• It was a quiet day, March 13, 1894. A woman by the name of Elizabeth Quenton was silently looking out of her window at the people walking the streets late at night. She had a silent nature, doing everything quietly, and she was very shy. She grew up in a very rich family and currently lived in a mansion. She lost both her parents to a murder and her grandparents lived with her even though she was twenty two. It was 10:30 pm, and Elizabeth couldn’t sleep. Suddenly a footstep was heard on her creaky floor. She thought that it was only her grandparents, or one of them. The footsteps got closer. Elizabeth felt the cold of a metal object on her throat. She gasped as she felt the cold breath of someone behind her.

    “Don’t move or you will get cut, he, he, he, he, he,” a faint voice said. Elizabeth recognized the feel of a knife, which was the metal object touching her neck.

    “Aghhhhhhh!” sounded Elizabeth’s voice.

    About 113 years later

    A newly wed couple, rich couple that is, walked up to their new home, mansion home. It was April 13, 2007, and Ricky Vanchester and his wife Sally moved into their new 1880 mansion.

    “Come on Sally! Our room is upstairs, you know, the one I picked!” Ricky said. They ran up to the second floor and entered the room. The floor was creaky. A chair, and antique chair, was left by the window.

    “Cool! We get a free antique!” Sally exclaimed. Ricky walked over to the chair to feel it’s texture.

    “Ooh! It’s so cold in this spot that it feels as if a ghost was sitting in it!” Ricky said in a spooky voice. They had just finished moving all of their furniture in. The new couple crashed on the bed because of the time.

    “Whew! It just turned 10:30 pm!” Sally yelled. Creak. “Whh...What was that?” Sally said in a scared voice.

    “Probably just the old floors and the wind,” Ricky said.

    Creak. “I hope so...” Sally said. They fell asleep.

    When the awoke the next day, the antique chair was pushed under a desk that the Vanchesters had bought.

    “Ricky, are you sure it was just the floor and the wind last night?” Sally said.

    “We probably just don’t remember putting it there,” Ricky assured her. They both got up and went to work.

    When they got home, it was already 10:00 pm. They turned on their TV and sat on their couch.

    Krrrrusuck..... The TV screen was all cat scratch.

    “The TV guy plugged in the Dish two days ago, I saw him. I even watched TV as a test after he did and it worked!” Ricky said. He got up to check the wires. The wires were cut as sharp as a knife. “Crap. Now I have to pay for it again,” he said looking frustrated.

    The couple went into their room and laid on the bed. “Hey look! It’s 10:30 pm! The same time we went to bed yesterday!” Ricky said sarcastically.

    Creak... Creak...

    “Ricky,” Sally whispered.

    “It’s nothing,” Ricky said.


    “Stickers?!” Sally yelled.

    “Why would Stickers be meowing that loud at night?” Ricky asked. They went to where the cat had meowed. Stickers lay on the floor, with blood dripping from his neck. Sally looked closer. The cat’s neck was cut with the letters SL in cuts.

    “S? L? What does that mean?” Sally said in fright. They ran to their bed and fell asleep.

    The next day, Sally and Ricky took off and researched their mansion.

    “Quenton, Mansion, 1880. All typed in!” Ricky said. The computer screen had many search results. One stood out. ‘Biography on Quenton Mansion, 1880.’ Ricky clicked on it.

    “Elizabeth Quenton lived in this Mansion for fourteen years after her parents were murdered while on vacation at Elizabeth’s age of 8. On March 13, 1894, Elizabeth at the age of 22 was silently murdered at 10:30 pm. Legend says, that Elizabeth has come back as a ghost every night at 10:30 pm to look for a victim to kill. Every person that has ever lived in that house was trapped after they found out and were killed,” Ricky read aloud.

    “Can we get a different mansion?” Sally asked Ricky.

    “We have to get all of our stuff first,” Ricky said.

    “How about we have a late night party for a test?” Sally suggested.

    They planned the party for 10:25 pm the next day.

    As the guests arrived, Sally and Ricky were on the lookout. Five minutes passed, and the clock read 10:30 pm.

    “Aghhh!” A woman’s voice sounded. Everyone but Sally and Ricky left. Sally and Ricky went to where the voice came from. She lay dead on the floor with the letters SL cut on her neck.

    “I didn’t read it aloud, but the website said that Elizabeth sometimes went by Silent Lady because she was quiet and shy. SL might stand for Silent Lady,” Ricky said.

    Sally was suddenly no where in sight. Ricky ran out to the door to find Sally on the edge of the sidewalk.

    To Be Continued...