• Narrator: The year was 2052 and the world had become a cloud of pollution. Oil levels were running unimaginably low and trash was piling as high as Mount Everest. The sea was no longer that beautiful green and blue but became a mucky brown color. Wildlife was dying at a rapid rate. There were no rain forests left for the environmentalists had completely given up. Pollution levels were now rarely being monitored and because of the lack of, asthma levels were at a groundbreaking high. There were more and more cars out on the road and less and less wildlife. People were to busy going from work to home to wherever to notice the damaging effects that they had on the environment. The fact is, the world was dying. The world had had enough and in the end, it wiped out almost all of the population of the world with the exception of a select few. I am one of those select few left and a lot has changed since that day. The environment has come back to a state of consistent life and we, the current population, are living with the world in unity. However, it was that day in the year 2052 that changed everything. Let us return to that day for an instant...

    Stacy Gilmore: Welcome to the 8 o’clock news. I am Stacy Gilmore. Our top story tonight, a group of high schoolers were killed while walking along the beach shore when a sudden wave came crashing onto the shore, killing some instantly and dragging the others out to sea. None of their bodies were found. It was said that they were seen trashing this beach with graphity, trash, and lighting the limited amount of trees on fire.

    In other news, the death tole due to asthma continues to rise in not only the United States but China as well. A majority of those who die are children and the elderly.

    On a happier note for manufactures of weapons, business is booming. With the sudden popularity of hunting rifles and hand guns, more are having to be manufactured and that is good news for them. The downfall, gang related activities have also risen. Three more members of the gang “Blood” were killed today along with five innocent civilians caught in the cross fire. Two of which were under the age of 13. The other victims were the parents as well as the grandfather. The family was supposedly loved by their neighborhood and everyone is devastated.

    Now onto the weather with Billy Bob. Billy Bob.

    Billy Bob: Thank you Stacy. The weather once again is out of control. With hurricanes, tsunamis, hail and snow storms, thunder storms, flooding, drought and fires the world would seem to be in disarray. But I can assure you as a certified weather man, the chaos of mother nature will be over soon and the upcoming summer will...consist of nothing but sunshine. As for today, the current rain will continue on throughout the week. Prepare for flooding. As for the rest of the rest of the world...um...lets go back to...no wait! There was a message that just came in...yes. It would seem dormid volcanoes throughout the world are suddenly erupting. That is all...I believe...back to you Stacy.

    Stacy Gilmore: Thank you Billy. Now...oh! There seems to be an earthquake in our studio. We’ll go to a commercial break now. Quick...get under a table in a doorway or something. We are alldoing to d-

    Narrator: The program then went to commercial ,however we all knew what she was going to say. This was just the beginning of the chaos. The devastation was only beginning to hit the United States. As for the rest of the world, well, it was looking much worse. The Arctic was melting because of the Global Warming, tsunamis were hitting the tropics hard, parts of the world were completely submerged under water, it even snowed in the middle east. The entire world was in disarray. Still, people were going around completing their business. There were still those freaks that went around screaming that the world was coming to and end or the sky is falling but nobody listened. Not even me. It was rather ironic really. At one point, one man went running through the streets of San Diego, where I was living at the time, screaming that the aliens have come to destroy our world. The reality of that was half true. Aliens had really finally landed, and at the Earth’s end. The meeting went like this...

    Person: Oh my god. What the hell is that. It is coming from the sky. Oh my god! It has finally happened. The aliens have come for me! And to destroy the world...Help! Someone Help! Or run...I don’t really know. The Aliens are coming the aliens are coming!

    Officer: Sir, I must ask you to calm down or I am going to have to take you in.

    Person: I don’t think you understand! The ALIENS are COMING! Coming to DESTROY the world. THE WORLD.

    Officer: Okay sir, I understand. If you would please get into the back of the car.

    Person: I can’t. Not yet. We have to do something about the aliens.

    Officer: Don’t worry. I will dispatch someone else to deal with the aliens.

    Person: You think I am crazy don’t you. But just you wait. I shall build a fortress around my house. One that can not be penetrated by the aliens. With weaponry and shields. And lots of cockroaches because they can survive a nuclear war. And I won’t let you in so ha! What now?

    Officer: Uh...

    Person: That is what I thought. Now to the fortress!

    Officer: What a freak.

    (hears a noise)

    Officer: Okay, maybe he is not a freak. (stands staring)

    Aliens: Hello humans. We would like to begin by saying that we come in peace. We are not here to destroy your world like many of you may think. In fact just the opposite. We have come to warn you that your world is about to end. We are here to offer salvation to all though who want to live. We are here to help you. If you wish to survive what is supposed to be the end then the only option is to trust us in the time of need...

    Narrator: The speech went on for a while but in the end nobody really cared. They didn't listen. Instead, they went running. People were running and screaming and freaking out. Some people were laughing at the idea of the world coming to the end. Or perhaps they thought their eyes were playing tricks. Thinking “Aliens, no way!” They just didn’t realize the stress the world was under. The fact that it was all about to be over. The point is though nobody knew and nobody cared. Then, it happened. Almost all of the worlds population was wiped out. And you know, when it happened I can’t remember what occurred exactly. It was like the life force of the earth just sucked out the life force of those humans. Then, with that life force, the Earth seemed to grow and replenish itself. That was the best explanation that our group of 20 could come up with. One second there was pollution and overpopulation and buildings. The next moment, there were trees and birds and wildlife. There was pure water and air. There was no a person in sight. After a day, we were able to form a group of twenty. The survivors began to live with the land. In harmony. Because we all know what happens when we go against the natural current. And this story of the worlds end we continued to pass down from generation to generation in order to prevent the disaster from ever happening again.