• Chapter 1 :

    There is a young princess named Anna Bella who lives with her parents in the castle, in the town of Sonsalvedor. “Anna Bella ,Anna Bella come here” her mother said from her bedroom getting ready for the great ball that evening at five o’clock sharp…she was getting fitted into a green and gold and silver gown that reached the marble floor. Anna-Bella didn’t like being called Anna-Bella she preferred Anna, Bella or Anna Bell. As Anna Bell walked toward her mothers bedroom wearing a blue and silver gown that went down to the grayish marble floor wearing her hair down in light gentle blonde curls that went down to her shoulders, was taking a very long time… since Anna’s bedroom was right down the hall. “ANNA BELLA” her mother screamed in patient. Anna Bell hurried to her mothers bedroom. “yes ma-ma?” Anna Bell said in a small voice. “its time for you to meet the young fellow you shall dance with tonight” “no buts, Anna Bella Marie Duchis”. “but mother , said the 13 year old, why can’t I pick my own fellow” Bella said in a whining voice. “ugh” Anna screamed as she stomped swiftly out the door and down the hall to her bedroom. Her bedroom was blue and silver her favorite colors. She sat down on her bed wondering why can not she pick her own fellow to dance with. A few hours passed and Anna walked up the main corridors to the staircase that led to the top floor accept the stair well that led to the roof of the castle. She followed the staircase and got to the top she turned right and walked down two more corridors that led to the library. When she walked inside it was silent, she climbed the ladder and saw an unfamiliar book and looked inside it. On the cover it said WARNING: There are to many dangerous secrets that shall never be known. Of course she opened the book. It was all blank pages. Then she saw a note. That read “ Dear Reader, you are very foolish I told you not to open the book but you did, very dangerous things will happen that cant be stopped because of you. This is a very powerful book you can not show this to anyone but yourself. This is where you ask questions and the book will answer. Not only answer but it will tell you secrets that are to powerful to be known by any human.
    From, Gingle Snap”

    The book started writing something in a different language she couldn’t understand. The book started speaking it…right when her father walked in…and she slammed the book shut and looked at him. “what’s going on” said King George. “umm, just reading” said Anna. “I see” said the King as he walked out of the room and down the staircase. A sigh or relief came over Bella. But that relief wasn’t going to last very long.