spear, it quickly lurched back into the ground. Smiling to himself he looked off toward the direction of La'Theine plateau. "There’s the hill... The outpost shouldn't be much farther passed it." Zakath glanced to one side and saw some stray Orcish Scouts by a dead campfire; he looked back toward the hill and quickly dashed down it, passing beetles and sheep. Hoping beyond hope that the orcs didn't spot him. Gazing past the trees stood a small building. "There’s the spot Azure", Zakath said as they neared the outpost. They usually let me stay here; if they don't know that I have you maybe I can stay tonight. So you have to be really quiet okay?" The small reptile tilted its head, confused before working its way back into the bundle that was the boy's extra clothing.
"You there, who goes there!?" A guard yelled from his position at the outpost. Another guard appeared from out of the outpost and eyed the approaching boy.
"Ahh don't worry about him Genro, this lad be an orphan. He comes here every now and then for a place to stay the night." The second guard smiled at the boy and opened the door, leading him inside. "Don't worry about him me lad, he’s a new guy, you know how jumpy the new recruits get." The guard grinned and led Zakath to a cot at the back of the outpost. "So, what ye been up to these days boy-o?" The guard stood next to a trunk by the cot and started taking out some wool blankets and a pillow. Shrugging Zakath looked around the room, setting his makeshift polearm on the floor by the cot.
"I'm heading to Selbina... Nothing big really…" The guard laid the pillow on the cot and handed the boy the blankets.
"Selbina you say? Wouldn't that be a bit dangerous for ye boy-o?" The guard asked with a grin then frowned. "It would be a sad day for me if I were to find yer cold dead body out there." Chuckling, the guard put out the candle near the cot. "You get yerself some rest ya hear? You be having a long trip ahead of ya if ye be heading to Selbina." Nodding Zakath laid down on the cot and pulled the covers over himself, waiting till the guard was gone, Zakath pulled the bundle out from under his shirt.
"Okay Azure, we're safe now...” The little wyvern's eyes brightened at the word 'safe' and it began to nuzzle his cheek. Grinning Zakath took one of the extra blankets off of himself, set it on the floor and put the wyvern on top of it. "Okay Azure... Hide!" Zakath grinned as the wyvern burrowed into the blankets. "Good job Azure!" Zakath smiled to himself as the little wyvern stuck its head out of the blankets and made a silent 'squeak'. "Okay Azure, let’s go to sleep, as the guard said, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow...” As the wyvern buried back underneath the blankets, Zakath was already drifting off to sleep. As Dawn slowly grew closer the guard walked into the room with a yawn, glancing at the bundle of clothes on the floor he saw a tuft of blue sticking out of the top of it.
"What do ye got there hmm?" The guard asked as he slowly pried the blanket off of the small bundle, going wide-eyed when he saw the small wyvern laying underneath. Yawning, Zakath got up and looked at the guard, blinking a few times. "My my, oh dear sweet Altana, if that's not a baby wyvern then heck if I know what is." The guard said before noticing Zakath's gaze.
"What are you doing...?" Looking down at Azure, Zakath then looked back up at the guard, wide-eyed. "Please don't take me back to San d’Oria; they'll lock me up for having a wyvern. I'm sure of it..." Smiling the guard looked at him.
"Now don't ye worry yer lil head about it, I won’t rat you out, Genro though... You're just lucky he didn't find your little friend." The guard looked up at Zakath. "Well... Now I know why ye be going to Selbina boy-o. I'm guessing you heard of the ol' dragoon down there ey?" Zakath frowned for a second before nodding slowly. "Then I'm guessing you have hopes of her passing her knowledge onto you and making you her apprentice ey?"
"I guess...” Zakath said still confused.
"Well! I wish ye the best of luck!" The guard messed with Zakath hair before getting up with a grin and walking out of yelling over his shoulder. "Make sure you put everything away before you leave!" Nodding, the boy began to fold the blankets and put them and the pillow into the crate, as he was doing this he began to hear alot of shouting and noise coming from outside. As Zakath began carefully putting a once again bundled Wyvern in his tunic and picking up his spear, the guard jogged into the outpost and pointed to a small hatch in the floor. "Use that boy-o and stat! There are men from the Chateau looking for ye and by the looks of it they ain't too bright or friendly for that matter." As Zakath heard this, his eyes went wide and he dove for the hatch which the guard had opened just a split second prior. Sliding down a small, slick tunnel for what seemed like hours, after awhile a light appeared in front of him. Slowing to a stop, Zakath looked around. The area the boy and his wyvern arrived in was almost bare of trees, there were a few here and there but other that that it was full of rocky inclines leading up from the tiny indent of the earth he seemed to be in. Not too far from him the area turned into a miniature canyon and dropped what seemed to be about fifty feet. Looking around, Zakath could see sheep, bees, and... Zakath went wide-eyed, not more than twenty feet away stood a goblin ambusher, cornering a Hume lad who seemed to be around the same age as himself. Watching the Hume, Zakath raised an eyebrow as he slowly took out a boomerang from behind his back and threw it at the goblin ambusher, knocking a crossbow Zakath hadn't seen out from the goblin's hands. Seeing his opportunity, Zakath snuck up behind the goblin with his spear and lunged. At the same time, the Hume lad ran forward, catching the goblin off guard and tackled it, knocking a dagger the goblin just brought forth out of its hand. Kicking the dagger toward the Hume, Zakath went forward and placed the tip of his spear to the goblins forehead. The Hume, grabbing the dagger placed it to the goblin's throat.
"So, what’s your name?" The Hume asked from on top of the goblin, grinning.
"Its Zakath, what’s yours?" Zakath asked the Hume, with a raised eyebrow. Glancing down the goblin began to growl in a low tone, causing the Hume to backhand it.
"Veral." He replied with a toothy smirk "And don't you forget it!" He continued in a vicious voice. Zakath was for but didn't feel like arguing about it in the current situation.
"So what are we going to do with him?" Zakath asked, looking the goblin over. "I say we let it go... It’s defenseless without its weapons...” Zakath frowned slightly.
"Let it go? Are you crazy?! The damned creature tried to kill me!" Veral glared at the goblin before reluctantly getting off of it, letting the goblin go. "Be quick about it!" Veral says picking up the crossbow he knocked out of the goblin's hands earlier. Sending the bolt flying right in front of the goblin’s foot. The goblin almost getting hit turned and ran off in a panic.
"You're a good shot.." Zakath commented.
"No I'm not, I was aiming for his head" Veral replied. Zakath blinked a few times before chuckling quietly to himself. "So, Zak... Where are you off too?"
"Selbina, you headed for San d'Oria? It’s the second closest place from here." Zakath brushed himself off and glanced at Veral. Frowning, Veral muttered.
"I could have sworn this was the way to Windurst..."
The long road to Selbina
Zakath began to walk off when he heard a shout from behind him.
"Hey wait! You're going to let me go with you right?" Zakath looked at Veral who was staring at him, looking hopefully. Sighing, Zakath shrugged. Veral gave a small grin.
"If you want to come then sure, I don't mind...” Veral grinned then began to follow Zakath as he walked up a slope and out of the giant crevice they seemed to of been in just mere seconds before. Looking around Zakath blinked a few eyes before squinting in the distance. That’s the way to Valkurm... But whatever those things are. They are blocking the way... Zakath sighed and then looked at Veral. "About five giant things in the distance are in our way to Selbina...” Zakath pointed in a directed, Veral looked in the direction Zakath pointed and frowned.
"I don't see anything... You must be hallucinating...” Zakath shook his head and stared at the hulking beasts that slowly moved their way across the plateau.
"Then lets get a closer look, I know I see them...” Veral sighed and shrugged.
"If that's the way we're going we might as well stay on course then...” Zakath nodded and slowly began walking forward. Soon being able to see the objects without having to squint. That’s when he heard Veral let out a small gasp and then a curse. "Rams... A herd of mangy, smelly rams..." Veral shook his head in disgust. "Lets just go on, we can sneak around them easily." Veral looked off to the side and saw another indentation in the earth like the one they were in earlier. Pointing, nodded towards Zakath "Hey Zak, any idea if that crevice can lead us where we need to go? If so it would probably be a nice shortcut." Zakath looked in the direction Veral was pointing and frowned for a second.
"Yea, that should take us directly to the pass that we want to go to...” Veral grinned and began slowly inching his way down the slope, Zakath followed suite. Heh... You'd think that he has been here before... Zakath thought to himself before dropping to the ground below, looking around he saw Veral looking off into the distance. "Veral, I believe you found an easier way than the roundabout way I was planning." Veral frowned and looked at Zakath.
"You sure..?" Zakath nodded and walked past Veral towards a pass in the distance. He had seen this route many times on different maps, and truthfully it did look faster on the map. Walking through a small grove of trees, Zakath tilted his head slightly when he noticed a frog-like creature with mushrooms growing on the top of its own mushroom shaped head. Shrugging, Zakath didn't bother mentioning it because of Veral's lack of curiosity in the creature. As they neared the pass Veral stopped and frowned again. "Yo Zak, are you really sure this is the right way?" Veral looked around the tree filled area with a slightly disgusted look. "Doesn't look like we're getting nearer to any sand... Dunes have sand you know." Zakath shrugged, holding the wyvern under his shirt. "So, what you got there?" Veral asked with a curious look at the bundle. Zakath glanced back at Veral then continued to look ahead.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." Grinning, Veral nudged Zakath in the shoulder, causing him to nearly drop the bundle out from under his shirt.
"You won’t tell anyone about it, even when we reach Selbina will you?" Zakath asked with a slightly frightened look. Veral raised an eyebrow, and then waited a few seconds before he agreed.
"Alright, I won’t tell anyone, just let me see it alright?" By now Veral was bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Come on already, show me Zak!" Sighing Zakath pulled the bundle out from under his shirt, set it on the ground, and opened it up. From inside the bundled up clothing the little wyvern's head popped out, causing Veral to jump back a few feet and reach for the crossbow that he had taken from the goblin. "What is that thing, some sort of dragon?!" Zakath went wide-eyed as he saw Veral start to aim the crossbow at Azure. Stepping in front of the small wyvern Zakath glared at Veral.
"Put that thing away, she’s too small to hurt anyone." Zakath turned and picked up the small wyvern setting her on his shoulder. "Veral, this is Azure, Azure this is Veral." Veral blinked a few times at this before grinning slightly, putting away his crossbow.
"So... It's tame..?" Veral asked cautiously. Zakath chuckled and stroked the small wyvern's nose, nodding.
"Of course she is." Zakath said, rolling his eyes. Turning back toward the pass Zakath looked at the sky and muttered something to himself. "We should be nearing Valkurm anytime now...” Zakath continued to walk on and into the pass followed closely by Veral.
"How can you be so sure? For all we know that leads into Jugner...” Veral frowned. "Jugner is away from Selbina meaning its further away from Windurst. There is no way we're going to get there!" Rolling his eyes, Zakath continued on into the pass.
"Veral, see those plants? And how about those spots where there is no grass?" Zakath pointed at two separate spots on the ground ahead of them.
"Ahh, I see it now! You were right, this is the right way!" Veral grinned at Zakath who then sighed. "Let’s go!" Veral raced forward turning a corner in the pass and out of sight.
"Well, let’s continue Azure." Following after Veral, he grinned slightly at the sight of the new area. The grass quickly disappeared to a large expanse of sand. Hefting his wooden spear in one hand onto his left shoulder, Azure on his right, he looked up to see Veral in the distance running towards him. Nearly collapsing in front of Zakath, Veral turned and pointed in the direction he had come from.
"Big... Bug... Thing..." Breathing hard he looked back where he had come from, Veral sighed before grinning. "Guess it wasn't going to attack me, but damn! That thing was huge!” Chuckling, Zakath walked past Veral. "Hey Zak, I was going ta ask you an hour or so ago but, you got anything ta eat?"
"Yea, I was saving some stuff I scavenged from San d'Oria before I left, seems I brought enough for this trip and maybe a little more. I take it you're hungry?" Looking up, Zakath grinned as he saw Veral nodding vigorously. Setting his pack, and wyvern on the last bit of grass, Zakath stretched.
"You're making me wait on purpose aren't ya?" Veral glared at Zakath who then chuckled.
"Maybe…" Pulling his pack close to him, Zakath started rummaging through it pulling out some bread and a canteen of water. Raising an eyebrow, Zakath pulled out some items wrapped in brown paper, opening it Zakath found some salted meat and tack. "Heh, I guess the guard at the outpost put this in my bag before he sent me down that escape tunnel..." Shrugging, Zakath offered some of the salted meat to Veral who slowly took it, restraining himself from eating it all at once. Grinning, Zakath handed Veral the canteen of water. Drinking a little bit, saving some for Zakath, Veral nodded his thanks. Breaking off a chunk of bread, Zakath slowly began to eat it. "So... I believe we can reach Selbina by nightfall... I wonder if there are still patrols around here...” Shrugging Zakath took another bite of bread and drank a small bit of the water.
"Well if there are Patrols...” Veral said between bites. "We'll just have to find a way around them, I mean you and your dragon have ta be careful" Zakath looked up and grinned slightly at Veral.
"Wyvern…" Zakath began to put the food back into his bag. Taking the meat and tack that Veral restrained himself from eating, he wrapped it in the brown paper that came with it, making sure to keep some of the meat for Azure.
"Wyvern..?" Veral asked confused. "What’s a Wyvern...?" Veral asked rolling around the unfamiliar word around in his mouth.
"Azure is a Wyvern, not a dragon... Big difference…" Zakath chuckled. "Wyverns when they get bigger loose their front limbs, Dragons don't." Slinging the bag over his shoulder, Zakath picked up Azure and put her on his other shoulder handing Azure some of the salted meat that he refrained from putting into the bag.
"I see... So, Wyverns are good and Dragons are bad..?" Veral thought out loud, pondering over the subject with a frown.
"No, not all Wyverns are good, most of them are bad, and as for dragons there are a lot of bad ones, also known as Wyrms." Zakath started into Valkurm dunes with Veral close behind, pondering over this new information. Passing boulders and dune rabbits in the distance the two could see a ship on the shores of a beach, all broken up. Looking around some more Zakath pointed in a direction in which the sun was blocking. "The outpost should be over there...” Veral put a hand up to his eyes to block the sun and squinted. "And Selbina...” Zakath scanned a little to the west of the outpost and saw a group of trees before pointing at them. "If I read the map right at the Inn in San d'Oria, Selbina should be over past those trees...” Nodding Veral started walking forward. Glancing behind them, Zakath went wide-eyed, diving at Veral to move out of the way and behind a boulder. Azure flew and landed beside the two, looking at Zakath confused.
"What’s the big--" Zakath cut him off placing a hand over his mouth, causing Veral to nod. A few seconds’ later three soldiers in San d'Orian military garb riding chocobos passed them and continued toward the outpost. Waiting till they were out of sight, Zakath let out a small sigh. "Well Zak you're aware of things it seems...” Veral grinned. "Always watchful of soldiers and such…" Zakath shrugged.
"I have to be... If I'm caught they would take Azure away from me, I'm sure of it...” Smiling slightly, Zakath rubbed Azure's head and then glanced at Veral who was lost in thought.
"Let’s continue past them to Selbina while we have the chance... It's nearing dusk so it will probably be harder than normal for then to spot us." Nodding Zakath got up and looked at Azure.
"Lets make a mad dash to those trees near the entrance to Selbina; the guards can't go to Selbina since it is neutral territory between Bastok and San d'Oria." Veral took a moment to think and then nodded to Zakath. At the same moment that Zakath nodded back to Veral, the two made a mad dash running as fast as they could, Wyvern flying easily beside them. "Screw the trees, get in Selbina's Gates!!" Zakath yelled after glancing behind him to see the soldiers spot the two, leap onto their chocobos and rush after them. Nodding to Zakath, Veral ran harder toward the gates quickly passing a fast tiring Zakath as the guards closed in. Pushing himself onwards as fast as he could, he remembered what the San d'Orians would do to him if they caught him, with that thought Zakath gained a burst of speed and quickly caught up to Veral and ran through the gates of Selbina, as they entered they quickly turned a corner and entered the nearest house, not forgetting to let Azure in the slammed the door behind them and placed their ears to the door, trying to silent their breathing. As they heard the guards curse and exit Selbina, the two turned, leaned against the door and slid down to the ground. Sighing Zakath looked at Azure who had her head tilted curiously at something. Glancing up, Zakath saw a larger wyvern on a table looking down at them. A few moments later a tall female Elvaan entered the room and looked Zakath and Veral over. Nudging Veral, Veral glared at Zakath for a moment.
"What? We just ditched those soldiers whose only reason they were after me too was because I was with you and your Wyvern, let me catch my breath man..." Sighing Veral felt eyes on him and looked up at the Dragoon staring at them. "Oh...” Veral gulped, got up and dusted himself off and extended a hand. "Hello there, my name is Veral...” Pointing at Zakath, Veral continued "And this is Zakath, I call him Zak." Veral then nodded to Azure. "That’s Zakath's Wyvern, Azure. Sorry for barging into you're house we kind of were in a predicament." Rolling his eyes, Zakath got to his feet and brushed himself off.
The Dragoon
The female Dragoon looked between the two boys. "So... What are your stories hmm?" She looked at her wyvern and gave a small chuckle. Looking up at her, Zakath raised an eyebrow.
Did she just speak with her wyvern..? Zakath wasn't sure, sighing he spoke up. "I'm wanted in San d'Oria for having a Wyvern... So I decided to run here... I learned at an outpost that there was a retired Dragoon that lived around here so I was hoping if I came here I would be able to learn a thing or two." Zakath bit his lower lip and looked at Veral who was nodding approvingly at his reason.
"I found Zakath here on my way to Windurst, seems I took a wrong turn and was heading to San d'Oria instead...” Veral shrugged. The Dragoon looked Zakath and Veral over again.
"So... Do you still plan to go to Windurst, Veral?" Veral looked up at the mention of his name and nodded.
"Of course I do!" Zakath rolled his eyes, sighing he then noticed the Dragoon's eyes looking at him intently, lost in thought.
"I thought you might want to Veral... Now you Zakath... You sure you want to learn the ways of the Dragoon..? It can be a trying quest that many fail to fully achieve." Zakath looked at Azure, who looked back at him with her head tilted. Zakath returned his gaze to the Dragoon and nodded with new-found resolve.
"Yes, I do.." The Dragoon smiled slightly at Zakath before breaking into a mischievous grin.
"Okay, before I can take you in as my pupil, I think a test is in order...” Zakath bit his lower lip and then nodded. "Good I see you understand...” the Dragoon turned her gaze to Veral. "As for you, you can stay for now if I deem Zakath worth training." Zakath turned to Veral.
"Don't worry, I don't lose...” Zakath grinned at Veral reassuringly. Truthfully, Zakath had never lost at anything he had ever tried. Veral nodded to Zakath then looked at the Dragoon. "So, what’s the test..?"
"Its simple you just have to be able to jump up onto this table without having to climb up onto it." Zakath frowned slightly, tilting his head to the side eyeing the table.
"Okay, seems simple enough...” The table wasn't too high up off the ground, just a little bit above Zakath's waist to be exact. I can do this... He thought to himself. Glaring strongly at the table, Zakath began to place pressure on his right foot while slowly raising his left. Veral noticed this strange stance and was about to say something when he saw the Dragoon glare at him slightly. After Zakath's left foot was a good six inches higher than his right, he slammed it down onto the ground, disappearing for a split second to reappear on top of the table. Zakath shook his head then looked up at the Dragoon and Veral. Wide-eyed Veral stood with a stupid grin plastered to his face. With a small smile the Dragoon nodded.
"Zakath, I'm proud to say this when I say that you are a natural." Zakath nodded and turned to Veral who was still wide-eyed. The Dragoon then stared Zakath down for a brief second before muttering making sure only Zakath could hear. "Zakath I can't stress this enough... Are you sure you understand that this training will not be easy..?" Zakath nodded, slightly confused about the dragoon's worry over him.
"Miss... As you just heard me telling Veral... I don't lose. No matter how tough this training will get, I will not stop until I fully become that which is a Dragoon.. And the best one at that...” The dragoon eyed Zakath curiously before nodding to herself.
"Then I suggest you both get a good nights rest, the training will be long and tedious... You can take that room on the other side of the house." The Dragoon pointed to a rarely used door. "There’s a bed in there and a chest to keep your things, there is also an oil lamp by the door. By the way, my name is Priere Cullotte and I will be your teacher for the time being." Priere glanced over at Veral "As for you, I hope you two don't mind sharing a bed there being only one that is in there." Zakath glanced over to Veral, sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Azure and I will take the floor; you can have the bed...” Without Zakath's notice, Priere raised an eyebrow and nodded to herself. Walking into the room, Zakath set his bag on the floor next to a far wall in the room. "Veral, when do you plan to begin your journey to Windurst..?" Veral shrugged, sat on the bed and bounced a few times.
"Don't quite know yet, I might stick it out here for a bit till you begin your training." Zakath sighed and shook his head, glancing at Azure.
"You do know Veral, that I might be starting tomorrow...” Veral frowned and looked over at Zakath before taking off his pack and began rummaging through it. Taking out a Bronze Cap, Veral fit it onto his head, before adjusting it. "Hey Zak, you think that Dragoon, what’s her name uh...."
"...Priere...” Zakath finished for Veral who then nodded his thanks.
"Yeah, her, you think that since Dragoons I hear are also good with swords. And um, since you'll be doing whatever you do. Well, you think that she might help me train a bit also..?" Zakath raised an eyebrow before shrugging.
"Wouldn't hurt to ask I guess...” Veral nodded back to Zakath before hopping onto the bed, getting comfortable. Zakath headed for the door of the room and turned the handle to head out.
"Well! I'm going to turn in for tonight... Since you're going out it seems and are closer to the lamp can you turn it down a bit?" Nodding, Zakath turned down the flame a bit to a low dim and headed out the door, with Azure at his heels. "Thanks!" Veral let out a quiet yell after Zakath.
Sighing, Zakath headed out of the house and looked around through the warm night. "We finally made it, Azure... Selbina...” Azure let out a small squeak and nuzzled Zakath's leg. Picking up the small wyvern, he set her on his shoulder. "I guess everything starts tomorrow huh...” Azure nodded slightly before nuzzling Zakath's cheek. Walking through the streets of Selbina, Zakath heard a shout and turned around to see two hume soldiers walking quickly towards him. Beginning to back up slowly, the soldiers stopped.
"Wait... Don't get too hasty and dash away now Zakath...” Zakath raised an eyebrow, stopping.
"How do you know my name..?" The soldiers looked between each other. The soldiers looked between each other and muttered something before looking at Zakath. One of the soldiers then spoke up.
"You know, the San d'Orian knights are combing Ronfaure, La Theine Plateau, a Valkurm dunes looking for you. But you might have the wrong idea about them...” The other soldier nodded before scratching the back of his neck.
"They never wanted to imprison you... They take in all young lads that have had in the past who have had the luck of finding a wyvern egg, to be trained by professionals." I see you've met Priere though, so I take it you don't plan to return to San d'Oria." Zakath nodded.
"I don't plan on returning anytime soon... I'll train under Priere as long as it takes. You two don't plan on taking me back do you...?" Zakath glared slightly at the two soldiers, one of which shook his head.
"We have no authority here really to do anything. As you probably know, Selbina is neutral. We are not here on business so we were allowed entrance." Nodding to the two, Zakath turned to continue on. "Uh, before you go though.." Zakath glanced over his shoulder. "If the San d'Orian guards do get permission to enter here which is quite possible, don't think that they wont try to take you away from here." Rolling his eyes Zakath turned at the end of the street and continued his exploration of Selbina. As Zakath walked through the streets of Selbina he noticed a boat slowly pull up to a dock. "Hmm... I wonder where that goes...” As Zakath got closer to the dock he saw a sign reading, "Mhaura Ferry, 100 Gil". As Zakath stood, he began to listen intently to what was going on around him, catching pieces of phrases sentences which seemed focused on himself and Azure. Trying to concentrate harder on the sounds, Zakath heard a clatter of mail plate armour as it barreled towards him. One word went through his mind, Soldiers, three of them. As the first one reached out to grab onto him, Zakath slammed a foot onto the ground, disappearing to reappear behind the guard. Giving a swift kick to the back of the guard’s knee, the guard toppled forward, surprised at what just happened. Before the other two guards could get to Zakath, he kicked into the ground again and landed on a rooftop behind him with a soft thud. The guards, hearing the sound on the roof gave a surprised shout and dashed toward the stairs leading to the top. Running to the edge of the roof, Zakath who was then breathing hard looked at the roof across from the one he was on. On the other roof was Priere with her arms crossed, watching Zakath curiously. Not noticing Priere, Zakath slammed his foot into the ground, disappearing from the roof he was on to land inches away from Priere.
"And here I thought we weren't going to begin training till tomorrow...” Priere grinned at a shocked Zakath who was looking over his shoulder at the guards who were now just getting to the top of the roof he was just on. "Who are your friends?"
"They aren't my friends; they want to take me back to San d'Oria." Priere frowned and looked intently at the guards before yelling at them.
"I won’t let you take this boy. He has become my pupil and there is nothing the San d'Orian military can do about it while he is here in Selbina under my supervision." Cursing, one of the guards shouted back.
"He is a San d'Orian who should be brought up in our ways of the Dragoon, and not by someone who has no belief in Altana." Ignoring the guards who were now leaving, Priere turned to Zakath.
"Those were some interesting leaps you pulled off there, one would think that you have been doing them all your life...” Zakath raised an eyebrow, still breathing heavily.
"I have... Well... Mostly..." Going wide-eyed, Zakath looked around for Azure. Spotting her circling the spot where he was standing now, he sighed in relief. Glancing back, Zakath saw the guards leaving Selbina.
"Okay Zakath, lets get you back to the house." Priere put her hand on Zakath's shoulder and guided him down the stairs from the roof of the building and into the house that they were on a minute before. Priere led Zakath into the room where Veral was fast asleep on the bed, leaning down, Priere then whispered into Zakath's ear. "You're going to do great things someday... Now get some rest, we'll start training tomorrow.." Zakath nodded and went over to his palette on the floor and lay down, lost in thought.
"So this is what it feels like to have a home..." Smiling to himself, Zakath curled up around Azure who rested beside him. Peeking through the crack in the door, Priere smiled slightly. She finally had a pupil worth training.
An unknown connection of Mind and Heart.
Priere opened the window in the room Zakath and Veral were sleeping in. "Rise and shine, small fries! Today is the beginning of a long process!" Zakath rubbed his eyes, slowly recounting the previous night. Veral stood up, on the bed, stretching.
"Whats the big deal, the sun is just starting to come up, give me a few more hours!" Veral whined as he glared at Priere. Rolling his eyes, Zakath stood up and stretched, beginning to put away his pallet.
"Quit complaining Veral, only Zakath needs to be ready to go, you stay in bed a bit longer and start cleaning the house in an hour or so. If you can't tell, this room is pretty dusty." Priere grinned as she said this, causing Veral to go wide-eyed and jumping out of bed just to fall face first on the floor. Chuckling, Priere left the room to let Zakath and Veral get ready for the day.
"And here I thought that Dragoon Lady was friendly... Threatening me with housework, oh the nerve..." Veral muttered as he began to get dressed. Shaking his head, Zakath also began to get dressed.
"At least she has a sense of humor, that's always good." Zakath grinned over at Veral who just glared back at him. Getting finished first, Zakath left the room and looked around to find the front door open. Whistling, Azure flew out of the room and onto his shoulder. "Good morning sleepy head." Zakath said to Azure as he scratched her between the ears, causing her to thrum happily. Noticing Priere outside near a few posts that looked to of been stationed there just recently, he walked on over to her. Noticing Zakath, Priere grinned slightly.
"Ready for day one Zakath..?" She asked cheerfully. Raising an eyebrow, he nodded slightly. Noticing this acknowledgement, Priere put her hands on her hips, grinning still at Zakath. "Before we begin your training, there is one important thing you need to learn to do." Priere nodded to Azure. "You have to learn to speak to your wyvern through your heart." At this, Zakath raised an eyebrow.
"Speak through my... Heart..?" Zakath looked at Azure who tilted her head, confused. Looking back at Priere, Zakath raised an eyebrow. "How will I manage that..?" Priere smiled softly at Zakath.
"No worries, thats what I'm here for." Looking around, Priere frowned. "I guess I must of forgot it... Wait right here Zakath." Running back into the house, Zakath frowned still confused. A few moments later, Priere ran back out of the house holding what looked to be a light blue metallic disc. "Okay, heres how it all works." Priere then placed the disc on the ground and knelt beside it, motioning for Zakath to come over also. "Azure will sit on this, and you will place your hands on this." Priere pointed to a place on the disc that jutted out more than the rest. "Once you do that, you just close your eyes and think about Azure." Priere watched Zakath as he began to concentrate, calmly slowing his breathing to match that of Azure's. I remember when it wasn't this easy to fully connect one's self to their wyvern... I just hope they can cope with the pain that comes from this... After a moment, Zakath began to feel waves of energy that seemed to come from Azure. The pressure between him and Azure kept building up as he felt energy from himself being sent back towards the small wyvern.
A quiet ringing slowly filled his ears as Zakath continued to connect to Azure. "Hold in there Zakath, here comes the fun part." Priere muttered mainly to herself, biting her lower lip as she watched Zakath start to shake from where he was sitting. About at that moment, Veral walked out the door and stared at Zakath. About to say something, Veral got a quick glare from Priere and quickly shut up. Sparks began to fly up and around Zakath and Azure as a clear turquoise barrier became visible between the boy and his wyvern. The barrier seemed to be pulled and prodded from all directions at once before suddenly a fist-sized hole appeared in it, causing Zakath to scream out in pain. Azure on the other hand seemed unaffected by this. The hole continued to get bigger and bigger and Zakath continued to shake worse and worse. Priere bit her lower lip, This is going to work, it has to work...
A loud clap could be heard and the barrier fully shattered, a few moments later Zakath fell onto the ground unconscious. Azure looked at Zakath with understanding in her eyes, before looking up at Priere who then nodded to Azure. Standing up, Priere then picked Zakath up and took him inside and laid him on the bed in the spare room. Azure then landed beside Zakath's hand and began to nuzzle it. Turning and leaving the room, Priere whispered to Veral who had followed her inside of the house. "When do you plan to leave..?" Veral then looked up at Priere and then looked at his feet.
"After I can scrounge up enough gil to get a boat to Mhaura." Looking at him for a moment, Priere left and went into her room and grabbed a small pouch of coins that were sitting on her dresser. She then came back and handed them to Veral, who went wide-eyed when he saw the coin purse. "But I can't accept thi..." Priere placed a finger on Veral's mouth.
"You will accept it, this should take you all the way to Jeuno if you wanted to use it for that..." Nodding with a frown, Veral began to head to the spare room for his bags when Priere stopped him. "I'll get them..." Priere then headed into the room, causing Azure to look at her with her head tilted slightly. "Just getting Veral's stuff... Don't worry little one..." Picking up Veral's bag and crossbow she then left the room and gave them to him. "Do you want to stay until Zakath wakes up..? Or would you like me to tell him you left.." Veral looked around before shrugging.
"I'm not the sentimental type... I'll leave now and you can deal with the annoying stuff..." Priere nodded to Veral and turned around, bending down and dislodging a board from the floor, pulling out a dusty box that was the size of a large book. Veral looked at it curiously as Priere blew the dust off of it and handed it to him.
"This should help you, don't open it though until you're on the ship..." Nodding, Veral placed the box into the back before hefting it onto his shoulder and walked out of the house. Watching him go, Priere then turned to her Wyvern who was watching her intently. "Don't give me that, he would of gotten in the way of Zakath's Training." Shaking his head, the wyvern flew into Priere's room and rested up in the rafters on his perch. Glancing in on Zakath, Priere saw that both him and Azure were fast asleep before leaving. He should wake up in an hour or two, enough time for me to go and buy a better weapon than that stick he calls a spear...
- by DragoonKyllier |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/20/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Final Fantasy Fanfic Biography
- Artist: DragoonKyllier
- Description: This is a Biography of my Final Fantasy 11 Roleplay Character Zakath Kal, yes again it is a fanfic. It should be longer but at the moment I am at a writer's block. Final Fantasy and all relation to it belongs to Square Enix. The name Zakath Kal belongs to the awesome writer David Eddings. The name Priere belongs to Nippon Ichi Software.
- Date: 07/20/2008
- Tags: finalfantasypriere zakath dragoon wyvern
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Bart0nBoy - 04/09/2009
- The dialog is melded with the narrations. You should separate them. Put dialog on separate lines than the narration. And make good use of the TAB button
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- TheLoveCompound - 02/22/2009
- I like cinnamon buns....... :p they're much better than long stories....
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