my best friend is a psychic
It’s a cold cloudy day and it was my very first day of high school. The moment I leave the front door of my house, I knew I would never come back the same. I would be known as a totally different person, independent, and a mature woman. I would start getting bigger and harder exercises thrown at me. And I will never be the same as I was in middle school. I will make new friends, and soon learn to know my new family. The parents (teachers of the days) and my new brothers and sister (students of the school) I will need to go in there and be able to cope with everyone. Not starting fights and making problems for anyone. It’s going to be a hard adventure for me, but with my best friend by my side 100 % of the way, and my family with me all the way!!! I know I can over come anything.
No no no! How could this happen? School is going to start soon, and im going to be late. Why didn’t anyone WAKE ME UP?”
“Honey are you up yet?” My mom said shouting from the bottoms of the stairs.
“Yeah! I’m getting ready right now.” I said while panicking
“Where are my shoes? Urghhhh, how could this have happen? My first day of high school and things are going wrong. Why does it have to start off like this?”
I ran down the steps taking the flight down 3 steps a time. I had to watch out not to trip and falling on my face.
Bye mom I’m leaving! I shouted out to her, running out the door.
Wait! She called out
But I still kept on going. School started in about 5 minutes. And it was 8:10 already
As I ran out the door, the sky started to grumble with dark huge gray clouds rolling in.
I should have brought an umbrella, I thought to myself
But there no time for that now, I was going to be late, if I didn’t keep on running.
I got to the bottom of the hill, were a car drove through this huge puddle, drenching me with the frozen water. I was soaked, every inch of my body
Already freaking about being late, I was now wet.
I did the one thing I thought I would never do, I kept on running to school
I thought to my self, who cares if I’m wet, I mean right?
Wrong! Lots of people did
Ha-ha, one kid said while pointing at me. You peed yourself
That was not the reaction I was hoping for
I can start to feel my cheeks Redning up. I was so embarrassed, all I could do was walk through the halls, and act as if nothing had happen
I went to the attendance office to go get my schedule. The lady at the desk just gave me a look, and said, “Make sure your on time, next time like everyone else.
Great that’s what I wanted to hear at the moment. Getting scold at on my first day!
Room……………………… teacher…………… grade………….. 605
Hmm…… how do you read the schedule?
It says to go to room 605 but, I’m in the 1000 building.
There was a young pretty girl walking past me in the halls, the only other person beside me in the hall way.
Um….. Hello, I said shyly
“Hi, do I know you?” She said in a cold way
“Um….. I don’t think so,” I said back, sounding a bit scared
Oh figures, she said. What do you need?
“I was wondering if you can tell me where room 605 is?” I responded gaining some confidence
Yeah it’s in the opposite direction, she said, and with that she left me there clueless
What’s her problem? I thought to myself
600……601…..602…..603….604……605, room 605, finally I found it!
I open the door, there was a tall handsome man standing in the middle of the front of the class, he looked at me confused.
How can I help you? He asked
He had a nice gentle voice, and seemed to be really nice.
Um…… I’m sorry I interrupted……. Looking around the class room, I notice I had all the attention of my fellow classmates on me. Hi I’m……. I mean……
Please take a seat, he said to me. And do try to be on time to class from now on.
I nodded my head, and headed for the furthest seat, all the way in the back of the class room.
The room is pretty big, lot bigger than the rooms in the middle school I had attended.
It was plaster with lots of pretty posters from all over the world, of course, this was a geography class
Miranda! The teacher shouted.
My name is Mr. Welsh I hope everything is all right and you find your way around school pretty well. If you need help with anything, please ask.
I had noticed, all the students in my class seem to be a year older than me. They all looked at me in disgust.
Thank you. I said nicely.
The kid next to me, was a chubby boy, and had red hair. He was pretty tall, and looked like a giant.
Pss! here. He said handing me a note
Welcome to the class. My name is Ted, if you need help with anything, please ask, and I will be glad to show you around.
P.S. you’re really pretty!
I turned to him. Thank you Ted, I said shaking a little.
The first period, went by fast. Got our assignment and we headed out the door. Right behind me was Ted.
MIRANDA! Ted shouted across the hall
I felt myself turn red again.
Oh hi Ted. How are you doing? Asking him, when I really didn’t want to
I’m doing very well thanks for asking. He responded
Ted seems to speak well. His English seemed to be a lot more advance then my would ever be.
So Miranda, I was wondering…….. Would you like to have lunch together? He was turning red while asking.
Well…… um….. I guess, why not. The truth was, I wasn’t going to have anyone to eat lunch with since I don’t have any friends here.
All my other friends went to different schools, and my best friend, won’t transfer here till its midyear
Ted and I walked to the cafeteria together. I learn lots about him, in the short time we talked for.
He is a sophomore, and is really smart; he is tied in for 1st for valedictorian. He loves science and school in general. He told me he also likes to read (of course if you like school, then your going to like reading) he is the only child out of his family of 3
He loves dogs, (wolves more) and wants to study them. It’s kind of a weird thing to be doing, studying wolves, and possibly getting eaten, but it’s not my place to judge
So Miranda can you tell me a little about your self? He asked after finishing telling me a little about him self.
Um….. Were would I start, there’s not much about me to really know.
I started off talking about my family.
I’m not an only child, I have a young sister, who is at the age of 5 (she’s cute, but so annoying) then there is my older brother, he’s 17, and is in his last year of high school. My brother goes to a different high school then I do. Its for “gifted people” he’s kind of like a genius. Everyone always says “he’s the best, always do wonderful things” and all this, I have to live up to high expectations because of him. Then there’s me 14 and average. I get decent grades in school, and don’t really mind coming, but if I can chose, I would rather sit home, exploring things I yet have seen.
Ted and I took our seats at the table. Across the way there was a young boy, (look to be the same age as me) and a young little girl, she looked like she was a middle schooler.
The young boy was slender, and tall, he had black hair, with blue eyes. He was a cute guy. The young girl was cute too. She was slender, but short also had black hair, and blue eyes. She looked like his little sister.
Ted notice me looking in their direction, because he then started to say, they don’t talk much, their dad is the principal of the school, and no one likes them.
So that answers the question of them being related.
Do you know how old they are? I asked (more for the guy)
Yeah there twins, and there both 16. He said while smiling
Whoa!!! I said with total surprise, the boy looked to be 14 or even 15, but he was tall. And the girl looked like she could have been 12 or 13.
So there in their sophomore year too huh? I asked sounding a bit sad
I really wanted to be in the same year as them.
No worries there, Ted said trying to cheer me up. You are in a lot of sophomore’s classes I noticed, so you’re bound to have a class with one of them!
That made me smile a little bit
The lunch bell ranged, Ted and I started to walk into the halls.
Im kind of glad that I decided to have lunch with Ted in the first place, although he’s not the best looking guy in the school, he is the nicest. I had made a new friend
My next class was history, in room 225 with Ms. Jackson.
As I walked in, I noticed it was another sophomore class. I thought to myself, why am I taking all these sophomore classes?
One thing in the back of the room caught my eyes, it was that cute little girl I saw in the cafeteria. I went and took my seat next to her
Um….. Hi! How are u doing? I asked trying to make small talk
She kind of just looked at me and turned away
Hey! I said. I’m talking to you; you just don’t ignore people when there speaking to you.
Sorry, came her soft reply. I’m just not use to people talking to me, or even saying anything for the matter
That was the last thing we said throughout the rest of the period.
The bell rang again, and I went off to my science class, I was taking biology.
When I got to the room, Ted greeted me warmly.
Hi Miranda! He said with a warm welcome.
Hi Ted! I said back
Ok class, listen up. My name is Mr. Jacobs. Were going to be doing an activity today, your going to go around in the class and introduce your self to someone you do not know. You have to tell the people your name, and one thing about you that is interesting. Then write it down on a piece of paper. At the end of class you will be turning it in.
You may begin.
I got up from my seat, to see who I can talk to and ask about. I walked around the class room for about 5 minutes, when I saw that boy I had seen earlier in the cafeteria. My heart started to beat fast. He was just sitting in the seat, not saying a word to anyone. Every time, he would look in the direction of someone, they would turn their head and completely ignore him. His expression told it all, he was sad.
I can do this, I told my self. Just go up there and say hi what’s your name?
I walked over into the direction in were he was sitting, and sat myself down next to him.
Um…… hello what’s you’re…………
I was broken off when he looked at me with those beautiful big blue eyes.
He stared at me with such intensity. Why couldn’t I bring myself to talk to him?
Hello! He said, his voice was deep but not deep like and old guy. You can tell he already past that part in puberty.
He gave me a small smile that sent me melting.
Hi! I finally brought myself to say…… um….. I was wondering if I can ask you the questions, that I needed to do for the assignment.
Really? He said with excitement. I will be really happy to help you with it.
Really? That’s great! I said sounding just as excited as he had sounded.
We will first start off with our names. My name is Miranda!
What’s yours? I was anxious to find out
I’m Mason it’s nice to meet you Miranda! He sounded very happy
So…. He began speaking. What is one thing you would like me to know about you?
I didn’t know anything that was important about me……. I mean there isn’t anything that’s special about me.
There’s nothing important about me. I started telling him. Um….. I’m 14 years old, and I am a freshman, taking all sophomore classes.
He looked really shocked. You’re a freshman? He asked kind of interested.
Wow I thought you would be a lot older.
Thanks. I said not really sure if that was a compliment or not.
So. I began again. What is one thing you would like me to know about you?
He leaned over, and whispered. You promise you won’t tell anyone if I tell you?
Um…. Sure. I said while nodding.
Ok, good. He said. My sister and I, well were twins, and were a bit psychic.
What!?! You’re a PSYCHIC?
Wait! Is this a trick or something? How do I know for real you’re a psychic, prove it!
Well I can’t at the very moment, he said. I can only do it when my sister is here. And plus it’s not the kind of psychic you think it is.
Is this the reason why know one talks to you? I asked afraid that may be the answer
Yes! He responded. Every since last year when my sister and I both came to the school, we had a incident were we kept reporting people to our dad, that some student were going to do something bad, before it ever happen.
Whoa! That is so cool. I was so excited. There is a psychic in my class, I began.
Wait, why do you want me to stay quiet when people know all about it.
My dad told them he found out about the kids (the ones that got caught) by their fellow classmates. My dad said that my sister and I didn’t have anything to do with it. But word got out, that we were the one that were rating people out. So no one knows were psychic. People just won’t talk to us, because they think we will rat them out if they ever do anything. So we don’t have very much friends because of this.
I’m sorry. I began to apologize for doing nothing.
But why are you ok with telling me about this? I’m new here; you don’t know anything about me.
Well. He said the fact that you came to sit next to me and talk to me, shows you were looking to be friends and I can trust you. I bet someone, like Ted or another told you we’re weren’t liked by anyone, and you ignored them on what they said, you still came to talk to me.
Wait how do you know that? I asked shocked
I’m psychic remember?
Oh yeah I forgot. I said while turning a bit red.
Ok class we have 1 minute left of class. Please turn in you assignment in and stay seated till the bell rings.
Well Miranda. Mason began. It was nice talking to you. I hope we can be friends!
Of course! I said I was so happy, words cannot explain it.
Awesome! He said.
And with that the bell rang. School was over for the day.
I went to my locker to get my books. While I was entering in my combination,. The little girl from before came up to me, and taped me on the back really hard.
I turned around. Yes. I said politely.
Stay away from my brother! She said it with anger.
What!?! Why? Why do I have to stay away from your brother? I was so confused
You’re new here. She began. And my brother will trust anyone that wants to be his friend. Now you know our secret, it’s even more dangerous. So please don’t bother us, and just stay away from him! After she said what she had to say, she left me there alone, with confusion.
I felt sad. I mean, why can’t she trust me, she doesn’t even know me? Well….. I guess that may be the reason then why. But still, she should at least get to know me before she judges me; I wanted to become her friend.
I grabbed my books out of the locker, and headed home.
When I got to the porch of my house, my mom was sitting on a chair, waiting for me.
So Miranda how was the first day of high school? She asked excited.
You know the same as always. Was my reply.
Well I have homework, and I’m going to go work on it. I will see you at dinner.
Ok Miranda. Remember though that tonight your father and I are going to the movies, so your brother will be here with you and your sister. Oh and please try not to bother him. She said in the best polite way she could.
I promise mom that I won’t bother mark (who is my older brother) I walked into the house, and left her out there to sit alone on the porch.
Plop. I landed on the bed exhausted already from the first day of school.
I turned on the t.v. to lazy to start on my homework.
The first channel I turned it on to was the news.
They’re talking about the political debates. About how gas is too high now a days, and the price of tax is not fair. The only channel I can get on my t.v. was the news, so I turned it off, and reached for my journal in the corner of my night stand.
I began writing:
Today was an interesting day, the first day of school, and so many things are happening. Were to begin….. Well…. Ted is such a nice friend; he is already making me feel welcome at the school. And I think he may have a crush on me…… that’s a bit weird though. And the twins!!! They are adorable. The guy (who is mason) is very cute! I’m so happy that we are friends, but I’m not allowed to be friend with him, because of his twin sister, who thinks I may be trouble for them, *sigh* I’m not trouble, she should at least give me a chance. But oh well. This is all I’m going to write for today, I will write more later!
May 17th, 2008
After I was done writing in my journal, I walked around my room, thinking of a way to make the girl like me a little more. I then realize I don’t even know her name! I know her brothers, only because he told me, but I forgot to ask what her name was…... I guess I can always ask Mason tomorrow, but I have to find a way to talk to him without his sister knowing.
Now…… how do you sneak around a psychic?
Miranda! Get down here now!
It was my brother Mark, he sounded a bit angry
Coming! I shouted running down the hallway, then running down the steps.
Yes! What’s wrong? Why are you mad? I asked, shaking, thinking I did something horribly wrong.
The school just called. He said. They said that you were seen ditching your 3rd period class, and on the first day of school!
WHAT? I didn’t ditch class! I never ditched class in my life! I was starting to burn with anger. How can the school say I have done something like that? They could even ask the teacher, I was there in her class.
Well….. It was your principle, and he wants to see you in his office before school start tomorrow. When mom and dad get home later on tonight were going to tell them what happen. Now go work on your homework! He turned away
I thought about arguing a bit more, but he didn’t do anything, and I wasn’t mad at him. So I just left it alone
I got up to my room, and threw myself on the bed.
How could this happen? I thought to myself.
I didn’t ditch class at all, and the teacher knew I was in her class. The principle can even ask her! Who would tell the principle I would……?
I was broken off when the thought hit me……. Mason sister. She went crying to her dad, to tell me to know my place.
It all fits perfect.
I was to dumb to even think, that It could have been someone else. Or the fact that the principle would even do anything like that for his daughter.
I was too eager to tell Mason’s sister off!
Pacing around my room (which isn’t pretty big at all)
I lowered my self on the window seal….. It’s tall enough for me to sit on the window without hitting my head. But small that only one person can sit on it.
I was trying to come up with ways to get out of the situation with my parents when they got home. But I only got as far as ……. “I didn’t do anything”. When I fell sound asleep on the window seal.
School had token so much from me, that even the ground seemed so inviting, when I had walked into my room earlier
I was suddenly wakened up when my mom’s angry voice enter my room.
Miranda Annabelle Payton! My mom shouted
Great I was in for it now
I woke up to find my mom tapping her foot impatiently waiting to hear my side of the story.
Well you see mom……. The … principle called….. And I didn’t do anything I promise you….. But.
I was stuttering, I didn’t know how my mom was going to take this.
Her punishments are harsh, and not to mention when she gets angry, she really gives it to you!
Are you finished yet? She said it with such coldness in her voice. Now how can you go on your first day of school and ditch? We expected better of you!
You have never done anything like this before. Why all of a sudden?
I was starting to grow very angry. I don’t like it when my parents accuse me of lying. Then apologizes later, saying “sorry we didn’t believe you from the beginning”
I mean what kind of kid do they think they had raise?
I looked straight into my mom’s eyes, and showed no fear. And In the politest way I could have said it I turned to her and said. Mom I did not ditch school today, and that’s the truth.
She turned to me and then called for my father.
Dear! She shouted down the steps.
My father came running up.
He’s tall and slender with a nice build; He is young around the age of 36 and has brown hair.
Yes honey! He said to my mom assuring her he was there for her.
The thing my mom said next shocked me.
Miranda did not ditch school today, and I’m going to call the principle to tell him off. My mom said ready to fight.
I was starting to have a great affection for her.
Wait Hon, how do you know that she didn’t? Have you thought she may be lying? My dad was making me mad
Sorry but Miranda is not a liar, and a mom always knows when her daughter is telling the truth and the lie. Now let’s leave Miranda back to her self. After finishing what she was saying. My dad and my mom left my room; I felt a great satisfaction form over me, for my mother.
Wow so much has happen today.
Lying down on my day, my mind went from the very begging of my day trying to recapture everything.
I then doze off and fell into a deep sleep.
*hits the snooze button*
I got up after having a strange dream. I was with Mason, and with his sister, I was in the principle office having a lecture, when the school bell rang. When I walked out of the office and into the hall, there was no one out there. All the students and teachers were missing.
I shook my head. Don’t worry Miranda, I told myself repeatedly. Everything will be fine, it was just a weird dream I was having.
I looked at my alarm clock, and was struck with fear again!
Running down the stairs, I screamed shouting.
Why does this always happen to me?
Miranda, please stop shouting around the house. Mark came yelling out of his room
IM GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN! I yelled back mad at him for not letting me go a little crazy.
Clam down, he said again. He said it with total calmness in his voice.
I then felt relax.
I will take you to school if you need me to. He said happy he had a reason to go for a drive.
Mark had just gotten his license, and he tries to find anyway to get out of the house, to drive around. Of course I would be his excuse for mom and dad. If it means me getting a ride to school.
I jumped up and down excited. YES! PLEASE AND THANK YOU! I replied happy I wouldn’t be late.
He just laughed at me.
Ok! He said
We got in the car, and backed out of the drive way. And within about 5 minutes I was at school, and seated waiting for the bell to ring.
For some reason I felt like I was forgetting something.
My teacher then walked in smiling around. When he saw me, his smile turned into a frown.
Miranda! He shouted
Yes! I said a little frightened hearing my name called out.
You were needed in the principle office 15 minutes ago. You better take your belongings and start heading there right now. He sounded disappointed
I got my stuff gather together, and headed out of the classroom.
I thought my mom cleared everything with the principle already!
I thought to myself. What had possibly gone wrong?
As I walked to the principle office I got a feeling of disturbance rush down my spine.
It’s really quiet in the hallway! Why isn’t there a single noise?
I let out a small whistle. It echoed throughout the whole school.
So strange, I thought to myself
By the time I finally reached the principle office, I was starting to get freaked out a little bit. There was no one in the office.
Where could everyone have gone? Did they all disappear?
I walked around the office for a few minutes. When a hand rested its palm on my shoulder.
I let out a little cry.
It’s just me! The voice said
Turning around I faced Mason.
What’s up? He asked smiling at me
Hi! I sounded excited, and then I frowned remembering what masons little sister told me.
I didn’t want to make her mad at me again.
Um. I got to go! Sorry. I said trying to run past him.
My shoelace got a hold on a lose floor board, sending me crashing straight towards him. He put his arm out stopping me from hitting the floor.
Um…. Hehe….. Thank you. I said getting red from embarrassment
No worries, he said smiling at me. He was still holding on to me, after a minute he had realized that he was, and let go of me.
Sorry. He said.
If I saw correctly it would have seem like he was blushing.
He quickly let go of me, and turned around.
I’m sorry about that. He said again.
Um… don’t worry about it. It was my fault after all.
I don’t know why it had to turn out this way.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, he finally asked what I was doing here.
Well you see I got a call from the principle office and I was supposed to meet him here today. I told him hoping he wouldn’t think of me as a bad person.
Wait! I said, what are you doing here?
My dad is the principle, remember? He said laughing at me. I came to visit him for a little bit. But instead I ran into you. He said. Not that it’s a bad thing or anything. I’m glad to have seen you here!
Thanks! I said I was both happy but embarrass.
So where is your father? Suddenly remembering that we were in school.
That’s weird! He said
Wait! What is? I asked a little scared
My sister is supposed to meet up with me soon! Ah I guess she will be here eventually. He said looking around the office.
Oh is that so? I asked then I guess I should get going then. But if you don’t mind me asking, what is your sister name?
You never met her? He asked as if he was shocked. Her name is Madison.
Oh well thank you! I better get going then. Don’t want to bother you and your sister meeting! Bye. I turned around and began running.
When I got into the hallway I heard Mason shout out.
See you later. Let’s have lunch!
I froze there; he wanted to have lunch with me?
I was so happy that I was going to turn around, when standing before me was Madison.
She didn’t seem to happy
“Hi Madison, How are you doing?” I asked politely yet I was scared.
“Don’t say my name like were friends, I don’t like you fooling around with my brother. So just stay away from him!” She was so mad her voice shook with terror.
“Why can’t I be his friend?” I asked. “I won’t do anything to hurt him or you.
Plus he is my friend, and he seems like he likes having a friend. Can’t you just be happy instead?”
She didn’t like the idea of anyone getting in between her and her brother. She must not know what a friend really mean.
She looked at me. “If you do one thing to hurt him, I will unleash my powers on you!”
“What? You have powers? I thought you were just a physic!” She was confusing me.
“Well it was a figure of speech, but I can look in to your future and use that against you so don’t do anything that is not unnecessary!” she was getting angry
“Hey that is an invasion of privacy!” I proclaimed “you have no right to do that! And plus you need your brother help to look into the future! You can’t do it without him! Would he do it if you asked?”
She looked really shocked; I knew I had hit a weak spot somewhere.
She was growing very impatient with me, and I can tell she now hated me. But I wasn’t going to let her ruin mine and Mason’s friendship.
Before she can yell at me one more time, Mason appeared out of the principle office, staring his sister down. She looked scared, she was just caught yelling at the only friend Mason has ever had.
“Hi Madison, what are you doing here at dads office already?” Mason had asked coldly.
She quickly changed it on Mason and me.
“What do you mean why am I here early?” She asked mad “he is my father I just came to pay him a visit. Is it a bad thing that I’m early?”
Oh is that so? Then why were you talking to Miranda then? Mason demanded
“I just saw her in the hall, and was asking if she needed any help. That’s all” she said hoping he wouldn’t ask any more. All we said was a few words, than you came out Nothing to get mad about. “
Well I will be going now. Bye Mason see you later.”
She then look to me, I felt a glare from her “it was nice meeting you Miranda!”
She smiled but you can tell it was so fake.
After she turned the corner and left, Mason looked to me. “Ok now for real, what did she really say to you?”
I could lie and tell Mason that what Madison had really said was true, or I could be a good friend and tell him his sister is a total jerk! But would that be a good friend to nag about his sister? I decided I would lie to him.
“Um….. Madison told the truth, she really was trying to help me. She didn’t say much, just said hi, asked if I needed help, and when I told her I was fine, you cam out. Nothing see? He didn’t seem to buy it.
Well if your dad isn’t here yet, I think I will head back to class bye” I tired to turn around and start off in a run, but Mason grabbed my hand before I had the chance.
I turned to face him, he was turning red. I think he was embarrassed.
“Mason, um… what are you doing?” I asked just a little startled.
“I know you’re not telling me the truth about my sister” he looked like he regretted that he starting talking again. “You’re my first friend, and I don’t want to lose you, so please don’t tell lies about what my sister said. What did she really say to you?” he looked at me so intentionally with those dark blue eyes of his. I tried desperately to turn away, but for him he was so much stronger than me, I couldn’t break free.
“Please Mason I got to get back to class; she didn’t say anything else but that. Now bye!” I lied to him, but I had to or Madison would “release her magical powers” on me, that’s the last thing I want to help make me feel less welcome at this school. It’s so hard to be friends with someone that is a twin. And let alone a twin that is physic!
I left Mason there standing alone in the hall. I was heading back to class, when a thought hit me, why did the teacher tell me the principle had called for me? When he wasn’t even there to welcome me. Whatever the reason it was that the principle had called me in for, I can’t be in trouble for not meeting with him. He wasn’t there and that’s the final fact.
I got to the classroom, when my teacher approached me furious with anger.
“I sent you to the principle’s office 15 minutes ago, and you didn’t even go.”
“Wait what do you mean by that? I went to his office and he wasn’t even there” I was surprise he was accusing me of not going. I was a little shock he was yelling at me too
“The principle just called me right now, saying how he waited for you for 15 minutes, and you have yet to shown” his voice was growing louder.
“You now have a week of detention after school for an hour, starting today with me!” he gave a heap of sigh, as if disappointed he has to give up an hour of his time after school to watch after me.
Mad with anger and frustration, of trying to convince my teacher on what really happened, I stormed out of the room, leaving him in the middle of class, panicked stricken.
I wasn’t sure were I was going, I never in my life walked out on a teacher.
I wonder what he thinks of me now.
I wandered around aimlessly, for a good five minutes.
Turning around a corner, a hall monitor shouted out to me, he stopped me to ask for my pass.
“Can I see your pass?” he asked with authority in his voice.
“I’m sorry but I don’t have a pass, actually I was um….. Called down, the teacher never gave me a pass, so I will be leaving” I lied to him, I couldn’t tell him I was ditching.
I almost escaped him too, but he stepped in front of me, blocking the only exit.
“Do you seriously think you can lie to me?” he asked starting to grow angry. “You should never lie to me, with the power I have”
“Lie to you? How so? I’m telling you the truth!” I was growing impatient, but I was also getting nervous.
“What’s your name? I’m going to write you up to the principle, then he can see that you were ditching” he grabbed a pen, and started scribbling down random words on a piece of paper.
I had to think fast and smart about how I could get out of the situation I was in. I could not afford to get in trouble, within my first week of school.
Right when I was about to open my mouth to speak, Mason appeared from the corner, coming to my aid.
“What is the problem here?” he asked as if he has asked it countless times a day.
“This girl thought she could get away, by pulling a fast one on me!” he glared at me the whole time he was saying it.
“Ok if you get back to your job, I will take her down to the principles office.” Mason walked forward, and pushed me in the direction of his father’s office, leaving the hall monitor alone.
After getting a good 10 feet away separating ourselves from the hall monitor, Mason stopped walking, he turned to face me.
“Why are you wondering out in the halls?” he asked me.
“Um….. Well that’s because. Hey wait a minute!” I said. “What about you? You’re in the halls too!”
“Well….” He began. His face was turning a light shade pink.
“I knew you were going to get into trouble, so I came to save you” he was now blushing
Aw how cute! I thought to myself.
my best friend is a psychic
so this was like the first story i ever written, just wanted to know if ppl like it!
plz comment and rate!
sorry its long too!
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