• A man walks into his bedroom and turns off the ceiling light. He lies down in bed and covers himself with the blankets. He rolls over to face the door and turns off the lamp on the bedside table. Screen fades out and back in with the man in his livingroom sitting in a lounge chair watching television.

    "What?" he says. "How did I get here?"

    The man gets up and walks towards his bedroom. The TV is showing his every movement, and as he passes it, the camera zooms in on the TV. The camera is then in the hall watching the man walk to his room.

    The man steps into his room and flips on the light. His body is laying on the bed with three knife wounds in his chest and his eyes wide open. He walks over to his body and the body's eyes follow his movement.

    "I'm dead?" he asks no one in particular.

    "I guess so," his body answers him.

    The man jumps up and looks down at his shirt. Bloodspots begin to pool on his shirt in the same thee places as the stab wounds on his body.

    The camera zooms out from the TV to find the man standing in front of it watching the prior goings on.

    "What's going on here?" he asks.

    He walks into his room and lies back down in his bed. Before he can turn off the light, another one of him walks into the room. The other one walks over and stabs him in the chest three times. He turns off the light and goes into the livingroom. He sits down in a chair and begins watching TV.

    All of a sudden, the man says, "What? How did I get here?"