• Chapter One~

    I was running. Running on four legs. Why? I thought quietly to myself. I glance over my shoulder to see what I am running from. I only see an orange glow on the horizon. I also see deep black fur and a long black tail with white streaks on either side flopping about behind me as I run. I look up. The full-moon is high in the sky surrounded by little white stars, glouriously sprinkled across the sky. Abruptly, my front left leg is caught by uneven ground and my head falls forward.

    Everythig went black.

    I blink my eyes rapidly. I can't remeber anything accept the words Kitsune, Miku, Yuki. I can feel something thick and coarse around my wrists and legs behind me. I no longer have a tail. What is going on? I ask myself hoplessly. All I can see is a small dark room. I see other ropes. I suddnely hear a blood cringling scream, I flinch. I can hear someone yelling. a deep baritone voice, male. The room has one dull light hanging from the ceiling in it's center. The door opens slightly, and I pretend to be asleep. Those words, what could they mean?
    I can feel a large, rough hand on my face. My eyes flash open, giving me away. "Greg, his one's still alive!!" This man yelled in a racious voice. My eyes are wde with fear. Others are dead?! I can't speak with so much shock. The man pulls my shoulder. I was suddenly in the air, he picked me up and we were moving to another room. I see other people, in chains, blood everywhere. I can't blink or take my eyes off of them.
    A women called out. "Yuki, say nothi--" The man carring me kicked her down. I looked in fright. Yuki...That must be my name. I thought. We entered another room. It was small an dark. There was a table, with blood stains on it. And a chiar. The man placed me in the chair and left the room.
    I see movment in a corner and look quickly. A low chuckle, the smae voice I heard earlier yelling. I flinched. "If you answer me, you won't get hurt." he said, trying to pursuaid me. I just nodded. He came forward. A tall bulky man with a scar on his face from his right eye to his nose. His pale, almost ghost like skin looks unhuman, but he is human, I can smell it. Why are me sense's so keen?
    He approaches me. "So tell me, what is the secret of the Kitsune? Why can you change?" She asked in his deep voice.
    "I'm not sure..." My voice was oddly saprano and musical. He hit me across the my cheek.
    "This is not a time to play games!" He yelled, banging his fists' on the table inforntof me. "Your people will die if you don't tell us!"
    "My poeple? Who are my poeple?" I asked quietly. He hit me agian on the other cheek.
    "The Kitsune!!" He yelled. I shivered. I am a Kitsune.
    "I'm not sure..." Suddenly I remebered a blood line. My bloodline. We were different.
    He hit the table. "This one's useless!!! Tobad such a pretty face has to be wasted." Then I could see my reflection in the table. Long black hair with white streaks and black-purple eyes. All decorating carmel skin that seemed to be flawless.
    I was being pulled by my hair to a different room. I saw dead bodies on the floor and hanging by chains from the walls. There wasmore blod than the last room. I saw an odd wooden post at the end of the long hall. Above it was a largesharp object. I saw something move. One of them was alive. He looked at me with green eyes. I was on my back on the floor I heard a muffled yell. I looked up and saw the man being attacked by four others who must have been on my side. the one I saw move quickly cut my ropes. "RUN!" He yelled. I nodded and was out a differnt door than I came in. I ran through two more doors before I heard a loud thud and five sets of four feet running. How did they change? I questoined. I kept running. My leggs grew soar.
    Eventually I made it out of the massize fout story building. I kept running until I could nolonger see the uilding in the horizon. I panted and fell over. I heard leaves move around me. "Yuki? Are you okay?" a nervous vaice asked me. My eyes were closed, I couldn't see who was talking. I nodded my head slightly and fell asleep.
    I woke up to a breze that came and left. I sat up and looked around. Four boys were asleep beside or in trees and one sat at my side. "Oh Yuki you're awake!" He hugged me tightly and pressed him lips to mine. I shoved him away. "Yuki?" he studderd in shock.
    "Who are you?" I asked. "Who am I?"
    He looked at me in shock. " I am Miku. You are Yuki." He got up and walked to me. "You can't remeber?" He held me close to his chest.
    I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. "I only remeber my name, your name and our race." I whispered quietly.
    He sighed. "This will be a long jorney." He replied quietly.
    "Jorney?" I asked confused.

    That was only the beggining.