• Chapter 2
    I had to cook dinner tonight, it took a while but I still had time to finish all my homework and still have enough time to talk to my friends on AIM , one of the most popular instant messaging programs. I had no work tonight. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays were my days off. I worked every other day and it was my refuge from home and my friends. It gave me time to evaluate my life and what was going on. It gave me time to think and reconsider things. It gave me time to waste my time. I went on my laptop and signed on to my AIM:
    XxblueemopandaxX: Dammit! D:& I HATE JORDAN SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: o hai
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: Luv the chat name LMAO
    XxBipolarTexterx: Boo. Ahaha I luv it 2 XD so how’s it goin?
    XxblueemopandaxX: nyone care y I hate him at all? -.-
    Yumiice: Hi! Y do u hate Jordan all of a sudden again?
    Kyhellokitty: T^T Alicia did he do something 2 u?!
    XxblueemopandaxX: U do know he’s my partner 4 the project don’t chu?
    Kyhellokitty: oh yeah. . . T^T I feel so bad 4 u *hugs*
    Yumiice: Me 2!!! MAX FEELS UR PAIN!!! T^T Jordans such a poopie D:&
    Saunalovespoop: Jordan should just freakin back off :] btw hiiii pplz
    XxBipolarTexterx: So we up 4 band rehersal this Friday? We have a gig on Sunday don’t 4get.
    XxBipolarTexterx: rehearsal*
    XxblueemopandaxX: Yeah, actually lets have one everday of this week so w can all get the project done 2gether… I don’t wanna stay alone w/ Jordan, who know what he might do o.o
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: Ahahaha ok XD the more practice the better we get! Btw I don’t wanna leave u alone w/ him 2
    Yumiice: My bass is missing a string u guys wanna take me 2 guitar center b4 we practice? And im up 4 it, I sooooo don’t trust Jordan, if he tries 2 do nything 2 u imma beat him up ! & lol
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: I need a new amp. . . T^T mine is crappy…
    XxBipolarTexterx: Imma write a new song, we need one.
    XxblueemopandaxX: I HAVEN’T PRACTICED IN SOOOO LONG T^T imma be all crappy during practice. . . T^T
    Suanalovespoop: im not in the band can I still come :]
    Kyhellokitty: can I come 2? :]
    XxblueemopandaxX: the more the better! if he tries 2 do something I have more witnesses mwahahaha &
    Suanalovespoop: YAY! *Dances*
    XxBipolarTexterx: lol *dances along*
    Kyhellokitty: XD YAY *dances along 2* o.o
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: I wantz a chocolate muffin T^T *dances along 2* TO THE KITCHEN! XD
    XxblueemopandaxX: lol y not!? *dances 2!* XD I hate dancing but oh wellz
    Yumiice: o.o *eats james muffin* XD
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: BACK! AND I HAVE A MUFFIN! XD hey! D:&
    Yumiice: lol wb :]
    XxblueemopandaxX: lmao
    XxBipolarTexterx: lol XD
    Suanalovespoop: *wants a muffin*
    Kyhellokitty: *gives james another muffinzzzzz and gives one 2 sauna 2*
    Suanalovespoop: lol YAY! :]
    TrixR4Kidz enters room
    TrixR4Kidz: HEY! &3 so whatcha all doin?!
    XxblueemopandaxX: HI!XD &3 we r discussing my jordan crisis and apparently talkin bout muffins XD
    Yumiice: hihihihihi! i stole james muffin! XD lol and helping alicia
    Kyhellokitty: jordan is a big poopie
    Jamezhazuhmiffunz: lol u mean he's a big turd XD
    XxBipolarTexterx: lmao Hi TRIX!!!
    Suanalovespoop: hey! lol turd. . . lol
    TrixR4Kidz: I swear he's like ur stalker. . . o.o
    XxblueemopandaxX: RAWR i know T^T
    Yumiice: lol we should like go 2 the mall 2 watch a movie and i bet he'll b there and he'll b stalking chu and then we should walk in2 Victoria's secret and he'll b like " WHERE DID THEY GO!?" and then he leaves LOL XD
    XxBipolarTexterx:OMG I LUV VICTORIA'S SECRETS I GET ALL.... uhhh nvm
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: LOL ME 2 I GO W/ DANTE AND. . . LMAO JK XD
    Yumiice: o.o
    XxblueemopandaxX: ahaha good plan XD lol
    Suanalovespoop: no comment
    Kyhellokitty: LMAO! XD
    TrixR4Kidz: o.o no comment. . . XD
    XxblueemopandaxX: lol i had a friend in San Fransico who did that once XD he went with his best friend 4 fun and and scared most of the women and children there! XD they were saying wierd stuffs bout panties lol then left
    XxBipolarTexterx: LOL I WANNA DO THAT!
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: LOL ME 2!!! UR COMING W/ MEH DANTE!
    XxblueemopandaxX: lol
    Yumiice: once again o.o
    Saunalovespoop: o.o just don't get in trouble
    Kyhellokitty: wow
    XxBipolarTexterx: instead of just leaving lets make a big ninjah escape!!! *poof* *runs in2 wall*
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: lol i'll bring a smoke machine! XD
    XxblueemopandaxX: can we plz talk bout the project now though? im srry but i dont think i can go through this project w/ him. . . &
    Yumiice: yeah. . .we will help chu get through it, u know we can't change partners or we'll get a fail.
    XxblueemopandaxX: i'd rather get a fail than do a project w/ him!
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: I LEARNED HOW 2 PLAY RIDE THE LIGHTNING!!!!! XD
    XxblueemopandaxX: AWSOME XD
    XxBipolarTexterx: we should play that at our next gig
    Yumiice: I KNOW
    Kyhellokitty: i wanna help alicia w/ her jordan problems come on guys she needs help
    XxblueemopandaxX: ty T^T
    Yumiice: have u been thinking about that "day" again? and has he been making it worse 4 u?
    XxblueemopandaxX: ty. and yeah. . . i hate it i wanna get it out of my mind....i wish i could 4get that day and just completely 4get about him.
    XxBipolarTexterx: a mind eraser. . . hmmm.... i should make one XD
    Saunalovespoop: alicia i feel so bad 4 u. . .
    XxblueemopandaxX: i feel bad 4 myself 2 T^T
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: lol. it shouldn't b so hard getting over it. i don't see y its so horrible 2 u.
    XxblueemopandaxX: if u were there and had seen "it" u would have hated jordan 2. he abandoned me in the middle of nowhere with somethin u would probably see in a horror movie.
    XxBipolarTexterx: r u sure u guys weren't just seeing things? u were just kids u could have thought it was some wierd thing but it probably was like a shadow or somethin like that. u guys sure u didnt take ny hallucigen o.o
    XxblueemopandaxX: its as real as u and me. well thats what i think.... i have 2 go back some day and see it 4 myself even if its gonna kill me...
    Yumiice: ... he rlly needs 2 back off i swear! we need 2 make a time machine and go back in time and make sure he never ever ever ever takes u there! D:& DAMN! dude he is makin u miserable and i cant take it!
    Kyhellokitty: i know i can't take it either! D:& but how r we gonna make the time machine? o.o
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: uhhh........... cardboard box, bottle caps, and our imagination XD
    XxBipolarTexterx: lol YEAH! like spongbob and patrick! i can't believe i still like that show XD
    Yumiice: lol yeah
    XxblueemopandaxX: XD awsome..... but........ then... agh nvm
    Kyhellokitty: then what?
    XxBipolarTexterx: do u . . . u know what i mean right?
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: umm.... is there something u wanna tell us?
    XxblueemopandaxX: NO! >
    Saunalovespoop: huh?
    Yumiice: oh i c what u guys mean
    TrixR4Kidz: only sauna and i don't understand what u guys mean -.-
    XxBipolarTexterx: u dont luv him do u?
    Jamezhazamuffinz: well do u?
    XxblueemopandaxX: HELL NO!
    Yumiice: i know when ur lieing.... but on aim sometimes i dont *sigh*
    Kyhellokitty: we r ur best friends u can tell us nything. u know u can trust us :] u told all of us who u like in middleschool and we kept the secret :] u can trust us now 2
    XxblueemopandaxX: i dont ok? 4get about it -.- *sigh*
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: lol i remembered that lmao that was funny u gave us so many conditions like : u have 2 swear not 2 tell, can't talk bout it at school, dont make a big deal out of it, and a whole bunch of other stuff
    XxblueemopandaxX: he was hawt ok? u cant blame me -.-
    Kyhellokitty: lol i remember u would stare at the yearbook XD lmao i remember when i told u who i liked and they were on the same page and we stared at the year book all day
    XxblueemopandaxX: AHAHAH i remember that XD he had a priceless smile XD u know i miss himmmmmm (<--- inside joke w/ karren and max)
    ahaha >.< he was uber cute
    Yumiice: lol u guys left me out w/ the staring but i remember karren called her crush "him" and alicia called her crush "himmmmmmm"
    XxblueemopandaxX: thanx 4 killing the inside joke
    Kyhellokitty: yeah thanx 4 killing it >
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: ahaha u guys did that? XD ahahaha
    XxBipolarTexterx: wow
    XxblueemopandaxX: i remember i talked 2 him once on aim and saved his chat lmao XD >u< i bet he's still uber cute X3
    Kyhellokitty: lmao i bet him and himmmmmm r still uber cute 2 XD
    Yumiice: -.-'
    Saunalovespoop: lol
    XxblueemopandaxX: ok srsly guys i dont luv him none the less like him
    XxBipolarTexterx: if u say soooooo
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz: lol fine then but watch someday me and dante r gonna b right and u gonna owe us a whole bunch of...uhh.... MUFFINZZZ!
    XxblueemopandaxX: lol rite rite *rolls eyes*
    xXJ.L.AXx enters chat room
    XxBipolarTexterx(8:14:12) left the room
    Jamezhazuhmuffinz(8:14:14) left the room
    Yumiice(8:14:15) left the room
    Kyhellokitty(8:14:19) left the room
    Saunalovespoop(8:14:23) left the room
    TrixR4Kidz(8:14:26) left the room
    XxblueemopandaxX: screw you
    XxblueemopandaxX(8:14:32) left the room
    [end of chapter 2]
    [will add more later] (plz comment)