• twisted This village is supposed to be the best place to live, I wouldn’t say that as long as I’m around. It hasn’t been a moon night as long as I was here, only lunar moon nights. This year’s lunar is longer that I thought. This place was stuffed with people I thought it was a good place to feast.
    My name is Able, I gave myself that name because I’m an orphan that grew up alone. I lived with a pack of wolves. At first they tried to eat me, but I turned into the ferocious beast and that made them think. So I was taken as one of the cubs, fed well, taught to hunt. But one day, a hunter killed the mother wolf. The cubs were gathered, and lastly me. According to the man, I was about ten years old. That night, was a full moon, I devoured the man, and another woman.
    In the house, I taught myself to speak, read and write. Then, I decided to feed off human meat. They tasted much better than lam meat. So I came to this village. How do I remember from when I was an infant? Well werewolf’s memory goes really far.
    Tomorrow will be the first new moon since I got here. And my first day of feast.
    FINALLY, it’s night time. It has been three hours after the sun has set, and now it is complete darkness. My first prey will be a girl named Kitten. For the time I have been here, she has bothered me too much. She keeps on thinking she is irresistible and hangs onto me like a monkey on a cliff. How ever, the monkey will soon lose his grip.
    Still in my human form, I walked to Kitten’s house. She lived alone so there will be no one to hear her scream. I knocked on her door. A few minutes passed and Kitten was finally at the door, “Who is it?” she said in her chiming voice.
    “It’s me Able,” I called to the door trying to erase the sly smile I could feel on my face.
    “Able? What are you doing here at this hour? Did you want to see me? Alone?” I could tell she felt like she was winning, but it was game over the moment I step inside her house.
    “Yea, I wanted to see you,” I told her getting impatient.
    I saw her looking though the eye whole making sure it was me. And she opened the door. She was wearing very flashy clothes that none of the people in the village will be able to afford. I knew she bought the best cloths she could get her hands on so she could get people’s attention on her clothes rather than her ugly face. Not that you could see it at all under her thick make-up.
    “Come in Able,” she said with a rhythm in her voice.
    I walked in taking in the scent of living human flesh. I kept my back on her pretending to look around. It felt like hours until the door closed and locked. Kitten put her hand on my shoulder and I quickly grabbed it and turned around. Before she could react, I turned into my true self, and lunged at her throat.
    Blood splattered everywhere followed by Kitten’s head rolling onto the pool of her own blood. It felt like the first time I tasted human flesh, the blood dripping from my chin, the soft tender skin being ripped by my deadly teeth. The taste however didn’t taste like how I imagined it would be. I soon realized what was interfering with the flavor, Kitten’s thick make-up.
    I ripped off the skin hoping I wouldn’t have to taste that awful thing again and dug in.
    THAT morning, nobody noticed Kitten gone, until someone thought it was way too quiet around the village. Hinge, who was friendly to everyone in the village, soon decided to look for her.
    With the mayor, he went to Kitten’s home. The door was locked, so were all the windows. All but one… The bottom floor window on the back side of the house was broken like something had broken it. (I used it to get out.)
    The mayor said it was a beast which had killed Kitten, was able to get inside the house without breaking anything but got out by breaking the window (I was too lazy to open the door).
    The village called the whole villagers including children to come to the meeting. Everybody was confused for not everybody knew what this meeting was about. The mayor called for attention, “We know not all of us know what this meeting is about,” he said getting ready to tell the tragic news, but I knew this man better. I knew that he usually is not the one to tell the bad news especially in front of the whole village, “The reason that I have called you all here is because… Kitten that we all know well of… has been attacked by a werewolf,” he cleared his throat before continuing, “Idela, has some more information of this.”
    Idela, also new in the village stepped up. This girl however has gained a lot of trust from the villagers although she only has been here for six months, “I don’t think small children should hear this, so Keeny our friendly witch will watch Pleak while I make this announcement,” Pleak the only child in the village went to the next room with Keeny.
    “So… Kitten’s remains clearly show wild animal’s teeth and claw marks. However, I have found something else on Kitten’s remains, her head was thrown quite far from where she was killed and the bite was clean so her head must have been take off in one bight. Only an alligator has a jaw strong enough to do that. But considering the location of the head, it couldn’t have been an alligator. Animals like to finish their pray on the spot not throwing the part of their food around like this one did. But as if this monster had fingers, there were bloody finger smudges on the furniture and the walls. Couldn’t have been Kitten’s for there was a trace of fur marks on the finger smudges,” she continued. She was pretty good, only Grez and Idela were smart enough to gather all that fact. Now she started to come to her conclusion, “So putting all that together… There is only two possible things that could have done this. A monkey with an alligator head, or… a werewolf,” everyone gasped.
    “Now don’t worry, I know some ways to repel these monsters. As we leave, I will pierce all of our ears and put in a silver earring. Normal silver does not work on these monsters. These silver earring are blessed by Jesus himself. As long as we keep these on, he wont be able to hurt any of us,” Idela added.
    “Meeting dismissed,” the mayor said.
    Everybody left and I was left sitting in the meeting room. Everybody got their ear pierced and had their earrings put in. I heard the people complain about the pain and the throbbing.
    “How about you Able, don’t you want protection from the monster?” I heard a familiar voice.
    “No I’m thinking it’s more of the alligator headed monkey than a werewolf,” I said not caring what I sounded like.
    “This is only a warning Able. Lots of werewolves survive on animal meat like humans,” she said.
    “Yea they only taste like what dirt tastes for you humans,” I said still not turning towards the person who is talking to me.
    “Well, I will protect my people whether you like it or not. And you are one of them. Killing you is at the bottom of my choice list,” she said with a sigh.
    “It would be a lot easier if you just kill me though, and you know that. It’s not like I could stop my addiction just like that. This is my first village you know,” I said standing up.
    “Have a heart Able they’re people, they all feed and breathe just like you. They also want to live just like you,” she said getting mad.
    “Yea that’s what you humans think. I’ve grown up with animals. I know what they feel. And you humans kill and eat them too. This is what they feel, live with it,” I said as I turned to leave without looking at the speaker, “Oh and Idela, those shiny things won’t work on me,” I said before I left the room. I felt Idela’s gaze follow me until she lost sight of me.

    Seven drops of pure blooded vampire venom, two dragon’s teeth, a piece of a ghost’s soul, a hair from Saint Nicolas’s beard, a rock from Mars, a rose petal that a ladybug slept on, poison from a toad’s back, dust from a zombie’s grave, acid from a sea monster’s stomach, a ring from a kind witch. The magic words, all that will be left is the ring, a drop of blood of mine, and the spell is ready.
    I will save my village although it means I would have to kill someone.
    I will be known as the hero of this village, hero Idela Kalolo.

    I have waited until the full moon to eat another meal. This time, I would feast on the whole village. No one would be able to stop me on the full moon night. Not even Idela.
    I’m stood on the town square where the moon shown brightest. The cloud uncovered the moon as I took in the energy. I fazed under the glory of the moon. It felt good to stretch my true form in a while. I walked towards the nearest house. The house happened to belong to a loveable kid Jean. She never liked that she was a girl so she dressed like a boy and did work that normally boys would do. Luckily she would be the first one to see the after world in this village. Maybe she would be allowed to be reborn as a boy.
    I bashed through the wall of the house and followed by nose towards Jean’s bed room. Although I had been fast, Jean was already up from her bead and stood with a bat in her hands. I only laughed. Jean took her chances and swung her bat so hard, it would have bashed a normal human’s skull. It only felt like a baby threw his toy at me. I lunged towards Jean. I closed my jaws fast and powerfully, but my mouth didn’t close. I looked at what didn’t let me close my mouth on my own meal.
    Idela! She just stood there, with one hand on my upper mouth, and the other hand on my lower jaw.
    “I told you. The last one was a warning,” she said as she signaled Jean to get out of here.
    Well this sure changed my mind, I suddenly wanted to eat Idela first before I ate anyone else.
    “Do you know why I am able to stop you?” she asked.
    I just stayed still and growled.
    “You’ll only find out when this fight ends,” she said before she twisted my jaw far enough for it to break. I broke alright, but it healed just as fast.
    I turned sharply to bight her back but she was on top of me spraying something on my fur. I shook her off, but the girl managed to stab a spear into my strong skin. I leaped towards her. She stayed still to my surprise. But there was a different surprise in store for me. The wound didn’t heal. The thing she sprayed must have made my armor weaker. I was still able to fight.
    But before I could attack again, Idela put a hand on my chest to stop me, “Able, just go back into your human form. I have something to give you before I go any father,” as she said that, she made a face that I never saw her make before. The face made me think I could trust she won’t do anything to me while I fazed back.
    I fazed back as she asked. She handed me a ring, “The moment you touch this ring, you will have the ability that I have, but you will lose your’s. Also, I will disappear from this world. I trust you and I leave my duties to you. I find this the only way to save you and the village. Please accept this, and please send me to rest,” Idela looked sad, happy and pleading. It hurt me to hear what she had just said. I didn’t know why but it did.
    I put my hand under her waiting hand. She turned her hand slowly and the ring dropped into mine. The moment it did so, she turned to dust and blew away. Suddenly, all my werewolf instincts were gone, but better instincts came in.
    That is how, I am immortal, caring, smart, and all the things that Idela had that made her special. I stay in this world to do just what Idela did.
    I had seen the darkest of the darkest in life. Now it is my turn in life to see she other side.
    THE END ^^~ twisted