• "Attention!"

    The militants stepped into line. I grimaced at our country. 'How pitiful.' I thought. I walked soundlessly in the rafters, observing what they had done to us. It was such a disgrace. They had brain-washed all of them. Nearly the whole world was taken away into such a disgracful place like this. Not even knowing it too.

    "Hi hi Zeke-boyo. How's the misson coming?" came the sing-song voice of the Professor. We seemed to be some of the very few who were left in this world. We were the ones who kept sane. We all formed an elite organazation in the old buildings of what primatives used to call, "New York City."

    "I'm fine. Keep quiet though." I whispered to the face on my wrist-watch. Communicators. Professor Lavic, my sing-song friend, invented them. He invented many things like laser guns, or Dector goggles. Those were my favorite, aside from my watch. I was always into the new ages of technology. Beyond what was now, I could see a better future, a better place.

    "Look! Sir, up there! It's Agent Z!" called one of militants voices. I looked down with wide eyes. Every single man in that room below stared up at me. Oh Scraps! I ran for it. They had already started firing at me with their lasers. I bolted down the rafters as they headed for me. I twisted around the corners, dogding every laser they threw at me. I slid down the ladder and into white hallway of the old building.

    I soon began to recognize the building in the hallway. I once lived here. It was an old Asylum built for children. I grew up there with thousands of others. It was no caring facility, it was a prison of brain-washing. I shared a "room" with a younger girl who thought she was 2,005 years old.

    Her name was Z. That's all, just Z. She was quiet, but artistic. When those militants gave us forms, she sketched on the back of the form a very beautiful drawing and hid away. Every drawing seemd to be the same. They were of a young man and woman with a child in their arms. The child's name she told me was Bella. She told me a story about the woman holding her. She never told me the name of that woman though. I always would ask her, but she said, "No. It's not time yet. I'll tell you later, I promise."

    She kept that promise. It was one day, the day I turned fourteen she told me. She never seemed to age either. But she told me, she kept her promise. "Zeke. Before you go, I have something to tell you. The woman in my stories, her name is Zelni. She was supposed to keep this from happening to us. You have to find her, please Zeke. Find her and keep her safe." she told me.
    "How do I find her?" I asked. Z then reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver pocket-watch.
    "This used to belong to her. Take it and go back in time to 2008. There, in New York City, you'll find her. Go back to the date of Friday the 13th. Save her from that fire. But go in disguise." she told me. Ever since then, I've been preparing for that day I had to go back. Training till my muscles were pulled, till I was blue in the face, till my veins ran red, till I could stand no longer, but still stood. I worked harder and harder everyday preparing for her. Somehow, a feeling inside of me then began to whell.

    "Get him you idiots!" shouted the colonel. I snapped out of my trance and ran faster. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat, my veins starting to pop. I was headed for a dead end. This wasn't good. Wait...I had to use that to get out of here. To the past! I stopped and removed the watch from my pocket. I dialed in the year and date. I felt myself being lifted from the ground and a white light before me.

    When I opened my eyes, I saw a brighter world. I looked at the watch and there it said, "New York City, 2008, Firday the 13th."