• My name is Dark. I am a vampire. Obviously. My authoress told you that, right? She has a really big mouth. (Me: stressed )

    Anyways, I am on a quest to stand out in the sunlight. I wasn't always a vampire, though. I used to be human, like many of you Gaians. I once walked out in the sun, basking in its rays, taking it for granted.

    Now, I cannot. And I want it once again. And, I will have it.

    I have been told of a serum, that will change me back into what I once was. All I need is the blood of the immortal. Our ancestors, an elder of one of the three clans.

    Oh, I'll bet you didn't know. There are three vampiric clans in the world. The Draculian is probabally the oldest. Then there is the Akashan, and finally, the Corvinus clan.

    Each clan has a history. Dracula was born into ancient Mesopotamia, soon becoming a god amongst his people. He went into hibernation because he got sick of mankind. Akasha was born in Egypt, quickly taking the throne and slaughtering all of the humans, making the Nile a river of blood. She was always like that. Then she was killed by her children. Go figure. They always hated her killing sprees. Then there's the Corvinus clan. We have been around the least amount of time in the history books, but only because we have kept ourselves well hidden. That is.....until Markus and William. Markus was like Akasha, slaughtering humans like sheep. They should have went out. That would have been a nice first date......

    Anyways, I'm getting off topic. I am a member of the Corvinus clan, a distant relative of Markus'. Like a nephew, only he's my great times fifty uncle.

    Markus was killed by another member of his clan, whose name I really can't remember at the moment. She did slight me a bit with that maneuver. I really needed Maukus' blood, and he killed his father, so there goes that idea....so I have to find one of the other clan's elders. Maybe Marius of the Akshans? Nah, he's going to be a pain to find.......

    Maybe I could find Dracula's tomb? I think I heard that some vampires found it......wait......wasn't Dracula killed by that Blade guy? Damn it. This is going to be harder than I thought.

    Maybe I don't need the potion. Maybe there's another way.......like I could get someone to spell me. Or maybe, I could ask Ian in Barton Town. Or Louie. Maybe they know.

    Nah. They don't like me much. I forgot I tried to feed on Ian's cat.

    Gambino has a cure right? No way he'd give it to me, I'm broke.

    Damn. At this rate, I'm just going to have to stay a vamp. This bites.