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    Nanette (Nan)

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    I never realized two things before. First, my brother was missing, and second was that my life was trapped in San Francisco.
    Everyone knew everyone at my school. Everyone expect for me. I forgot names and they forgot mine. I still tried to fit in, but it was hard to. First was because girls would wear layers and layers of make-up, second was that most of the “popular kids” spread rumors throughout the whole school, and third was because they were all sticking their noses up in the air like the snobs they were.
    I wasn’t like that. I didn’t want too much attention on me, I hated wearing make-up, and I defiantly hated to spread false rumors.
    I scrunched up my eyebrows and continued fixing my hair. Too much to handle in a school full of snobs. Way too much to handle to fit in of course. “Two more weeks until I had to spend time with my mother,” I murmured to myself. Two weeks seemed to be like two decades instead. My father didn’t want me to be around him anymore, so I brought up of leaving San Francisco and going to Houston. He seemed to like it if he raised his eyebrows the way he always does when he thinks or agrees about something.
    I slung my bag over one of my shoulders and headed out of the door to go to school. I was early, as usual, because my father wanted me out as soon as I can.
    “Hey, Nanette!"Joy greeted me.
    I stumbled towards her and replied calmly, but with a bit of aggressiveness, “It’s Nan!”
    “Oh, well don’t bite my head off about it,” She replied hotly.
    I glared at her silently, and turned my back rudely on her. I twitched a little as a breeze swept over me and ruffled my hair slightly.
    Brown hair swept over my face.I blew it out and heard the bus come slowly towards the bus stop.
    "Finally," I muttered to myself and climbed up urgently. I dug around in my backpack and finally found a paper that was due today. I noisely dug around for a pencil and found one. I wrote down furiously, after i thought i was finished i reread it.

    Nanette Rodriguez
    September 29, 2008
    1st period

    Looking at the 2008 Presidential Election

    With the 2008 Presidential campaigns in full swing, more and more people are paying attention to what the Presidential nominees are saying. With issues ranging from the economic crisis, to health care, to the ongoing war in Iraq a majority of the voting American public are also making careful, calculated decisions about the nominees. Also, with the conclusions of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and the Republican National Convention (RNC) the Presidential Candidates and their running mates have been picked and announced. There have been cheers and jeers coming and going between both parties because of the different stances that each presidential nominee has on every single issue that is both important and menial to the citizens of the United States of America. To be well informed, smart voters, it is highly important that one knows the Presidential nominees.

    Senator John McCain is the GOP Presidential nominee and he is hoping to bring his experience to the Republicans. Senator McCain was elected to the United States House of Representatives from Arizona in 1982. After two (2) terms he was elected to the United States Senate in 1986 where he has been a senator for twenty two (22) years. His Presidential platform is Country First: Reform, Prosperity, Peace. He is fighting to reform Washington and to also eliminate the wasteful spending that is prevalent between lobbyist and the government. Strengthening our country’s armed forces and searching for a way to make the United States less and less dependent on foreign oil is also a priority for McCain. Other goals that he has is to help make the economy more stable and find a way to make health care more accessible. Immigration reform is also another priority for him. Senator McCain is married to Cindy and together they have seven (7) children; Doug, Andy, Sydney, Meghan, John Jr., James and Bridget. He is also the grandfather of four (4).

    Governor Sarah Palin was announced as Senator McCain’s running mate at the Republican National Convention at the beginning of September. With her nomination as McCain’s running mate she brings her own kind of political experience to the Republican party. On December 24, 2006 she became the eleventh (11th) Governor of Alaska and the first (1st) female governor of the state. Before her election as governor she held two (2) terms on the Wasilla City Council and was also the Mayor of Wasilla for two (2) terms. Sarah Palin was also the Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Conservative Commission. Like Senator McCain, Governor Palin is also trying to find ways to help the United States become energy independent. She is pushing for ethics reform, fighting special interest groups and the lobbyist that come along with them. Palin would also like to find ways to better develop our workforces and create an better education system for America. Sarah is married to her husband Todd and together they have five (5) children; Track, Bristol who is currently pregnant with her own child, Willow, Piper and Trig. Since the birth of her last child Trig, who was born with Down Syndrome, Governor Palin has been advocating for Down Syndrome research.

    Senator Barack Obama is the Democratic Presidential nominee for the 2008 election and just like John McCain, he is hoping to bring his own personal political experience to the forefront of his campaign. Senator Obama was a member of the Illinois state Senate and then went on to become a member of the United States Senate. He is also a member of the Veterans’ Affair Committee. Senator Obama’s platform for the election is CHANGE. He is trying to reach out to the Republicans to find areas of common ground to bring the country together during the hard times that many citizens are facing today. Some of the other issues that Senator Obama is trying to bring attention to is health care reform, the war in Iraq and the toll it is having on our troops and education reform. Senator Obama is married to Michelle and they have to daughters; Malia and Sasha.

    At the end of August Joe Biden was presented as Senator Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential nominee at the Democratic National Convention. Throughout his life, Mr. Biden has held many different positions in Washington. He was elected as United States Senator (Delaware) in 1972. Since then he has been a ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, leader of the Congressional effort to end the genocide in Darfur. He has also been the Chairman or a ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. He is often considered the nation’s leading expert on foreign policy by his peers in Washington, whether they are Republicans or Democrats. Mr. Biden has a strong commitment to a bipartisan foreign policy for the good of our country. He also would like to see the country move forward with energy development. Mr. Biden and his wife Jill have three (3) children; Beau, Hunter and Ashley.

    One of the hottest topics in recent years has been Immigration. It played a pivotal role in the recent elections and is now considered a hot button topic for the Presidential nominees. Both Senators McCain and Obama believe the immigration is broken and desperately needs to be fixed. However that is where the common ground ends. Senator McCain has presented a two (2) step reform process to his delegates. He believes that by securing our borders and providing comprehensive immigration initiatives for a secure nation, then we can ease illegal immigration. Senator McCain is working to keep immigration in check to meet the labor needs of America by both highly skilled laborers such as doctors and scientists and also by low-skilled/non-trade workers such as lawn maintenance workers and helpers. He would also like to help clear the backlog of immigrants and streamline the paperwork process to make it smoother and faster, that way some of the families that have been separated by the problems with the immigration process can be reunited. Senator Obama would like to work with Mexico to help them find out what our two (2) countries need to do to help slow the flow of immigrants that keep coming to the United States. He is also willing to crack down on employers and companies that willingly and knowingly hire illegal immigrants to work for them. One of his ideas is to remove the all of the incentives that are given to immigrants who are in this country illegally. He is also ready to have our borders secured and improve the system to make it easier, not just time wise but also financially, for immigrants to become documented therefore reducing the illegality of immigration.

    Just recently there was much hype about the District of Columbia lifting their firearms ban. Much of it had to do with Senator McCain co-sponsoring the idea. As a staunch supporter of the second (2nd) amendment to the United States Constitution, Senator McCain does not believe in restricting citizens, but he does want to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. He supports criminal background checks for the purchase of firearms and believes they should be done efficiently and thoroughly. One thing that McCain also believes is that firearm manufacturers should not be held liable for the actions of people who choose to use firearms whether it is legally or illegally. He has voted against such legislation because he believes it would bankrupt the firearm industry. Senator Obama recently held no position on the District of Columbia gun ban argument but he does believe in the second (2nd) amendment. He is willing to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to possess, own and transport firearms. While he respects that the second (2nd) amendment creates the individuals rights, he also believes that it should be left up to cities and states to ultimately regulate firearms and not big government.

    Coming off the seven (7) year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the nation’s defense has been an even bigger topic than before. Senator McCain believes that for any President or Presidential candidate Homeland Security should be a top priority. He also believes in a strong military and wants to increase the size of the military to better suit the needs of our country. Senator McCain has said many times that the men and women of our military need to be properly trained and funded in order for it to function as a top notch unit and to be able to remain the best and strongest in the world. Strengthening the United States’ relationship with its allies also is an idea that Senator McCain has to keep the country safe. Modernization of our military is something that he has sought for a while and he is hoping that if he is elected president, he can start on that process. Senator McCain would also like to see reform in our military/defense spending to ensure it is more cost efficient while still being productive. Senator Obama sees our military and defense system in pretty much the same light that Senator McCain does. He is willing and ready to invest in a 21st Century military and bring it out of the cold war era that he believes it is currently in. Having our troops fully equipped and trained is something else that Senator Obama would like to see implemented into today’s military personnel. He would also like to restore the readiness of the National Guard and the Reserves so that they are better able to respond to whatever may be asked of them. He also sees that there are problems that need to be fixed with the recruiting of possible new military personnel and with also the retention of the current men and women who are enlisted in the military. Like Senator McCain, he wants to restore alliances and make them stronger for the betterment of our country.

    On Tuesday, November 4, 2008, the citizens of the United States of America will head to the poll in unprecedented numbers to chose who will be the leader of our country. For the first time since 1976, none of the Presidential nominees, nor their running mates are from or have any political party affiliation in any of the three (3) most populous states in our country. And with the Presidential debates done and over with, the concerned citizens of the country are waiting for the Vice-Presidential debate to see who will be swayed one way or another. The polls show a close run between both Senior Senator John McCain and Junior Senator Barack Obama, and only one person shall emerge the victor. With both nominees reaching out in new and innovative ways, not only to repeated registered voters, but also to a new crowd of individuals no one is sure who has the upper hand on the campaign trails. The only way to be sure that your candidate emerges victorious is to get out there and do your part. Campaign for your candidate, work at a phone bank, put out yard signs, or try to recruit your friends and family members for the cause. Either way, make your vote count!

    Works Cited Page

    http://www.johnmccain.com/About/ Sept. 2008

    United States Presidential Election, 2008 Sept. 2008 29 Sept.

    http://www.johnmccain.com/about/governorpalin.htm Sept. 2008

    http://www.barackobama.com/learn/meet_barack.php Sept. 2008

    http://origin.barackobama.com/issues/additional/ Sept. 2008

    http://biden.senate.gov. Sept. 2008

    "Looks good to me!" I said happily to myself. As I climbed off the bus, there was a new kid staring straight at me.

    To Be Countined...