• What connects us to the world and the spirit world…is it the souls that we have…the desire that we share to be the same…is it the chains that bond us, the chains the only we can bend and break…. what connects us to the gate were the dead go for eternal rest…the story and history on the dead and the living is a mystery well never solve all of them I guess.

    Chapter 1


    “A-a-are you there, Can you hear me…Why can’t I hear you” I’ve been having these dreams

    But I don’t understand them its like someone’s calling me but I don’t know exactly who and then it fades… and I awaken “ huh another weird dream. But it seemed so real” she looks at the clock “ gah! I’m so ganna be late” she jumps out of bed and puts on her school uniform and hurries out the door

    “ My name Chouko Hiroshi, Chouko means butterfly child I’m 18 and I go Takada spring high school life for me has been simple I’ve a straight A student and I’m student president and all captain on the volleyball team at my school, my parents died when I was small and I been living my myself ever since I was little I’ve been different…. There’s this garden right next to were I live with a huge oak door that needs a key to open it but I never really tried going to see it but when ever I was at home I could see it out my window” Cho!” said a voice coming from behind her “ what who’s calling me” Chouko turned around “ wait up Cho”, “ oh! Yushi” she waved “ hurry up we’re ganna be late” that Yushi Tayoma she my next door neighbor she nice and she’s also is in charge of the fun raisers that go on at our school and she’s apart of the girls baseball team, but she’s really nice and were almost like sisters but strangely it seems like I’ve meet her before I just don’t know were. Sometimes she spaces out for no reason…. but I’ve come to not worry about it so much “ thanks for waiting Cho” she said panting, Cho was my nickname short for Chouko but sometimes people call Hiroshi, I don’t mind I guess I still know who there talking about anyway right “ so are you?” I looked at her sort of lost because I had no idea what she was talking about “ am I what?” I ask “ are you going to go to the garden with us today?” I stared at her for a while “ your going to the garden?” she smiled “ yeah me and the girls are, you want to come?” when she meant girl she me Yuri Tishindo, Sakura Nagashima, and Chi Nakashima we hung out with them at school and we became the best of friends over time “ um sure I guess I could go” she gave out a happy yell “ great!” she grabbed my hand and pulled me and we started running “ now come one were ganna be late for school” I yelled “ hey slow down” as we ran I saw this blue haired girl with sparkling eyes as we passed I got this weird feeling… some sort of chill… I looked back and she was gone. When we got to school the bell had just rung and I looked back “ weird” Yushi looked at me “ what was weird” she said, I looked at her “ oh nothing” we walked to class and lucky we were on time but I couldn’t get over the chill I felt when I passed her it was so weird but I can’t get over that fact that it looked like someone I met before but I just don’t know who or where or even how, the day seemed long at school I’m surprised that I could focus on things that I was doing because it seemed like my mind was wondering from time to time even though I was doing the work “ hey Cho” Yushi came up to my desk “ yes Yushi” I looked at her with a distant smile “ is something wrong” she looked at me with a concerned face, all I did was stare at her for a second “ no why do you ask” I just smiled with my closed “well you seem a little out of it today” she said smiling but I could tell she was worried still but she seemed a little pleased that I was ok “ Chouko…” just then I heard a voice , I looked around “ who’s calling me?” Yushi looked at me” no ones calling you Cho” I looked at her and then I felt a cold chill on my shoulder, it was like being in a block of ice in the middle of a frozen lake or being frozen period, I don’t know what…but it was strange either way.