• In the shadows


    What if you could never see human life again? What if u can only go out in night, and live in a shack that teenagers make myths up with you in it? What if your only way to not be a monster was to act cowardly? What if u were like me, Abigail Cook, the only vampire in Australia. And now I know why…

    As Toby and I walked down the beach I spent a minimum 90 years, on I still fumbled here and there. He always caught me, and then pulled his hands away, my freezing temperature, making his skin crawl. Yet, his warmth relaxed me, so I purposely tripped here and there. “So what stories have you heard about me?” I finally said breaking the silence. “Random things really. I haven’t been in town long enough to be afraid of you, just puzzled.” I looked up at his baby face, his slightly black-brown hair, and his brown eyes. All seemed too human to be next to me, I looked away when he caught my gaze and thought of what to say next. I could read his face clearly, and before he can ask I said quickly “I want you to know I’ve been stalking you at night for 5 weeks now. You humans are interesting to watch, yet you seem not like the others, more mature” he looked at me, then shook his head and finally said “explain” and it began.