• There was a cry in the night, a new baby was born. But that cry wasn't an actual child crying it was more of a singing voice... It was when Goddess Ashlen was born. The mother was a mortal and died after giving birth. Years flown by and soon enough Goddess Ashlen was sixteen. Her father couldn't believe how fast those years went by. One day she found a human that she loved... This is what happened.

    When I was just a Goddess in the God world, I didn't want much. I all I wanted was to be happy, as my father wanted. But how could I be happy when I wasn't doing anything? I mean yes I could pop in and out of Anime's if I wanted, but it gets boring once in a while. I wanted to know what the human world was like.. My father had an orb that would let me see down at the small earth, watching the humans. It was a gift to me when I became fifteen. When I was sixteen, I was looking down at Earth... That's when I spotted him.. The love of my life. I pleaded and pleaded my father to make him a God or make me a human.. But there was a slight problem...

    The problem was that if the human came up he would have to be killed inorder to live in the land of the Gods. Or, I could be reborn, a different name, a different life style.

    "I'll give you time my daughter Ashlen to let you think about the choice." My father said and sent me off to my room, not as a punishment. He knew I could get some kind of thinking done there. So now.. What to do? I didn't want to be reborn only because by time I found him, he most likely would be old and icky. So there was only one choice, to make him die.

    "Very well then.. You must decide on how to kill him." My father said, looking down at me. "Once he dies, he will show up here my daughter. Then you may live happily with him." I bit my lip and picked a violent storm. I hoped that this mortal didn't have a wife or girlfriend. I would've felt terrible taking him away from them.

    I was sent back to my room and had to wait. I circled my room at least a thousand times before my father's voice boomed the palace. I began to walk down the hall way and then began to ran. When I got there, there he was... He turned and smiled. "Ashlen?" He asked. I was curious on how he knew my name... Then again, as the religen went, every one knew I was born. I nodded as tears went down my cheek and ran up to him and hugged him. That's when my life changed for the better good.

    Years Later...
    Ashlen had a son named Zero and a daughter named Star. The mortal died shortly after Ashlen did.