• Chapter One - the Book
    “Creek” Angela’s old wooden door slid open in the middle of the night. “Angy?” her brother whispered almost as silently as the wind. He waited…..nothing sounded alive in Angela’s room. “Angy?!” he whispered louder and waited with patience..... “Yes, Bobby?” she answered groaning sleepily. “I heard something in the attic….” he stated with a slight shiver. Angela got up slowly, a blanket tightly wrapped around her thin shoulders, and headed for the door “would you like me to look?” “Yes, Angy. But can I come with you?” he said shifting his eyes. “Sure you can” there was a long pause of thought for Angela, "Why is he acting so weird?" She thought to her self. With Bobby right behind her they stepped out the room and into the darkness of the hall that seemed to grab at them as they walked. As they were walking she noticed a chill in the house, a chill she had never experienced before. But she kept on walking, even though she was a little frightened.
    Finally they were at the door of the attic. She reached out and opened up the door and a little leaf came floating out as if there had been wind in the attic. But the thought hadn’t come across Angela’s mind that there were no windows in the attic. “Come on bobby.” she said. They headed up stairs. She looked around and saw nothing except for some boxes they hadn’t unpacked when they moved there and an old dusty desk with a book Angela had never seen before, a lamp, and a few drawers on it. She walked up to the desk and looked in the drawers for something for wipe down the desk with. She found a piece of blank paper in one drawer in the other she found a little tissue with a rabbit design in the middle. She took the tissue and wiped down the desk and the book on top of it.
    Angela pulled two of the boxes over to the desk and sat on one. “Bobby you can sit on this one.” She pointed to the box and Bobby sat on it. She turned on the lamp so it would give her some light to study the book in. She looked at the book cover, except, it had no words on the cover. It just had a little yellowed paper, probably from age, on it. The note said “Do not read this book unless you can take on a world of evil and magic.” Angela tilted her head and opened the book. Of course she did because she didn’t believe in those things. She started reading but there wasn’t enough time until she saw the glimpse of fragile, almost joyful, morning light.

    -first chapter i have written (i wrote this series in 4th grade and i came across it like a week ago) I have more chapters just ask-