• --------------------------------------part 5---------------------------------------
    momo:*wispering*so what heppend..in..there..you know
    kioki:*wispering furiously*well momo,if u hadnt gave her clues i wouldnt have had to tell her so soon.
    momo:*smirks*well maby you never should have lied....
    kioki:*slaps momo in the face*well maby i had to lie..maby i like to love.
    momo:*rubs his face*wow your fiesty,well maby this is all going to you head.
    kioki:*glares at momo*well maby your getting to big for your britches
    momo:*playfully smiles*maby,maby not
    kiki:*rubs her eyes and loks up*kioki?kioki.....
    kioki:*opens door*yes my dear?
    kiki:im sorry,you should have told me earlier.
    kioki:*frowns and looks down*no...i shouldnt have lied to you.
    kiki:*wraps her arms around kioki's waits*well its ok now, you are forgiven
    kioki:*kisses her playfully*i didnt know i had to be forgiven
    kiki:*smiles*not really i forgave you when you kissed me lastnight
    kioki:well could forgive me some more?
    kiki:*presses her lips against his then pulls away*mmm i forgive you...again
    momo:*walks in*hey,so kiki loves kioki and he shows the smae affection....mmmm strange.
    kiki:*glares at momo*should i kioki?
    kioki:*looks past her*yes
    kiki:*stares and concentrates on momo, he gose flying through the celing*haha
    momo:*screaming*ill get you kiki
    kioki surprised h yeah of couse you will.
    shy:*on the phone*kioki?i heard about...you and kiki.
    kioki:yes i know.i hope you are not mad...
    shy:vary.butt if she loves you ,why object?
    kioki:*laughs to ease tension*yeah shes always liked me more than momo
    shy:*more serious*well..momo is still her brother dont take that waya from her
    kioki:*nods*i wont ,we will live with momo.....
    shy:*hangs up*
    kioki:*hangs up*kiki,do you love me
    kiki:*walks into his room with a pie in her hand*well...of course i do silly.
    kioki:*looks relived*good,because your dad thinks not.
    kiki:*puts pie down and sits on his lap*what should we do?
    kioki:its time to do what no girl should have to do...
    kiki:*looks up at him*what is that?
    kioki:*looks stern*well..tell your dad of course
    kiki:*laughs*he already knows...what are you getting at here kioki?
    kioki:*gets on one knee*what im saying here kiki is...
    kioki:*pulls out a blue box and chokes on his words*will you...be my bride?