One cold morning in January I opened my front door to find a box laying there. When I opened it up I started to cry. In the box was my sister. My friend Becca was going to pick me up for my job that day, but instead she ended up calling the cops.
When she got to my house she parked her car in my driveway. When she saw that I was crying she ran up the stars to see why I was crying. When she got to the top she saw the reason. Becca then grabbed her cell phone and called the cops. When the cops got to my house they took Becca's statement before they took my statement, because I was crying so much. Becca told them all that she know.
When I stopped crying I gave them my statement. The cop asked "Miss Do you know any one who would like to hurt your sister, and what is your sisters name?"
"Jessica. I don't know any one who would want to hurt her. She was such a good girl." I said.
Becca dropped me off at the station. The cops asked me some more questions. I told them everything that they wanted to know. When we were taking a brake I was thinking about how to tell my mother and father. When I was thinking of them I also remembered Jessica's exboyfriend Tyler. I ran up to the cops that I was talking to before and said "I think I know someone who would do this to my sister. I think that it was her exboyfriend, Brian."
"Why do you think that it was this Brian kid? What did he do to your sister?"
"Well he did nothing Jessica went out with him and then broke up with him about 2 months ago. She saw him whacking her and he fallowed her home about two weeks ago. He also called her over 69 time on her cell phone. She had to change her number, but he got her number some how."
"Do you know what the messages said?"
"No I never heard any of them but I saw her call log and her message box. It was filled with messages from him."
"Okay. We will call you if we need anything for you, or if there is a brake in the case."
Becca let me stay at her house for a few days after that. When Jessica's body got to the medical examiner he had to put her body back to gether on his table. At the top of the box was her head. When he removed her head, the head started to ring. He was very confused why her head was ringing. When he was done putting her body out on the table and examining her he did and exray of her head do find out why it was ringing. When the exray came back the ringing that he heard was not in his head but her head. Her cell phone was jammed up in her skull.
The cops called me saying that they had found a cell phone in her skull. They asked me what color her cell phone was. I told them that she just changed her phone to the newest one, and that I thought that her phone was purple or red. When the cop caught me up with everything I called my mother and father. Mother would not stop crying when I told her that Jessica was dead. Dad said "When do you want us to come down and bring her things up here Amanda?"
"What do you mean? Don't you want to say good by to your daughter?"
"Yes when we come down we will take her things and got to the survas. But we need to know when to be down there by."
By that time I was going to hang up on my father, because I know that he was going to cry. All that he cared about was her he never asked how I was. I was the one who found her. No one asked how Im doing. Every one always likes Jessica more them me. But he is my father so I told him "The medical examiner has not yet released her body. He said that he would be done with her body in about a week. So you should come down now."
We said our good byes and then Becca came over and helped my take all of Jessica's things down from her bed room and bathroom. When we were taking one of her posters down we found a key under it and it was to her diary. We did not find her diary in her room or her bathroom. I started to thing that the key was not for her diary. The next day I went back to work to try to get my mind off of her. I could not get my mind off of her because she was me assistant, now I have to find a new assistant. My boss told me to go home but I could not go home because the house reminds me of her to much.
A few days after that the cops called me saying that some one confessed to Jessica's murder. I called Becca as soon as I hung up with the cops. I asked Becca if she would bring me down to the station and she did. When Becca and I got to the front desk one of the cops that was working Jessica's case brought us to where that were holding the suspect. "Amanda, do you know this man?"said the cop
"Yes I do. He is Brian. Jessica's exboyfriend."
"Thank you. Will you go into this room." The cop asked and pointed to a room.
Becca and I spent over an hour waiting in that room for some one to come and tell us what is happening. When the cops cane in to the room they asked to speak with me alone. Becca left the room and The cop sat down, across the table he said softly "I'm so sorry but he did not kill your sister."
I knew that he did not kill Jessica by the way the cop asked Becca to leave the room. He asked her so softly. "How do you know that he did not kill her?"I asked.
The cop said "He did not know where her cell phone was. And he has an alibi for the murder. He was at the bowling alley, and he was on the security tapes."
"Okay." Is all that I had to say.
When Becca and I was going back to her car I saw Brian. He smiled at me like he killed Jessica. I almost lost it when he did that. But Becca calmed me down. When I got back to my house I did not cry because I knew who killed Jessica, and I was going to kill them my self. I did not know how I was going to kill him but I knew that I was going to kill him.
The next day I turned on the news and saw the anchor lady saying "Brian Thomas was found by one of him friends. He was killed. He was killed by being chopped up into little chunks. This is like a smaller case. Jessica Staples. Jessica was also chopped up in to chunks. We here at the news station think that there is a new seriel killer."
I just sat there with a big old grin on my face. Becca called my as soon as the anchor lady was don't talking about the murders and started talking about the foot ball game last night. Becca said "Oh my god who do you think killed Brian? Did you know him well? I think that the killer is going to kill every one that you know and love."
"I don't know who would kill him. Yah I knew him well. I don't know, maybe the person is trying to kill every one I love."
"I don't think that I should talk to you for a bit or until they get the guy that is killing every one."
"Well how do you know that it is a guy what if it is a girl? Did you ever think on that? Well I'm going I have to call my parents by."
Some of the people that live next to me said that they saw some person put the box out on my front steps around 4:30 in the morning, the day when Jessica was found. The people said that they thought that it was a present because I was dating a guy for about three months and he always left gifts for me. He also did not like Jessica because she always answered my cell phone and when he called the house and left a message with her I never got it because she never wrote anything down. Hey she is a teen what does he want from her?
The cops asked me about him and I told them that his name is Tony Smith. I gave the cops his cell phone number and his home number and all of the numbers that he gave me. When they got a hold of him they asked him to go down to the station to ask him some questions. When he got there the cops asked him if he knew Jessica and me. He said that he knew me and Jessica. He was out of the state so he did not hear about Jessica's murder. He was not a suspect any more because of his alibi.
A few days after that Mother and Father cane down for the survas. Mother cryed, and cryed, and cryed. After they went home that day I found what the key was for that Becca and I found in Jessica's room. It was for a box in her closet that I found but I did not put it in the box for mother and father to talk home. When I opened it the only thing in side was money and a list of men's names. At first I thought that she was a hit man or a prostitute. But then I saw the top of the paper. It said People that I owe money to. I thought that it was okay that she owed money to people. I owed money to people too.
A year after that no one was arrested for Jessica's murder and two people were killed the same way. They were my mother and father. So by then there was four murders my sister, my sister's exboyfriend, my mother, and my father. A moth after mother and father died I was diagnosed with a tumor that would kill me in five months. Now it have been 4 months and 29 days. I want to confess to killing my mother, father , sister's exboyfriend, and I can't for get my sister can I.
"What was your motive to kill all of those people Amanda"
"Well Dr.Kimberlin, Jessica was the one who every one loved and thought most of from mother and father that is why I killed them. I killed Jessica because I work so hard to get to where I was at work but then she came along and in one day every one liked her."
"Why did you kill Jessica's exboyfriend?"
"I killed him because it was fun to kill people but now I wont be able to kill anyone any more because I am dieing."One cold morning in January I opened my front door to find a box laying there. When I opened it up I started to cry. In the box was my sister. My friend Becca was going to pick me up for my job that day, but instead she ended up calling the cops.
When she got to my house she parked her car in my driveway. When she saw that I was crying she ran up the stars to see why I was crying. When she got to the top she saw the reason. Becca then grabbed her cell phone and called the cops. When the cops got to my house they took Becca's statement before they took my statement, because I was crying so much. Becca told them all that she know.
When I stopped crying I gave them my statement. The cop asked "Miss Do you know any one who would like to hurt your sister, and what is your sisters name?"
"Jessica. I don't know any one who would want to hurt her. She was such a good girl." I said.
Becca dropped me off at the station. The cops asked me some more questions. I told them everything that they wanted to know. When we were taking a brake I was thinking about how to tell my mother and father. When I was thinking of them I also remembered Jessica's exboyfriend Tyler. I ran up to the cops that I was talking to before and said "I think I know someone who would do this to my sister. I think that it was her exboyfriend, Brian."
"Why do you think that it was this Brian kid? What did he do to your sister?"
"Well he did nothing Jessica went out with him and then broke up with him about 2 months ago. She saw him whacking her and he fallowed her home about two weeks ago. He also called her over 69 time on her cell phone. She had to change her number, but he got her number some how."
"Do you know what the messages said?"
"No I never heard any of them but I saw her call log and her message box. It was filled with messages from him."
"Okay. We will call you if we need anything for you, or if there is a brake in the case."
Becca let me stay at her house for a few days after that. When Jessica's body got to the medical examiner he had to put her body back to gether on his table. At the top of the box was her head. When he removed her head, the head started to ring. He was very confused why her head was ringing. When he was done putting her body out on the table and examining her he did and exray of her head do find out why it was ringing. When the exray came back the ringing that he heard was not in his head but her head. Her cell phone was jammed up in her skull.
The cops called me saying that they had found a cell phone in her skull. They asked me what color her cell phone was. I told them that she just changed her phone to the newest one, and that I thought that her phone was purple or red. When the cop caught me up with everything I called my mother and father. Mother would not stop crying when I told her that Jessica was dead. Dad said "When do you want us to come down and bring her things up here Amanda?"
"What do you mean? Don't you want to say good by to your daughter?"
"Yes when we come down we will take her things and got to the survas. But we need to know when to be down there by."
By that time I was going to hang up on my father, because I know that he was going to cry. All that he cared about was her he never asked how I was. I was the one who found her. No one asked how Im doing. Every one always likes Jessica more them me. But he is my father so I told him "The medical examiner has not yet released her body. He said that he would be done with her body in about a week. So you should come down now."
We said our good byes and then Becca came over and helped my take all of Jessica's things down from her bed room and bathroom. When we were taking one of her posters down we found a key under it and it was to her diary. We did not find her diary in her room or her bathroom. I started to thing that the key was not for her diary. The next day I went back to work to try to get my mind off of her. I could not get my mind off of her because she was me assistant, now I have to find a new assistant. My boss told me to go home but I could not go home because the house reminds me of her to much.
A few days after that the cops called me saying that some one confessed to Jessica's murder. I called Becca as soon as I hung up with the cops. I asked Becca if she would bring me down to the station and she did. When Becca and I got to the front desk one of the cops that was working Jessica's case brought us to where that were holding the suspect. "Amanda, do you know this man?"said the cop
"Yes I do. He is Brian. Jessica's exboyfriend."
"Thank you. Will you go into this room." The cop asked and pointed to a room.
Becca and I spent over an hour waiting in that room for some one to come and tell us what is happening. When the cops cane in to the room they asked to speak with me alone. Becca left the room and The cop sat down, across the table he said softly "I'm so sorry but he did not kill your sister."
I knew that he did not kill Jessica by the way the cop asked Becca to leave the room. He asked her so softly. "How do you know that he did not kill her?"I asked.
The cop said "He did not know where her cell phone was. And he has an alibi for the murder. He was at the bowling alley, and he was on the security tapes."
"Okay." Is all that I had to say.
When Becca and I was going back to her car I saw Brian. He smiled at me like he killed Jessica. I almost lost it when he did that. But Becca calmed me down. When I got back to my house I did not cry because I knew who killed Jessica, and I was going to kill them my self. I did not know how I was going to kill him but I knew that I was going to kill him.
The next day I turned on the news and saw the anchor lady saying "Brian Thomas was found by one of him friends. He was killed. He was killed by being chopped up into little chunks. This is like a smaller case. Jessica Staples. Jessica was also chopped up in to chunks. We here at the news station think that there is a new seriel killer."
I just sat there with a big old grin on my face. Becca called my as soon as the anchor lady was don't talking about the murders and started talking about the foot ball game last night. Becca said "Oh my god who do you think killed Brian? Did you know him well? I think that the killer is going to kill every one that you know and love."
"I don't know who would kill him. Yah I knew him well. I don't know, maybe the person is trying to kill every one I love."
"I don't think that I should talk to you for a bit or until they get the guy that is killing every one."
"Well how do you know that it is a guy what if it is a girl? Did you ever think on that? Well I'm going I have to call my parents by."
Some of the people that live next to me said that they saw some person put the box out on my front steps around 4:30 in the morning, the day when Jessica was found. The people said that they thought that it was a present because I was dating a guy for about three months and he always left gifts for me. He also did not like Jessica because she always answered my cell phone and when he called the house and left a message with her I never got it because she never wrote anything down. Hey she is a teen what does he want from her?
The cops asked me about him and I told them that his name is Tony Smith. I gave the cops his cell phone number and his home number and all of the numbers that he gave me. When they got a hold of him they asked him to go down to the station to ask him some questions. When he got there the cops asked him if he knew Jessica and me. He said that he knew me and Jessica. He was out of the state so he did not hear about Jessica's murder. He was not a suspect any more because of his alibi.
A few days after that Mother and Father cane down for the survas. Mother cryed, and cryed, and cryed. After they went home that day I found what the key was for that Becca and I found in Jessica's room. It was for a box in her closet that I found but I did not put it in the box for mother and father to talk home. When I opened it the only thing in side was money and a list of men's names. At first I thought that she was a hit man or a prostitute. But then I saw the top of the paper. It said People that I owe money to. I thought that it was okay that she owed money to people. I owed money to people too.
A year after that no one was arrested for Jessica's murder and two people were killed the same way. They were my mother and father. So by then there was four murders my sister, my sister's exboyfriend, my mother, and my father. A moth after mother and father died I was diagnosed with a tumor that would kill me in five months. Now it have been 4 months and 29 days. I want to confess to killing my mother, father , sister's exboyfriend, and I can't for get my sister can I.
"What was your motive to kill all of those people Amanda"
"Well Dr.Kimberlin, Jessica was the one who every one loved and thought most of from mother and father that is why I killed them. I killed Jessica because I work so hard to get to where I was at work but then she came along and in one day every one liked her."
"Why did you kill Jessica's exboyfriend?"
"I killed him because it was fun to kill people but now I wont be able to kill anyone any more because I am dieing."One cold morning in January I opened my front door to find a box laying there. When I opened it up I started to cry. In the box was my sister. My friend Becca was going to pick me up for my job that day, but instead she ended up calling the cops.
When she got to my house she parked her car in my driveway. When she saw that I was crying she ran up the stars to see why I was crying. When she got to the top she saw the reason. Becca then grabbed her cell phone and called the cops. When the cops got to my house they took Becca's statement before they took my statement, because I was crying so much. Becca told them all that she know.
When I stopped crying I gave them my statement. The cop asked "Miss Do you know any one who would like to hurt your sister, and what is your sisters name?"
"Jessica. I don't know any one who would want to hurt her. She was such a good girl." I said.
Becca dropped me off at the station. The cops asked me some more questions. I told them everything that they wanted to know. When we were taking a brake I was thinking about how to tell my mother and father. When I was thinking of them I also remembered Jessica's exboyfriend Tyler. I ran up to the cops that I was talking to before and said "I think I know someone who would do this to my sister. I think that it was her exboyfriend, Brian."
"Why do you think that it was this Brian kid? What did he do to your sister?"
"Well he did nothing Jessica went out with him and then broke up with him about 2 months ago. She saw him whacking her and he fallowed her home about two weeks ago. He also called her over 69 time on her cell phone. She had to change her number, but he got her number some how."
"Do you know what the messages said?"
"No I never heard any of them but I saw her call log and her message box. It was filled with messages from him."
"Okay. We will call you if we need anything for you, or if there is a brake in the case."
Becca let me stay at her house for a few days after that. When Jessica's body got to the medical examiner he had to put her body back to gether on his table. At the top of the box was her head. When he removed her head, the head started to ring. He was very confused why her head was ringing. When he was done putting her body out on the table and examining her he did and exray of her head do find out why it was ringing. When the exray came back the ringing that he heard was not in his head but her head. Her cell phone was jammed up in her skull.
The cops called me saying that they had found a cell phone in her skull. They asked me what color her cell phone was. I told them that she just changed her phone to the newest one, and that I thought that her phone was purple or red. When the cop caught me up with everything I called my mother and father. Mother would not stop crying when I told her that Jessica was dead. Dad said "When do you want us to come down and bring her things up here Amanda?"
"What do you mean? Don't you want to say good by to your daughter?"
"Yes when we come down we will take her things and got to the survas. But we need to know when to be down there by."
By that time I was going to hang up on my father, because I know that he was going to cry. All that he cared about was her he never asked how I was. I was the one who found her. No one asked how Im doing. Every one always likes Jessica more them me. But he is my father so I told him "The medical examiner has not yet released her body. He said that he would be done with her body in about a week. So you should come down now."
We said our good byes and then Becca came over and helped my take all of Jessica's things down from her bed room and bathroom. When we were taking one of her posters down we found a key under it and it was to her diary. We did not find her diary in her room or her bathroom. I started to thing that the key was not for her diary. The next day I went back to work to try to get my mind off of her. I could not get my mind off of her because she was me assistant, now I have to find a new assistant. My boss told me to go home but I could not go home because the house reminds me of her to much.
A few days after that the cops called me saying that some one confessed to Jessica's murder. I called Becca as soon as I hung up with the cops. I asked Becca if she would bring me down to the station and she did. When Becca and I got to the front desk one of the cops that was working Jessica's case brought us to where that were holding the suspect. "Amanda, do you know this man?"said the cop
"Yes I do. He is Brian. Jessica's exboyfriend."
"Thank you. Will you go into this room." The cop asked and pointed to a room.
Becca and I spent over an hour waiting in that room for some one to come and tell us what is happening. When the cops cane in to the room they asked to speak with me alone. Becca left the room and The cop sat down, across the table he said softly "I'm so sorry but he did not kill your sister."
I knew that he did not kill Jessica by the way the cop asked Becca to leave the room. He asked her so softly. "How do you know that he did not kill her?"I asked.
The cop said "He did not know where her cell phone was. And he has an alibi for the murder. He was at the bowling alley, and he was on the security tapes."
"Okay." Is all that I had to say.
When Becca and I was going back to her car I saw Brian. He smiled at me like he killed Jessica. I almost lost it when he did that. But Becca calmed me down. When I got back to my house I did not cry because I knew who killed Jessica, and I was going to kill them my self. I did not know how I was going to kill him but I knew that I was going to kill him.
The next day I turned on the news and saw the anchor lady saying "Brian Thomas was found by one of him friends. He was killed. He was killed by being chopped up into little chunks. This is like a smaller case. Jessica Staples. Jessica was also chopped up in to chunks. We here at the news station think that there is a new seriel killer."
I just sat there with a big old grin on my face. Becca called my as soon as the anchor lady was don't talking about the murders and started talking about the foot ball game last night. Becca said "Oh my god who do you think killed Brian? Did you know him well? I think that the killer is going to kill every one that you know and love."
"I don't know who would kill him. Yah I knew him well. I don't know, maybe the person is trying to kill every one I love."
"I don't think that I should talk to you for a bit or until they get the guy that is killing every one."
"Well how do you know that it is a guy what if it is a girl? Did you ever think on that? Well I'm going I have to call my parents by."
Some of the people that live next to me said that they saw some person put the box out on my front steps around 4:30 in the morning, the day when Jessica was found. The people said that they thought that it was a present because I was dating a guy for about three months and he always left gifts for me. He also did not like Jessica because she always answered my cell phone and when he called the house and left a message with her I never got it because she never wrote anything down. Hey she is a teen what does he want from her?
The cops asked me about him and I told them that his name is Tony Smith. I gave the cops his cell phone number and his home number and all of the numbers that he gave me. When they got a hold of him they asked him to go down to the station to ask him some questions. When he got there the cops asked him if he knew Jessica and me. He said that he knew me and Jessica. He was out of the state so he did not hear about Jessica's murder. He was not a suspect any more because of his alibi.
A few days after that Mother and Father cane down for the survas. Mother cryed, and cryed, and cryed. After they went home that day I found what the key was for that Becca and I found in Jessica's room. It was for a box in her closet that I found but I did not put it in the box for mother and father to talk home. When I opened it the only thing in side was money and a list of men's names. At first I thought that she was a hit man or a prostitute. But then I saw the top of the paper. It said People that I owe money to. I thought that it was okay that she owed money to people. I owed money to people too.
A year after that no one was arrested for Jessica's murder and two people were killed the same way. They were my mother and father. So by then there was four murders my sister, my sister's exboyfriend, my mother, and my father. A moth after mother and father died I was diagnosed with a tumor that would kill me in five months. Now it have been 4 months and 29 days. I want to confess to killing my mother, father , sister's exboyfriend, and I can't for get my sister can I.
"What was your motive to kill all of those people Amanda"
"Well Dr.Kimberlin, Jessica was the one who every one loved and thought most of from mother and father that is why I killed them. I killed Jessica because I work so hard to get to where I was at work but then she came along and in one day every one liked her."
"Why did you kill Jessica's exboyfriend?"
"I killed him because it was fun to kill people but now I wont be able to kill anyone any more because I am dieing."
no name
This is just something that i just made up... sorry if there is spelling and grammer mistskes.
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This is the chapter eleven ...
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