• Part two
    It was a rather gloomy day. Clouds hung overhead and there wasn’t much good news lately. Most news papers had gone down in size because most of the depression was the same old thing each day. A big clock in the center of the town was on 7:00. In almost all houses you could see at least one TV on. It was the day of the big game and everybody wanted some good news. There team had finally made it to the finals with the help of one “Mark”. Even if the game was rigged somehow, witch was the reason they never got to finals, he could still beat the other team. So they felt that with the enhanced security and it being the biggest public game ever no one ever dared rigged the final game of the season. The home arena was filled with people from all over. One half of the arena booed at the home team while the others’ cheers drowned out the scoffing. At around 8:30 the whole city went up in cheers. Cries of “we won! We won!” could be heard and champagne was being opened for parties. As Mark walked off screen people were celebrating and local sports channels were going over the game so the night never dulled. On the other hand those who came to root for the other team were disappointed. The undefeated team had finally been defeated. They went home mumbling about it. The sky finally cleared of clouds for the first time in 15 years.
    Mark went to his house after the game. He saw his wife and friend there. The wife rushed up Mark and hugged him. “That was the best game I’ve ever seen!” she said, the side of her head on his beefy chest. The friend shook Mark’s hand. Mark was very happy and in a good mood. Then he looked over at an odd picture. It had Mark and his friend when they were younger. They were sitting under a tree after Mark’s first football major victory. The odd thing was there was room for one more person between them. When the picture was first taken the 2 men had been sitting by a man with blue hair. They labeled the odd man “Lion” because he that is what they related him with. It seems as if he had just been whipped off the face of the earth. It was a moment of deep concentration for a second as all of them thought of the man who was once there friend. “Who are you?” the woman asked. A few seconds’ later 3 men in black combat armor burst into the house brandishing guns and pointing them at Mark and his 2 friends. Mark’s friend asked “why have you come in here?” with a voice that made you feel that it could poison you. Mark’s friend knew who these were. He called them shadow troupers because they hid in shadows and he did like video games. Suddenly Mark’s friend rushed at the troops and they were stunned for a second for this sudden action. He kicked one troop’s leg and threw him at another one. He grabbed the others gun, elbowed him in the gut, and then threw him down. As the other two got up he bashed one on the head and then roundhouse kicked the other one. They were all knocked out. Mark and his wife looked astonished. “Where did you learn that?” Mark asked. “I learned it from Leo.” Mark’s friend said. Suddenly he stopped. They suddenly remembered the name of the man that vanished from the photo. Mark’s friend looked at the suits and found a small compartment around the Adams apple area of the neck. It had a small tube in witch black liquid was flowing. Mark’s friend took out a combat knife and cut it. The man in the suit stopped breathing. He did this with the rest of the troops. After he was done with the third one Mark’s wife gasped. The first body was disappearing before there eyes. After a few seconds the other two did also. “Hey that’s odd. The clouds are clearing.” Mark’s wife said. As they did the first sunlight shined down on them like a ray of hope. They were filled with joy. It was as if they had gotten there long lost friend back from the grave. That night was they had the best party they have ever thrown.
    In another part of town where it was still cloudy a figure wearing a gas mask and light armor the same dull grey color of the mask was running with his hand on a katana sheathed on his back and 10 troops running after him. He was in an ally and there were abandoned buildings all around. The grey figure jumped a fence like it was just a small rock in a road and ran. A shadow trooper rammed the fence and started running after the figure but mid way threw the rest of the ally he hit a trip wire that set off C4 in his area. 2 men died. But the rest ran after the quarry. A large was set up to prevent the quarry from escaping. The man in grey pulled out is sword a little and then put it back in again. The wall split in two and fell rapidly to the side. The grey figure ran threw it. As the shadows chased after the man in grey they suddenly stopped and fell. There dark life support was cut and they couldn’t move. The grey figure walked away.