The Book of Heero
Humanity, the supreme leaders of the earth… Or so they thought. To us, there nothing more than insignificant bugs on the windshield that is the universe. We’re the ones who protect them from what they cannot see, what they cannot hear, taste or touch. And when we fail it will mean the end of this species, the world and life, as we know it. Who are we? Well you will just have to read this book to find out. This book that you hold in your hot little hands may be the key to your survival. It is the stories of the group that protects the planet. The stories, of the guardians.
Chapter 1
You could probably tell by my name that I have a lot of pride in myself. And you know what? You’re right; because of my pride it is impossible for me to fail b’cuz if I do it’s the end of life and the world, as we know it. I know horrible joke but I’m serious. This world is important because it has all my memories on it. And because of that I can’t fail. My alignment is to the cosmos meaning I draw my power from stars and planets and such. Let me tell you how it started. The first of us were not born. We were hand chosen because we showed potential as the human forms of the gods. I just happen to be a human made god. By that I mean humanity came up with the idea for these gods, and because it was imagined it happened 2 gods were created. Tiamat, the god of all evil dragons, and Bahamut, the king of dragons. My name is Heero Takamine. No, I am not a dragon, I am a dragoon. A dragon spirit trapped in a human body. I would love to say that I am the leader of this group, but then the others would kick my glorious god-like a**. That’s because they say I have a little tendency to go crazy when I have power… I’VE GOTZ THEH POWAH!!! You see? Oh snap! They might be right! Well its time to begin isn’t it? Well ill just get my little genius mind away from you and so it begins.
Chapter 2
Part 1
“Heero!! Lookout!!” Wolf yelled.
“Huh?” I said. Too late. All I heard is a whump or, I guess you could call it a whack… Whatever an axe to the skull sounds like. Well anyway back to the story.
“Ungh…” I grunted.
“Welcome back to the world of the…” Wolf stated but I cut her off and said, "Oh dear god!! Did I die again?"
“Let me finish for once! Damn you got to stop jumping the gun on me Heero!” She said. “Yea. It’s kind of pissing us off Heero.” Said Twilight and Phoenix at the same time. “You guys know he’s always pissed when he dies.” Said Crow.
“Well duh I’m always pissed when I die,” I said, “because YOU don’t think and just launch yourself into the battle.” Said Twilight. Oh yea I probably should introduce you to my friends.
Chapter 2
Hi! I’m Wolf! I am like Heero’s big sister and role model… “Bullshit!!! Wolf stop talking crap or I’ll make you re-eat those words!” oh damn. Hang on (insert a** kicking sounds of your choice.) There where was I? Oh yea like I said I’m like his sister, which means were just such good friends were family. Yea he is really weird but I have to deal with it. He’s had a crush on me since we met. Yea I’m a girl. My deity is Artemis. Yea there are real gods in our little group. As you could tell by my name I can transform into a wolf-human hybrid thingy. Not exactly a were-wolf but close enough. My alignment is to the sheer cold. Meaning when a strong, icy wind blows I’m pissed.
Yea I’m the real were-wolf. My name's Wild Twilight. Twilit or Twilight for short. I am the reincarnation of the grim reaper. Just because my scythe skills are otherworldly. But unless my life is in danger I let my claws do the talking not my scythe. My deity is Apollo the stud of the gods. My alignment is to twilight. That hour between day and night then is when I draw my power.
Me, Me, Me! Me next! Hi I’m Crow! I’m 3 yrs old! Not really. I was born on the leap year day thingy. My alignment is water. I’m the crazy one in the group!
Phoenix is the name, motherhood is my game. Not really. Yea so I’m pregnant so friggin’ what! My deity is to Aphrodite, the goddess of love!! “Oh barf on a spoon and choke me with it!” Shut the hell up Heero! Or I will come over there and kick your a**!!! My alignment is to light. So that means I draw my power from all the sources of light in the universe.
We are guardians. We protect the weak, and each other. We live in a world that normal people can’t see, feel, or hear. Some can see us talk with us and interact with us. Those are the ones that are in the most danger. The ones with the high spirit energy. The ones who can actually see ghosts. The demons come after them the most. Well let’s continue the story.
Chapter 3
“Man this class is boring.” I said.
“But we have to weather through it to graduate.” Said Wolf.
“Yea, yea, yea, I know. But it doesn’t stop me from being bored.” I said.
“I know. But pay attention!” said She. Were high school students. Teenagers if you want to call us that. Were seniors, I cant tell you what school, all you need to know is that were seniors. Suddenly my phone starts vibrating…
“Damn! My pants are vibrating! And it feel so friggin good!!!!!!!!!”
“Well? Aren’t you going to answer it?” She asked.
“Yeah, in a minute. In one sweet, heavenly, sexy minute!” I said.
“And they call ME a pervert!” She said. “Check please!”
“Hey that’s my line!” I said. The bell rings. We leave the classroom and I grab my phone.
“It’s Crow. What’s up Sis?” I ask
“We got trouble! Two soul stealers and one vampire are attacking a group of mortals! They’re really strong! I need back-up!”
“Alright keep your feathers on well be right there! Wolf, get the others, Now! Meet me in the room!”
Chapter 4
Now most people don’t know we exist. But it’s good to have at least one person in a power position to know what you do. Like a principal for example, if you go to school like we do. That’s what we have.
“ Mr. Principal! We have work to do!” I tell him
“What’s going down? Ogres? Hades? The apocalypse maybe?” friend principal asks.
“No. Just some random demons attacking humans. Crow needs us so well be gone for 1 class hour maybe 2.”
“Ok I’ll excuse you. If I can see your true forms sometime.” I sling my weapons on my back. The others walk in and grab their weapons as he said that. We look at each other immediately and say, “Maybe sometime, but not now.” If we show him or true forms we will not be able to trust him. Seeing our true forms is the only thing we can hold against him.
We sent him out of the room and transform and jump into the open air. His room is on the third floor. Yea were not like the other super heroes with their cars and invisible airplanes and their super speed or easier to run because of lighter gravity, or on crack. Nope were strong enough to run or fly for 3 months non-stop. Well this is a longer trip. Just short of 500 miles. There are only 3 fliers you can guess crow and phoenix. But you’ll never guess me actually you will probably will I mean come on do you think 200+ pounds is easy to lug around on the ground. Than you are shitting yourself.
Chapter 5
Took us about 3 minutes to get where Crow was, and she was lying. “Crow you lying jackass! It’s not just a vampire and two soul stealers! It’s a horde of them!” I screamed.
“There weren’t this many when I called you. These just showed up.” She said.
“Damn! I’ve never seen this many!” Twilight exclaimed. And he was right. In recorded guardian history there haven’t been this many soul stealers and vampires in one area unless you count the wars between the two species.
“It’s going to take us more than two hours to destroy all these monsters.” Said Wolf, “You’d better call the friend.”
“No s**t!” I said so I called the friend principal, “Hey Mr. Principal, it’s going to be a little longer than I thought. Better mark us present for all of our classes.”
“Ok Heero. I’ll do that.” He said, “How many are there?” I point the camera at the horde of enemies, “Holy s**t! That’s a lot of monsters! Can you take them all?”
“No sweat!” I said, “This is nothing compared to last weekend. If I can stop a raging girlfriend there’s nothing I cannot do!” “watch it buddy…” said Wolf.
“Let’s just do this!” Twilight screams as he pulls Tezzer his scythe (Yes we name our weapons. Sad isn’t it?)
Well, I just launch myself at the horde attacking every enemy in reach of my claws, tail-blade, arm and shin-blades. (Oh yea my second form, has blades protruding from my shins, arms and tail. Kind of like scythe blades, tip end down so I can climb trees and cliffs.) Any who, eventually every one is hacking and slashing these fools.
“Hey guys! Something is wrong here!” I call, “They’re working together to create a counter offensive, and it’s working!”
“No! Ya think!” They exclaim. I swear they’re the most sarcastic bunch of friends I’ve ever had.
Chapter 6
Well I finally get pissed because these fools won’t die fast enough so I grab my sword. “Show your brilliance, Leogun!” All our weapons have a spirit inside of them. That’s why we name them, because to borrow their powers, we need to speak their names. Mine is Leogun, the great dragon. Twilit’s is Tezzer, the lead wolf of his pack. I haven’t finished the other’s weapons so I don’t know the names. Well, 13 hours later, we finally finished all those demons.
“Damn, its’ been a long time since I’ve fought that many enemies, and they put up a good fight!” Exclaimed Twilight.
“Yea… But it reminds me of…” I started to say,
“Don’t go there Heero!” said Pheonix, “I just got over him, I don’t want to remember him now!”
“But… This hasn’t happened since before we sealed… Virus…” I said. Then all hell broke loose. Phoenix started crying, Twilight snapped a tree in half, Wolf picked up a rock about the size of a minivan, weight of a fully loaded minivan and chucked it into the ocean( were in central America by the way), and Crow started raging.
Chapter 7
It was years ago, about when man began creating weapons out of steel…
“Hey Heero!” yelled crow.
“What the ********! Can’t I run a flash-back without someone interrupting?! Damn!”
“Ok, ok! s**t!” Crow exclaimed. Where was I? Oh yeah, the flashback. Well there was once 19 of us, one for each element; fire, ice, twilight, cosmos, chaos, oblivion, wood, steel, water, darkness, light, time, sol, luna, wind, terra, rock, ultima, and unaligned (or non elemental). I am cosmos, Twilight is what his name states, twilight, Wolf is ice, Phoenix is light, and Crow is water. Virus is my brother. He was aligned to darkness, and I guess he still is. He and phoenix were lovers once, and by that time our number had dwindled down to about six. Me, Phoenix, Twilight, Wolf, Crow, Virus (we called him that because his kind nature and his smile were like a virus, taking hold of everyone in its sight), Sol, Luna, Terra, Bear (he was aligned to rock,) and my fiancée, Verceas. Oh what a beauty she was. A symbol of beauty, I called her. Well one day, after a very big battle, it might have created the grand canyon I dunno, but we were relaxing in our spot outside of town (a place where we could transform without scaring the townsfolk.) and Virus started acting strange, and that’s all I can remember. When I came to, Sol, Luna, Bear, and my darling Verceas were dead, and Virus and Terra were gone. I still to this day don’t know what happened to make Virus do that. Then the others came to and saw what happened. You should never have to bury the one you love the day that you were to be wed. We tracked Terra down first, it was too easy. He and Virus had been friends since the dawn of time. We sealed him and Virus came to us, pissed as hell.
“Why did you do this? She didn’t do anything to you!” I yelled at him. That cry is still etched into my mind to this day, like a security TV with the same image burned into the screen. Sword already drawn and empowered I lunged. The battle that followed shook the world, the first major earthquake. If you’ve played Final Fantasy 9* and have seen the fight between Bahamut* and Alexander* well I’m Bahamut, and in this tale I don’t lose to Alexander. I plunged my sword into his heart and to this day that sword remains there. Hilt of the sword sticking out of the soil where we sealed him. In the same place where this whole mess started. Our meeting place in the guardian’s spirit grove. He was my brother! Not only my blood brother, but we shared spiritual pressure (the aura around a person is there spiritual pressure. It s also the scale of someone’s strength) to seal the deal, we created a sword out of our blood. Once we were finished, we put 1/100 of our spiritual energy into that sword, his so that the sword cannot harm the wielder, even if it is taken by force, or tricked out of possession. Mine to create a blade that could shatter even the strongest armor. It also was forged out of our greatest weakness. That sword is the one that I used to seal my brother. So that’s my life story. I save your asses from things beyond the grave and everything that goes bump in the night. I risk my life on a daily basis, my brother is the spawn of Satan, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I get the privilege to save the world with the best bunch of friends in the world. Well enough with the flashbacks. It hurts too much to think about back then.
Chapter 8
“Heero, I’m sorry. I’ll always look over you.”
“Verceas! Don’t leave me!” I scream. As I jolt upright and awake a cold sweat on my forehead.
“Heero? What is wrong babe?” Wolf asks sleepily, voice full of concern sheets slipping off to reveal a very nice 33c rack.
“It’s nothing… Go back to sleep…” I reply.
“Bull it’s nothing. You had the dream again huh?” She asks. Since that horrific night I’ve had that dream multiple times.
“Yeah… I won’t be at school tomorrow.” I say.
“What?... Oh it’s that day tomorrow… Ok I’ll tell your teachers.” She said. She didn’t need to ask for clarification as to why I would be absent. She knew why I wouldn’t be at school. The teachers knew, hell the whole school knew why, but what they think is a clever lie, I made up freshman year. They think that it’s the day that my parents died. Only friend principal, and the gang knew the truth. It was the day that I was to be wed, the day I buried my bride-to-be, Verceas…
“Hun?… thanks for this day when I can be single, a widow, kinda…” I say before they take off for school.
“I know that you’ll never be over her, and what he did, so it’s ok. It’s one day a year. I can cope.” She said.
“Dude if we don’t leave now we’ll miss the bus!” shouted Crow
“I’m coming, I’m coming… Have a good day Heero.” She said with a smile, I smiled back, but it was a fake smile, I never smile on that day. Ok I love Wolf, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to have my sweet Verceas back. But that’s impossible. Unlike mortals, when we die we get new bodies, unless we die at the hands of other guardians, or gods. I burn some incense go into the little grove behind our house, transform and head to the spirit grove, where we buried her. I get there, and I sense something, I hold completely still waiting. Like a rabbit in the thicket during hunting season, every muscle tense, ready for the onslaught. Right hand resting on the grip of Leogun. Suddenly, I hear a twig snap, heh… Clumsy ninjas, I think. Then I pull my sword and swing, point inches from a girls neck. Shes more shock than I am to be sure.
“What the hell!?!?” she exclaims.
“Oh… sorry. What are you doing out here little girl? This is a sacred place. You shouldn’t be out here.” I say.
“I’m trying to pull that sword out.” She says pointing to the sword in the dirt up to its hilt.
“That sword is never to be removed. It seals a great evil. You should leave. Now!” I tell her.
“That sword has been here for ages. So have those graves. Why are you here?” she asks.
“I’m here to pay my respects to those heroes in those graves, and to kick that sword. Now leave!” I tell her.
“Why kick it? It’s worth more than your life pal.” She says pulling a switchblade.
“Dude? Please.” I say pulling Leogun. “Knife vs. sword… hmmm, who will win?”
“Me.” She says “Rise above them… Chalos!” as soon as she utters those words, her hair grows longer and turns silver, her knife transforms into a 24 foot katana. (If you’ve played ff7* you’ll see where I’m going with this.)
“Well now… That’s interesting… Wait… How the hell did you get a hold of Chalos?!” I inquire.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She says, coming straight at me.
“A frontal assault… tsk tsk tsk. You don’t know me very well.” And with a snap of my fingers she flies forty feet back slamming into a tree, as a brilliant light envelops me, “If you know what’s good for you, I suggest you leave.”
“Not without that sword!” as she lunges at me again, the light disappears showing me full transformed. And by this time I’m pissed.
“I’m not supposed to fight for my life, fully transformed, in this place, on this day.” I say, blocking her sword with a kunai (ninja throwing knife)
“Oh boo hoo. Sissy.” She utters under her breath.
“I heard that. Show your brilliance, Leogun!” (oh I should explain, when we call the names of our weapons, and awaken the spirits inside, our weapons not only get stronger, but change shape. It’s like alchemy but Bleach* style. Because its not exactly bankai* or shikai* and its not exactly transmutation, because the weapons grow larger without using more materials.)
Now I should tell you, I am the one who makes all the weapons for the guardians. There have been tons of weapons that I have made that have been stolen or lost during battles, most of the time I am very good at picking up fallen weapons after battles. But Chalos was lost for ages. One of my favorite works. I bet you geeks reading this can figure out why. Over the years I’ve lost 3. Excalibur, my work. The scythe of the Grimm Reaper, a beautiful work, now its chipped and worn down cuz it was not made for him. He’s like Kempachi Zaraki* when it comes to using that scythe, and Chalos.
*(Note: No I do not own these names of people or bankai and shikai, or titles of books or games. Sorry if I made someone mad. Nothing I can do.)
Now back to the a** kicking. I have to say, she is very good at holding her own against me.
“Damn girl! Where did you learn to get so good! I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!” I said.
“Wouldn’t you like to know!” she exclaims as she lunges for me again.
“You keep saying that but it’s not a straight answer.” I muse as I entangle her sword with mine, “Now tell me where you got that sword, and how you got so good at using it, now!”
“Why should I tell you?” she asks, struggling to get away. Failing at every attempt.
“Because I’m hungry and you look like you would be very tasty, char broiled!” (and yes, dear readers, as a dragoon I have a ornate ability breath fire. For my motto is: do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.)
“Alright, I got it from some old geezer that looks like you but with blackish red hair. He taught me how to use it in exchange that I pull that sword right there. He said if I don’t I’ll die.” She said as she de-transformed and started bawling. I return to normal, and tell her the story of the man with dark red hair and of the guardians.
“So you see, that is why you cannot pull that sword out, capice?” I ask.
“Yeah but what about the old man?” she asks.
“It was just some of his power leaking out. It happens sometimes. It’s an old seal.” I explain.
“Well this is too much for me. Here take Chalos back. I’m outta here, and I don’t think I’ll be back any time soon.” She says with a smile. She stands up and proudly walks away out of the forest and out of sight. That was the last time I heard or have seen that young warrior. It’s still that day so I burn some incense, have a cigarette, pray, kick the sword, and transform and take off till next year. As I get home every one is waiting for me, and they are all trying to get me to smile. Nothing works until midnight, when Wolf lifts up her nightgown to flaunt what she picked out before we were sent down here. And then did we go at it. I mean holy god! She was arching her back and moaning.
"Oh, there! Damn babe you give the worlds best back massages!" she exclaimes.
- by Timeless Warrior |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/06/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: The Guardians
- Artist: Timeless Warrior
- Description: This is a book i've been working on for a little more than a year. its not done yet so all of it isnt there. but i hope you like what i have so far.
- Date: 11/06/2008
- Tags: guardians
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