Rebecca Smolkin was walking down Fountain Avenue with her two best friends Sara and Veronica. Sara was 18 years old, Veronica had 16 years of age, and Rebecca was 17 years old. It was occurring to Rebecca that that day was going to be very unusual. Most days hanging out with Veronica ended up with them getting into a fight. Rebecca knew something was up…
“Veronica, is there something wrong? You’ve been unusually quiet today...” Rebecca remarked.
“No… why do you say that?”
“Well” Rebecca said. “It’s just that usually when we hang out we’re always fighting… so I just thought something was wrong…”
“Rebecca… don’t pester Veronica, her mom’s giving her a hard time, ok?” Sara replied harshly.
“Oh… Sorry Veronica.”
They walked down Fountain until they reached Hyperion and they turned right. As they were walking Rebecca’s cell rang.
“Yes, this is her; may I ask whose calling?”
James was Rebecca’s crush. They had met in 7th grade. Currently they were in 11th grade. James was about 5”8, fair-skinned, was awfully handsome, and had a nice, friendly smile. He also had a remarkable talent in making Rebecca laugh, which was one of the reasons why she liked him.
“How’d you get this number?”
“Oh! So what do you want?”
“Oh gosh…no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I didn’t mean to be rude… It’s just that I’m kind of busy, Sara and Veronica seem to be getting impatient…”
“Yeah, they’re here, do you want to say hi?”
“Oh, ok... I’ll tell them… bye.”
“What? Um…sure, I’ll be there in 20 minutes.”
She then hung up.
“Hey you guys, I gotta go… For some reason James wants to meet me at the Town and Country Café on Sunset. I’m really sorry… But I have go…”
And with that Rebecca left.
Rebecca arrived at the Town and Country café 10 minutes before she expected to arrive there. As she was ordering a glass of water, James ran into the café stumbling on his own feet. He spotted her at the table and skipped towards it. As he sat down, the waiter arrived with Rebecca’s glass of water.
“Hey!” James yelled. “Can I have one of those, but in a big glass with lots of ice? Thanks…”
“Hi, Rebecca. How are you?”
Looking at him suspiciously, she said, “Good, why did you call me here?”
“Well, I have to talk to you. It’s about me and Rachael…”
Rachael was one of Rebecca’s friends, and happened to be James' secret girlfriend. They were secretly going out because when they were going out publicly, they were constantly made fun of and such. Rebecca suddenly got nervous, because Sara had told Rebecca without the consent of Rachael and James.
“Wh-What about y-you two?” Rebecca stammered.
“Well, it’s not only about that, it’s mostly about the relationship between you and me.” James replied confidently.
Rebecca was confused.
James took a deep breath. “Rebecca, I-I’m in love with you…”
Rebecca’s heart stopped. She’d been dreaming of this moment for months.
“You-You’re what?”
“Damn it… I knew I shouldn’t have told you anything. I’m SO stupid….”
“No.... you are not… James, I’m in love with you too.”
And with that, Rebecca woke up…
Chapter 1
“Man… that was a crazy dream…”
It was Saturday, June 28th, 2008. It was the first Saturday that Rebecca had of summer vacation. Ah, finally! The first weekend of vacation. UGH! It’s going to be a sunny day, and it’ll probably be blazing out there… Hopefully my dad will be willing to have the AC on the whole day.” She arose out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. On her way, she noticed that her dad had fallen asleep on the sofa. As Rebecca closed the bathroom door, she heard Flint, her cat, scratching on the door. She quickly opened it and picked up her cat.
“What’s wrong kitty?”
“He he, stupid cat…”
She put him down and looked at herself in the mirror. Rebecca was 12 years old and was 5”2. She wasn’t beautiful, but she sure wasn’t ugly. She was of Canadian blood, but was born in the U.S. Unlike other people who were born in the U.S but from some other place, she was proud of her motherland. She really didn’t have any distinguishing features on her face except for two oddly placed birthmarks placed on her left cheek. Rebecca recalled her dream. It seemed so real. Like as if it really happened. If that really happened she would die. She liked James SO much. Her friends were beginning to think that Rebecca was obsessed. She was infamous between her friends for holding onto crushed for long periods of time, even though the boy would never like her back
Rebecca quickly got ready, and went outside to the living room. Rebecca lived in a two-bedroom apartment in Indigo Tree, Pennsylvania. It was a nice apartment, very upscale. Her dad, Mark, was a graphic designer, and he earned great amounts of money. She woke up her dad.
“DAD! Wake up… you fell asleep on the couch.”
“HUH? Oh, hello. Good Morning.”
He got up and settled into a sitting position.
“How’d you sleep?” Mark asked
“Good, except Flint woke me up… I was sleeping pretty well.” She smirked at her dream.
“You want some breakfast? I need some coffee…” Mark grumbled.
“Yeah, what time did you end up going to bed? I remember I went to bed around 2.”
“Dang… I’m not sure, maybe around 3:30, I was tired, but I wasn’t sleepy. So I just flipped through the channels. I found some re-runs of the Twilight Zone. They were showing the cornfield boy episode… MAN I hate this little boy. If I was one of those villagers, I would’ve gone up to his home, and while he was sleeping I would grab a crowbar and-“
“DAD! I get it… You’ve told me and others this a million times.”
“Sorry. It’s just that he’s SOOOOOOOOO annoying.”
Rebecca’s dad was different than other dads. He was cool. Nerdy. Plus Rebecca was also different than other kids her age. She was a nerd. She didn’t listen to rap and all that crap. She liked 80’s music, classic rock, soft rock and music of the like. She also didn’t care about her looks that much. Many people at her school made fun of her and the way she acted. The fact that she was heavier than the other girls didn’t help either.
As her dad made breakfast, she began to plan what she was going to do. Maybe she’d call Ginnami and see if they could hang out, if not, it was going to be a boring day. Once breakfast was done, Rebecca quickly ate, washed her dish and went go call Ginnami.
Ginnami was a Japanese girl who had moved the Indigo Tree a few years ago. Ever since she moved to IT, Rebecca had been friends with her. Rebecca considered Ginnami almost like a sister.
While Rebecca was calling Ginnami, a thought hit her like a slippery fish. Why was Ginnami even here in the states? Every time she would confront her about it, she would always act stealthy and avoids the question. Plus. Why is she even good friends with me? I mean, she freaking 18 years old!! I don’t understand it… Today, if, and when I go, I’m going to confront her about it.
“Hello?” Ginnami asked.
“Oh, hey!! It’s Rebecca. How are you?”
“I’m good. Bored. Do you want to come over?” Ginnami asked hopefully.
“HA. I was just about to ask you the same thing, sure. I’ll be right over. Should I bring anything?”
“Hmmmm. Some root beer sounds good. Can you bring some on your way here?”
“Yeah sure! I’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Bye!”
Rebecca got to Ginnami’s dorm room about 30 minutes later. Apparently it took a lot longer than she expected it to be. There was some sidewalk repair a few blocks away from the dorm, so Rebecca had to backtrack around the corner, where she found this little store, where Root Beer was a lot cheaper than at a Vons or Ralph’s. As Rebecca arrived at the building, she noticed that the gate was open. It was unusual for the front gate to be open, especially since there had been a few brutal murders in the neighborhood. The building had at least 24 young women, and Rebecca doubted that the university wanted to be sued for a mechanical failure that could cause death.
Rebecca took out her pepper spray and proceeded up the stairs and down the long hallway to Ginnami’s dorm. As she turned the corner, she immediately went back around. There were two animals fighting out in the hallway. To Rebecca they looked human. That’s impossible. How can they be human? They looked awfully like the vampires you see in Dracula or something… I’m stupid. There’s no such thing as vampires, or supernatural entities at that. Rebecca was scared out of her mind. She had to call someone. I know! The police! Maybe they’ll bring animal control or something. Rebecca quickly took out her cell phone and called 911. As she was dialing “911”, Rebecca saw something rush past her. As she saw it, she felt a sharp blow to the head. All she saw was a horrifying face, as she fell to the ground, feeling the root beer slip out of her hand and spray all over the clean, blue carpet.
Chapter 2
Rebecca awoke inside of Ginnami’s dorm room. She noticed some weird herbs around her head. It seemed like it was some sort of ancient Japanese method of healing. It was definitely working, because by the second, the pain was going away, and the bruise felt like it was evaporating.
“Ah, finally you’re awake. I was beginning to get worried.” Ginnami remarked.
“OW! What happened to me?” Rebecca replied wearily, holding her head in pain.
“Well, I was walking down the hallway to go check my mail and I found you on the floor. It seemed like you had been attacked. So, I sort of carried and dragged you back to my room and I applied those herbs to you. They are a traditional Japanese healing ritual. You are going to have to lie there for another hour or so. You’ve been out for about 3 hours…”
“He he, there’s no need to worry. I already called you’re dad. I told him that you’re staying over for the night. He was quite fine with it. He seemed glad.”
Rebecca attempted to remove the headband of herbs… As she removed them, it felt like as if they were held in place by two skinny objects. What the hell? Are there needles in it??
“Really, Rebecca, you have to calm down. The needles allow the aroma of the herbs into your head, which allows it to heal faster. Just stay still while I take off the headband. It should be about time for it to have healed.” Ginnami advised in a doctorly tone.
As Ginnami was removing the headband of herbs, Rebecca began to worry about what she had seen earlier that evening. It seemed like two human animals attacking each other. One of them looked awfully like Ginnami now that she thought of it.
“Hey Ginnami?” Rebecca asked. “Did you happen to see an attack in the hallway around the time that you found me unconscious outside your door? I remember that before I was knocked out, two, almost human, animal figures were fighting each other. It kind of reminded me of one of the vampire fights; Like in The Lost Boys.”
“Nope. Didn’t see anything. Are you sure that it wasn’t something else? Shadows maybe?” She questioned.
“No, I’m positive that I saw someone or something fighting…”
“Well, I can file a report with the police if you want. Then we can find out what was in my hallway… ok?”
“Alright….” Rebecca replied warily. As she said this, Rebecca felt tired all of a sudden. All she remembers before falling asleep was Ginnami having this sort of worried face, almost as if she knew what was outside of her door…
Rebecca woke up the next morning on Ginnami’s sofa. She had a horrible headache. I wonder if it’s from the hit I got last night. I wonder what even hit me… maybe one of those monsters. I should get ready soon. With that thought, Rebecca got up and walked over to the bathroom. As she entered the bathroom, she noticed a piece of paper on top of the toilet. Rebecca went to go examine it.
It read:
I've been exiled, persecuted
Left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did
I get a little tense
Now the past I've tried forgetting
And my foes I could forgive
Trouble is, I knows it's petty
But I hate to let them live
Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me
The melody of angry growls
A counterpoint of painful howls
A symphony of death, oh my!
That's my lullaby.
“What the hell is this? A joke?” Rebecca said in a surprised yet terrified voice. She stood there in a numb haze. As she was examining the handwriting, she realized it looked a lot like Ginnami’s handwriting. I wonder if it’s hers. If it is, she’s going to have to explain to me why she’s talking about bloody battles and howls. To think of it, there were howls when I was walking into her building. Hmmm, I should go and confront her. But what the hell is she doing, writing about serial killer-like thoughts? OH MY GOD! What if she’s the infamous serial killer that’s been plaguing Indigo Tree? I should approach her cautiously when I confront her, and I should be ready to get the hell outta dodge if she does anything suspicious. Rebecca suddenly got really afraid, but she couldn’t resist the thoughts of her best friend being a killer. She had to go and get the truth.
Rebecca quickly got ready and practically ran to Ginnami’s room.
“What the hell is this?” Rebecca questioned, holding up the paper.
“What’s what?” Ginnami answered as she walked towards Rebecca to grab the paper.
Rebecca quickly backed up as Ginnami approached her. She was afraid.
“What’s wrong with you? You seem afraid. Are you ok?” Ginnami said worriedly.
“You want to know what’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I found your Journal entry, describing bloody battles and death!” Rebecca yelled.
“Oh… Crap. Well, this is awkward. Um, Rebecca, I have to tell you something. I need to know that you will keep the secret I’m about to tell you A SECRET. I am-“
The door leading into Ginnami’s dorm room blew open, and a big, menacing creature stood in the doorway.
]Chapter 3
“I want Rebecca Smolkin NOW!” The creature ordered.
Rebecca was terrified. Why does the beast want me? Rebecca began to sit up, but Ginnami held her down.
“Don’t go. I’ll deal with this b*****d.” Ginnami whispered with a grin.
“What!? You’ll get killed!! I’ll go…” Rebecca whispered sadly.
“The hell you are! Just wait here. I guess I’ll show you what I was going to tell you.” Ginnami said in a harsh, yet friendly tone.
“I’m waiting…” The creature said in a growl.
He stepped out into the light. It was no creature at all. It was a man, but with inhuman characteristics. He was a Japanese man, and had probably just come into town. He was wearing a black kimono and Tatami sandals, which are wooden sandals made out of straw. The inhuman characteristics included: fangs instead of teeth, pale skin, red eyes, and a stench of death. Rebecca was shocked. Vampires aren’t real. They are just folklore. How can they be real? Oh my god! He wants to kill me! There’s no way that Ginnami can save me. As Rebecca thought this, something crazy happened.
Ginnami had transformed into a vampire herself. But she wasn’t the same as the other one. She had teeth, but she had vampire fangs where her canines should’ve been, slightly pale skin, and she didn’t have the stench of death. It was an aroma of sadness. Rebecca was dumfounded. My friend, no, my best friend, A VAMPIRE! Rebecca heard a deep growl come from Ginnami.
“Bowie Nakamura! What the hell are you doing here? No… That doesn’t matter. Bowie Nakamura, you’re under arrest.” Ginnami ordered.
“HA! Do you really think that you can arrest me, let alone save you’re little human friend?” Bowie scoffed. “By the expression on her face, I take it that you haven’t told her you’re true reason for being here I America? As soon as I kill you, it won’t matter, because she’s also going to die.”
“What? You’re here for her? I thought you were just running away from the Japanese government. Oh! Now you’ve made it personal Bowie. I will make sure that you’re locked up in the most protected Jail in the world. You won’t be escaping again, you evil little b*****d!”
As Ginnami said that she charged at Bowie. Ginnami began to attack Bowie, throwing punches and kicks toward his direction. Somehow, Bowie was able to dodge every single attack. At that moment, Ginnami transformed even more. She began to look like a traditional vampire: Pale, scary, and fangs instead of teeth. But as she transformed, her strength, and other powers evolved. She got even faster than Bowie, punching him everywhere and as fast as she could. She was too fast for him to handle. He fell, and tripped.
There was no where for him to go. He was trapped. It seemed like as if he was finally going to be taken back to Japan. As Rebecca thought this, something horrible happened. Bowie conjured up a power that Rebecca would’ve never dreamed of. He transformed his body into energy and attacked Ginnami with all of his might. As this happened, Ginnami lost consciousness. Bowie rematerialized, but as a human.
“Well, well, it looks like there’s nowhere for you to hide now, you little human. You’re little friend, she was a Japanese agent, sent to find me and take me back to Japan. She didn’t tell you that did she? I bet she didn’t tell you that she was a vampire either. But, it doesn’t matter now, since you’re going to die in the next 5 minutes.
“I can smell you, ya know? I can tell. You are going to be a delicious meal. Too bad Ginnami isn’t here to enjoy this.”
As Bowie approached Rebecca, an enormous force pushed him into the wall.
“You won’t be touching her anytime soon, Vampire!” The voice boomed.
With that, the unknown force sent Bowie flying across the planet, to an unknown location.
- by Starbuck123 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/31/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: The Darkness of the Summer..
- Artist: Starbuck123
- Description: Rebecca Smolkin, is about to step into a world of darkness that she didn't bargain for.
- Date: 07/31/2008
- Tags: vampiresfictionsuspense
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- Ethomara - 01/16/2009
- Oh I love this!! I love a good vampire story. Are you going to write more??
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- minimouse12345 - 07/31/2008
- why did the name change from James to Jacob in the middle of the story? Confused....
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