• Chapter 1 The walk

    Maddie was walking her dog snoopy a brown and white pit bull down Liberty Street. As she walked past a pale yellow house, it began to rain. So her and snoopy began to walk a little faster. She was a couple houses down from her place. She saw her friend Luke. So she went over to him and asked if he wanted to come over to her place to dry off. Luke said,”Sure I’ll come over, but isn’t your mom still at work?”. Maddie said,”Yeah I think she’s at work tell 11 or something like that, but let’s hurry snoopy doesn’t like the rain.”. Luke, Maddie, and Snoopy began to run. Soon they’re in front of Maddie’s cool blue house. They enter her house and sit on the couch. Maddie says,”I’ll be right back I’m gonna get something to eat do you want anything?”. Luke gets off the couch and snoopy follows him. Luke says,”Sure I’ll take something to eat.” Maddie turns around to look into the cupboard but right after she turned around BAM!!!! Luke comes out from behind her and has her hands behind her back, and duck taped her mouth. So Luke says,”Maddie it has always been some other guy you loved or liked or whatever never me, and I had to sit there, and listen all that crap.”.Maddie mumbles something. Snoopy began’s to bark in the background. Luke says,”Now it’s my turn to be the guy your in love with, were are now going out no matter what you say, or do I really don’t care.”. Luke takes the duck tape off Maddie’s scared face, and tried to kiss her. Maddie kept her lips pressed together as hard as she could. As Luke tried to get somewhere with this kiss, he ended up getting through her lips, and Maddie kept trying to push him away. Luke got the kiss he wanted because Maddie wasn’t strong enough to get past him. So Luke and Maddie walk out of her house with it still raining outside. Luke dragged Maddie all the way to his car(Luke and Maddie are both 17) by her hair. Maddie was moaning the whole way their and small tears slowly went down her already red face. As Luke forcefully shoved Maddie in the black chevy. The spot where Maddie was forced to sit in was actually pretty clean for a guy car. If she hadn’t been so scared she would of praised Luke for his cleanliness. Luke drove for awhile. Maddie was tired and fell asleep during the car ride. Like about an hour or so later Luke grabbed Maddie from the back sit and they had gone to the beach. It was dark out so it looked gorgeous with the ocean shining from the full moon and all. There was one towel just laying there. It was purple but it looked black in the light and it had yellow stripes on it this kinda scared Maddie more because those are her favorite colors. Luke took Maddie’s had and walked to the towel. Maddie didn’t struggle any more sense there was no point in it. Maddie and Luke sat on the towel. It a fell into place as this happened. Maddie finally felt wanted. She thought she actually meant something to someone. She was an important to some ones life. But then again at what cost. Would she get hurt along the way. Maybe Luke would keep her safe for once and all. Then Luke pushed Maddie down rudely and held her down. All those thoughts and feelings just washed out of Maddie’s brain. He forced her to make out with him. Maddie was just glad he didn’t ry to get any farther. Luke took her back to his car around 10:30 so he could get her home before her mom came home. The car ride was mainly quiet except around the middle when Luke said,”Maddie I really do like you but I guess I feel bad about this now and I regret this so yeah if you never want to talk to me again I totally understand.”. Maddie panders everything he just said. To respond she says,”Thank you for saying that I mean try being in my place, and if you give me like two weeks to maybe a month or so I could think about ‘us’ I mean I could always try.” The car ride is silent after those few words. At school the next day Luke always drives Maddie to school. SO like normally Maddie walked over to Luke’s and knocked on Luke’s door. Like thirty seconds later Luke answered the door. Maddie said,”Hey Luke so are you still gonna drive me or I’m I walking to school?” Luke paused for a short time and finally said,”Yeah you can still ride with me go ahead and get in the car, just let me get my backpack.”. Maddie headed for his car which brought back all the memory’s from last night. As Maddie sat down in the front seat Luke came in and sat in the drivers seat and began to drive. Luke said later on,”So Maddie are you mad at me or not.”. Maddie responds by saying,”If I was mad at you I would of walked to school instead of driving with you.”. That was last thing said before they got to school. As Maddie and Luke looked at their new classes [new electives everyday]. Maddie and Luke both found out that they have their morning elective with each other. Their morning elective is sex education. Luke begins to get a small grin on his face while Maddie is just wide eyed at the paper. Luke says,”O.K. let’s go we don’t want to be late to class.”. Maddie mumbles,”I sure do.”. As Maddie and Luke walk into the class they sit by each other like they normally would in any other class. They’re teacher is some old wrinkly guy that looks like some kind of sex offender the school just picked. Maddie sighs while Luke stills has that grin on his face. The teacher said,”Hi class I’m Mr. Smith, and today were gonna be doing a skit, it’s gonna show how peer pressure can lead to bad things, and sense their’s more guys then girls two guys will have to be partners, now go ahead and pick.”. Maddie and Luke were partners like always. Maddie did think though that this was gonna be extremely uncomfortable, but she held that thought in her own little world. Maddie and Luke decided what to do for there skit, and rehearsed it. The first people up were the guys that got stuck together and theirs was awful but it was hilarious. Maddie and Luke were called to perform next. Maddie was a little scared. Maddie was sitting down on a chair and Luke came up to her and said,”Hey baby your looking hot tonight you should let me walk you oover to my house.” Luke leans into kiss Maddie. Maddie has to let it happen or her and Luke will get a bad grade, so her and Luke get into a full out make out. Soon Luke says,”Ok hey baby let’s go to my house and get it on.”. That’s the end of the skit. Maddie had never know before that Luke was such a good kisser. She began to think of what would happen if they ever decided to date. Then all those thoughts left when the bell rang for math. Math and science are the only two classes Maddie and Luke don’t have together well to bad. They would find a way because at 10:32 they ask for the bathroom pass and see each other on the way to the bathroom. So they’re like always together forever and ever. Maddie continue to think about Luke and her dating. She seemed to always think these thoughts over and over again. Maddie thought maybe I should do a girls night out tonight, to rid my mind of this and to see what the girls think of the idea. Maddie got the pass and saw Luke in the hallway only there was on problem Luke was MAKING OUT WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!! The major thing with this scene is it was Maddie’s best guy friend and her best girl friend Lucy. Maddie and Lucy have been friends sense the 3rd grade this is how she’s thanked. Maddie storms past the two “lovebirds”. So many thoughts are going through her mind. While those mainly are why, why. Maddie gets her cell phone out in the bathroom and calls her mom. Maddie says quietly into the phone,”Mom you remember how you said you’d get me from any where no questions asked, yeah I need you to get from school soon really soon please, O.K. thank you.”. Maddie stumbles out of the bathroom and takes the long way back to class so she doesn’t have to see them. She wonder’s if last night meant anything maybe it was a dare from one of his stupid guy friends, who hate me? This sucks why, I thought I was finally good enough for someone like him. I guess I could make him jealous like he’s doing to me. So Maddie found Luke’s best friend Devon during passing time. Maddie says,” Hey Devon.”. Devon respond,”Oh hey Maddie um this is hard for me to say but um I guess here it is um this Friday do you want to go to the movies with me?”. Maddie didn’t even have to ask she couldn’t believe that he had asked her. Maddie says,”Sure Devon is 7 ok with you?”. Devon says,”Yeah that’s fine.”. Devon and Maddie both have History together do Maddie goes and slowly takes Devon’s hand and they walk into history holding hands. Devon sits a couple tables down from Maddie, so instead of listening to Mr. Carlson lecture they sit there passing notes. Maddie is loving this, but then she looks over at Luke and Lucy and notices their sitting by each other giggling and kissing. Sense their in the back Mr. Carlson can’t really see them. Maddie gets jealous at first then she gets the note back from Devon and it says,”I’ve actually liked you for awhile now I just couldn’t say it and Luke always liked you and I didn’t want to ruin that friendship and now he like’s Lucy so I guess he’s fine with us.”. When Maddie saw the words us her heart flew and she was speechless such simple words made her realize that no matter what Luke did she would never truly like him. Maddie got her phone and texted her mom,” Don’t come and get me mom I’m fine now.”. Mr. Carlson walks by as Maddie’s texting and says,”Oh look what we have here Maddie why are you texting in class.”. Maddie says,”It was to my mom she needed to ask me something.”. Mr. Carlson says,”Hmm Sure.” and takes her phone away. Luckily though she was able to send the message to her mom before he took it away. The bell rings and Maddie and Devon go to science together.

    Chapter 2 Science and Movies

    In science Maddie and Devon sit by each other they were watching some movie about dragons but they weren’t paying any attention Maddie as quietly giggling while Devon whispered stuff in Maddie’s ear. Maddie turns to Devon and noticed that on the door there was a sign over the glass that said,”Maddie Grey is a WHORE.” Devon turned around to see what Maddie was looking at and saw the sign too. Maddie looked crushed because it was in Luke’s handwriting. Devon patted Maddie’s back and whispered in her ear,”It’s ok everything’s fine who care’s what Luke thinks he’s just a jerk.” Maddie began to cry but not a lot. Devon whipped away the tears and kissed her forehead. Maddie laid down on Devon’s chest. I began to watch the dumb dragon movie. She had to keep her mind off that stupid sign. Maddie thought too herself,” I’m gonna kill him, I’m gonna rip him too shreds his totally died, and I thought about dating him.” Soon the bell rang for lunch now normally Maddie and Luke sat at the sam table, but there was nothing Maddie could about this she couldn’t make him move it wasn’t “her” table. Maybe she could even confront him and figure out what the hell was going on. Luke would probably ignore her he never was good with a problem that made him uncomfortable. So Maddie will ignore him too she’s a big girl and can do the silent treatment just as well as he can. As Maddie begins to sit down at the table Luke grabs her arm and says,”follow me its an emergency.” Luke and Maddie go over to the lockers. Luke says,” Maddie you need to leave the school NOW there’s a bomb thereat coming I don’t know who it is but they found away into the PA system and their gonna say it on their it’s gonna be in English.”. Maddie thought,”English is their next class what if he’s messing with me so he could put more of those stupid signs up.”. Luke says,” I know Maddie your thinking he just wants to put more of those signs up, I never did that, and Lucy and me in the hallway she forced herself on me she told you never liked me and will never love me and it just hurt, then you and Devon in History so I guess it was jealously killing us.”. Maddie said,” God Luke you always know what I’m thinking don’t you, how am I supposed to get out of here Mr. Carlson took my phone?”. Luke says,” Well here you go.” Maddie gets a confused look on her face then realized Luke grabbed the phone off his desk. Maddie said,” Wow Luke, you always have done the wrong thing for the right reasons.”. Luke sighed and said,”You get my point though don’t you?”. Maddie folds her arms across her chest and says,”Well duh or else I would say I don’t get this.”. Maddie walks back to the table. She was glad they got to talk. Now she’s not mad at him anymore, Now she’s more mad at Lucy. Lucy was her best friend. Maddie’s seen all those high school dram packed movies with Lucy. Maddie always thought she would be lucky and get a high school minus the drama. Unfortunately that’s not how it works. Maddie couldn’t help but wonder what was gonna happen. The suspense would kill her. It always does and Luke knows that, that is the main reason why he does it. Maddie sits down at the table. She texted her mom. The text said,”Mom never mind what I said early get me now. Luv Maddie. Normally Maddie would have made sure everything was spelled right but she never does that when she’s mad or depressed so she decided to be mad for some reason. She needed to think of a reason to be mad first. Well before they call her name down. Maddie decided she would be mad at Lucy sense she already was. It was really rather easy. Soon the office called Maddie down. Maddie got in the car and sat in the way, way back. Which is what she does when again she’s mad. Her mom though didn’t ask any questions. Maddie got home. Her mom left for work like an hour later. Maddie’s parents were usually never home any ways so it didn’t matter to her she was use to it. Maddie noticed all the normal teenage cars came two hours early then normal. Maddie turned on the news channel. Luke walked in and said,”It’s not on there.”. Maddie jumped and said,”Luke don’t do that, you really scare me.”. Maddie patted down on the couch cushion telling him to come sit by her. Luke sat down and said,”But it’s so fun.”. Maddie sat facing Luke she was on his lap though. She slowly went in to kiss him. After about 2 minutes they were making out on the couch. Luke’s hands were up Maddie’s shirt. He was feeling her breast. Maddie’s nipples became hard. She was now horny. So her kissing got a little more passonite. Soon Maddie was in her bra and panties. Luke didn’t have anything on at all. Maddie was suckling on his n****e while Luke was giving her a hickie on the back of her neck. Soon someone knocked on the door. It was Maddie’s friend Carmen. Luke whispered in Maddie’s ear,”Don’t you dare get the door.”. Maddie says,”Luke come on.” Maddie goes over to the door and says,’I can’t open the door but I can still talk.”. Carmen says,’O.K. that’s fine. I came over to see if you were O.K. you left school early.”. Luke was biting Maddie’s earlobe. Maddie giggled and said,”Oh yeah I didn’t feel good, my breakfast got to me or something.”. Luke was feeling up Maddie’s leg. His tongue slowly went down to her face. Now he was in front of her. Maddie says,”I gotta go see you tommorow.” Carmen leaves. Luke pushes Maddie to a wall. Maddie wraps her leg around his waist. The began to make out again. Luke finally says,”Maddie would you be my girlfriend?”. Maddie sighs and says,”Of course silly.”. Maddie goes and gets dressed. When Maddie comes back out Luke is already dressed. Luke pecks Maddie on the cheek and says,”My mom called I gotta go home, I’ll see you tommorow bye love you.”. Maddie waves good-bye. Then she says,”Luke wait! I have a date with Devon and I still wanna go. Let’s not go public yet O.K.”. Luke yells from outside,”You got it.”.