Hell’s High
Chapter1 DarkRidge
An ominous black shadow crept upon the city slowly approaching the DarkRidge High School. The Students watched in awe as the darkness plagued the sky; Even some teachers stopped their lessons to look at the sight. Of course it was just a solar eclipse but the bad part was we thought it was harmless. We were wrong!
“Son of a!” I shouted, as three of them chased after me. The hall way was covered in blood and gore; dead bodies plagued the sides, along with a few still barely clinging to their lives, the rest either escaped or worse. I slide myself into a classroom the pursuers stopped at the doorway, as I ducked under a desk listening to them walk on I built the courage to take a final look at them. One was tall and thin his face and mouth specked with blood more then likely he had just turned, its flesh was a musty yellow color probably because it was starting to decay, the clothes were ripped and torn, all over freshly made blood stains stained made up most of its rugged shirt. The other two looked alike him except for the clothes, and the fact that they had more blood dripping from their mouths. As I lay under the desks, the only thing I could do is think back to what happened earlier.
“Yo, Cj what’s up man?” a voice asked.
“What I always do skip out of class on the roof,” I sighed turning back around before I got caught.
“You never do that a full week in a row,” he chuckled.
“Well later dude, I’m just skipping History class,” I explained to him about the test and it seemed to be enough.
I walked down the hall till I came upon a door that read No Students Allowed. Exit stage? Oh, who cares, I thought as I opened it and began to climb the steps to the roof. Outside the sunlight harshly greeted my eyes, the sounds of horns beeping from the city road filled the air, I walked to the edge of the roof looking down from the edge, and saw a few teachers smoking cigarettes.
“Just an average school day” I sighed looking up at the sky, I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Feeling the sun’s warmth for a few more minutes, a shadow spread upon the building, cloaking me in complete darkness. I looked up noticing the solar eclipse setting in and ignored it. Lights flared to life below brightening the city of DarkRidge. A clanging noise drew my attention to the school gates, as a man stood there trying to enter forcibly. Blood dripped from his knuckles as he hit the gates, soon another man joined him in banging on the gate. After about ten minutes of clanging, the principal walked out directing them away. They didn’t stop the principal walked up to the gates shouting curses and threats. I Watched the gruesome scene of the men pulling him closer to the gate, then started to bite into the flesh of his arms, and neck ripping bloody sheets of skin away.
“What in the world!” I shouted, stepping back then vomiting I was left, completely frozen in shock. I stood frozen until the adrenaline kicked in forcing me to move. I swiftly moved across the roof bursting through the door like a madman. My feet beating the rusty steel steps as I made my way down to the second floor. Checking the surroundings hoping to find a teacher or another authority figure, when I couldn’t find one I decided to turn to my peers. Even though I explained the details the first thing I hear is.
“Ha! What a load of s**t!” A student laughed starting the rest of them in a chain reaction .
“Were the UFO’s with them?” Another laughed .
“He’s just trying to sound-” A voice started, before being cut off by horrified screams. The entire class spilled out into the hall way, looking straight at a girl laying face down with one of the men from before over her stood hunched over her with, the light fully showed his yellowish face of partly decayed flesh, a blood stained tee shirt and jeans were his only clothing. Most of the students were whispering among themselves, just before he bent down making her scream again. Her last scream was horrific, as the man bit into her neck, tearing a bloody sheet of flesh, from one side to the other. Blood poured from where her flesh was ripped, seconds later she laid motionless in a pool, of her own blood. Everyone backed away slowly shaking with fear and uncertainty, a few vomited at the blood.
Snapping back to reality I laid low hearing the door slam shut, The lights switched off making the suspense worse. Two figures took cover behind the teacher’s desk, one looked large and muscular. The other was obviously a girl from the long hair and thin body. I took quick observations to come up with a plan, from what I know if they were hostile I’d be dead or attacked if I stand up. More to the point if they were one of those things they wouldn’t be hiding.
“If you alive say something.” I demanded, gripping a seat ready to use it as a last resort.
“CJ?” A voice called, my attention way drawn to a guy about the same age as me, his attire consisted of a ripped sleeveless shirt, black leather pants, and biker boots.
“You son of a b***h Kyle.” I laughed as he walked into the light allowing me to confirm his appearance, from the flame red hair, and a scar, that went from the bottom of his eye down to his neck.
“It’s a sad fact the school was still on the tuff,” He grinned the girl staying behind him
“So how’s the old gang,” I inquired not really interested. But if the gang was still alive, I knew the chances would be good for me to get out alive.
“You seem to be the only person who ever joined, The Dark Hounds and quit without being killed.” He laughed joyfully. At that moment I knew something had to happen to the other cause he never laughed.
“Where’s the others?” I asked timidly hoping not to hear the next part that came from his mouth.
“Well I’m sure we’ll see them in the hallway, unless they attack us now” he shook lightly trying his best to hide his fear. I lowered my head at that moment, even though my blood was boiling, I didn’t want to direct all my anger at him. As I raised my head I accepted their deaths, knowing the consequences for staying alive now.
“Lets get the hell out of here.” I suggested.
“And go where?” The girl interrupted his eyes in tears, her voice full of rage and regret. “Those things are killing everyone and thing so where are we going to go?” she continued.
“We should be able to hold out in a police station for a while, or at least get some weapons.” I answered even though I knew we possibly wouldn’t get out of the school alive. To my surprise she stayed quiet and held on to Kyle. It seemed like Kyle was already a step ahead, cause right after the conversation he rummaged through the desk, looking for confiscated knives, or other weapons.
“Ha jackpot!” he smiled producing a small handgun with a loaded clip of six bullets. Even though eight bullets wasn’t a lot it was still a magnificent discovery. For now I knew I’d have to settle fore a broom handle. When we exited the room we wasn’t surprised to see a few of them waiting for us. I jabbed and smashed at them the best I could to get through the door forcing them back. I knocked two of them down, and let Kyle shoot them hoping they would die easily. But luck wasn’t on our side unless their heads were damaged they kept coming. The sounds of the fighting only brought more.
We fought our way through, aiming for the front gates of the school.

Comments (6 Comments)
- Kai_Asura - 07/21/2009
- Note to self REWORK, and fix 2 year old problems.
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- bindyblueeyes - 07/21/2009
- this was pretty good. i just noticed some spelling problems or the way the sentence was formed but that was at the begining. and near the end the gun was supposed to hold six bullets and then you said it held eight. but other than that it was great
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- inuyasha ikari - 10/18/2008
- I always give your stories a 5 out of 5 becuse there good but this time ill just go by the things others say and add it to my faviorites and read later then rate hope its good
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- Kai_Asura - 09/18/2008
- Thanks.
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- Mitsukai Kinshou - 09/18/2008
- aw! i'll comment! lol i though ti was pretty god =P
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- Kai_Asura - 09/18/2008
- Guessing no one cared to commet, XD
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