• Hi my name was Salene Mateja Levaunt and I was constantly trying to please my parents. They had dreams for me that I wished would just crash and burn so they would just leave me alone. They wanted me to find a rich guy, get married and have lots of heirs; it almost seems like to them we were royalty that needed to secure our kingdom. My dad was a councilman and my mother was a secratery, they thought they were absolutely invincible but they didn't realize that everything was crumbling around them. I had been raised to dance only to classical music and that I was above every other girl in the room. I personally think that is a load of junk that needs to go back to where it came from; it’s as if they didn't even realize I’m not them. I wanted to be an artist with a canvas of words and music, to sing like an old time jazz singer that sang in low smoky tones that could melt even the hardest stress. But tats not a part of their plan and it killed me even though I would put on a fake smile that they didn't realize it was only masking the pain inside of my very soul. It’s so bad that when they left the house I would listen to the music I liked so I could imagine singing with them instead of being forced into a marriage I would be rushed into against my will. My heart broke when I listened to one of my favorite musicians a Guitarist named Jones; he plays in such a way as to convey the emotion he was feeling. I desperately wanted to see him but my parents would never give me the chance to with their crazy notions. They wanted me to have a coming out party like they do in Erelin to show that a young woman is old enough to date and is available. I despised the idea because I was not some piece of meat to sell to anyone with loads of money. I agreed to let them have their party but secretly invited the band Jones belongs to called Breaking Point. I hope that Breaking Point can make it, that would be awesome and they could see some of my work. I had just found out that breaking point couldn't make it to the "ball" as my mother was calling it, I wished they could have come but hey there was no use crying over crushed cookies. I thankfully didn't have to plan anything, my mother decided to do all the planning. The one thing I managed to wrestle from her grasp was the ability to choose what I was wearing, so I chose a modest dress in gold satin overlaid with midnight black lace. What really annoyed my mother is the fact I chose only two pieces of jewelry to wear, my grandmothers gift to me for my birthday a locket that has been in the family for over a century and my true love ring that is a citrine ring with the words engraved on the inside "always faithful”. I personally relinquished the hairstyle to my dear friend Ansel; she did an amazing job plaiting my hair into a bun on the nape of my neck. My father was amazed at the difference between me in a dress and me in my usual staple of black pants and tank tops(modest of course).So many eyes were on me, it made me nervous and I was secretly wishing to disappear especially when all the boys at that "ball" started to crowd. I finally broke away when a sudden blackout made way for my escape, I booked it to a waiting taxi and told him to go to the local symphony hall (we lived in a city named Nikorea).I walked in and knew that I was finally in a safe place, there was nothing going on that night but there was instruments always there. I went up on to the stage and picked up the violin and started to play "A Story for Dreams”, I sang for what seemed like hours not even the noticing the crowd that included my parents that slowly came in. I started to play the "Moonlight's Cascade” and that is when I heard clapping and I looked and there had to be at least three hundred people and my parents were furious. After we left my parents told me that they were disgraced and they would not let me sing any longer....
    It was that night that I packed my bags just in case. My parents watched me like hawks eyeing a rabbit in a field, I cried so many times before I finally decided to break free. After they left for work one day I jumped out my window and I ran until I reached the first train station, I bought a ticket to Desert Wind and took off. When I finally reached Desert Wind after being drooled on and used as pillow, I went to the train station and bought a ticket to Araveta.The ride was long and grueling but the freedom I was gaining was well worth it, it was after the train arrived that I went to a local store and bought colored contacts. I went to a hotel and paid for one night, the next day I went to a clothes boutique and bought a new wardrobe (I had been saving awhile). After that I went job searching under an assumed name, I chose to use the name Mitsu Haruki Tenjiru.I went by a traditional tea house and decided to see if they needed any help, they hired me on the spot. Soon after being hired I was serving tea and making sure that people didn't drink too much Sake if they ordered any, it was an odd job strangely satisfying to me. After I came off my first shift I asked my co-workers if they knew a good place to stay and one of the girls Hana told me to come with her to her home near her father’s dojo. She took me to her house and introduced me to her family, we all got along instantly. It was the first time I had experienced this type of home full of joy and no pressures at all. I knew that what I did was extreme but I couldn't take it anymore, I was withering away because even though I obeyed my parents it was never enough for them. I woke up the next day and walked outside in cargo pants with a tank top, hats when I came across Hana's father Washi working with some of his students. I walked over recognizing one of the moves he was teaching him and he saw me signaled for me to come over and said if I wanted to join in I could. I decided to join in and was asked if I saw the full move, I said yes and was told to demonstrate. I took position and did the sword strike that he was teaching them, I executed it perfectly needless to say some of them were impressed but a student and Mr. Washi were not sure about my skills. So the student challenged me to hand to hand combat and I went at him with all my pent up aggression coming out, everything I could dish out he could do the same until I apparently did a move he had never seen. I flipped up against a wall and jumped at him kicking him in the stomach and when I landed I looked back and he was doubled over in pain. I went over and told him to lie on his back, and then I felt his ribs to make sure none were broken. Thankfully none were and he was soon able to stand up without pain, I apologized and was about to leave when he asked my name. I gave a pleading look to Mr.Washi who knew my situation and he told the student that I was Mitsu Haruki Tenjiru, the student told me his name was Yasuo Ren Narishima.I said it was nice fighting him but I had to get to work, Yasuo looked disappointed but Mr.Washi said he would take them to a tea house before their next tournament and they cheered right up. I didn't know that their tournament was that day but they came over while I was working and ordered half the menu. They were unfortunately my table so I was in a constant setting of running back and forth but I survived it though it felt like Yasuo was constantly staring at me and I decided to give everyone a real reason to stare. I started singing a song called "Fading Away" the song is about a young girl who has lost her love and is slowly fading away because of the pain. Many looked at me but soon went back to eating and drinking, Mr.Washi and Yasuo though started talking in hushed tones that I wish I could have heard. It was then the start of something that would change my life forever....

    It was the next day when I walked outside that I realized something had truly changed. Hana’s parent wanted to send me and Hana to a private apartment in Pomeru to train with kendo and karate masters there; we weren’t sure how to feel about it I mean both me and her were sixteen. We just wanted to be able to think freely and I wasn't sure that we would be in the kendo and karate apprenticeships, people may think we would have been absolutely crazy to turn this down but I needed to know people before I trust them. Hana was the same way about it and we just wanted to make sure we were making the right choices. Besides I would have miss some of the students here but we went anyway and it turned out for the better for me and Hana. Our first day we had our skills tested and we ranked in the highest degree when it came to our fighting styles but we still had plenty to learn and work on. We met plenty of people but only a select few could truly understand us and our situations, we met two young men by the names of Armand Keitaro and Valentine Hiroshi Zurisaki that actually understood us and pushed us further. These two brothers taught us to use secret techniques called storm pulse strikes each acting like a type of storm unit. I was particularly adept at the lightning pulse strike and was usually set up against Valentine because he was adept at the monsoon pulse strike; we would constantly practice against each other so our fighting style would eventually be mastered. I was starting to master the lightning pulse when they threw another style of fighting in, it was called sword strike and some I was already particularly adept at but there were a few I needed practice on. So we would practice morning, noon and night trying to master it and we finally did, then we actually had to use it in a real fight that we never knew was coming. We were asked to come to the Dojo and were told that we would have to fight against the top masters from all over the world. My first fight was with a young fighter named Ajia; we fought for several hours until I finally beat her. After all was done we left and went back to Pomeru with all of us having perfect fight records and the titles of masters. Then we found we were recruited for a new strike force to protect the all of the realm from all of the evil that plagues the world. I became SGT. Lycoris Hoshiko Ming (since me and Hana change our names to protect Hana's family) and Hana became LT. Valmai Selina Ming (we became sisters for the effect).Armand and Valentine were able to retain their names because they were orphans so we became the Shadow Strike unit. Even though I had been trained to lead and protect, nothing could prepare me for the next twist that came on the path I was taking. We set out for our first mission and we ran into an elite group that was out to take out anyone with the ability to use pulse strikes. And guess who was there last group to "take out", we fought for what seemed like seconds and they either were injured or ran for their lives. I personally asked our higher officers if they knew why those who could do the pulse strikes were under attack. All I got back was that I was on a need to know type of deal and I wasn't "ready" for what would come of this. I found the dojo with all the information I needed soon after, it turns out the pulse strike was actually used by royalty in other lands and would identify where they came from. I used the pulse strike that came from the land of Mithralia (elves) and was apparently in the highest rank of the royal family because the only other person in the royal family to ever use it was a young Queen named Luna who it turns out was my grandmother. Valmai (Hana) found out that her pulse strike came from Azure (rangers), Armand and Valentine found out theirs were from Teckoru (vampires) and that theirs could be used in conjunction with each other. I was certain that I couldn't get any stronger than I was then but now I realize that it was a mistake to think that. It was a short time before everyone realized that I was not what I appeared and I was forced by my superiors to release my most powerful state, the state of Lycoris Enid also known as the twilight soul. As I released the twilight soul, I began to change, my hair went blue like lightning with white streaks like comets, and my eyes became the color of electricity and wings the color of midnight with silver and blue edging showed upon my back. My sword became taller than I was and the power surging through me came through my sword, I was finally fully released when I lifted my blade and the power that was in it was released into the air all around me sending electricity for miles. I just screamed through the pain and let go of all the rage I had within me so I could finally be who I was meant to be. I wanted to become stronger so I could find out who I truly was in the realms I’ve been placed between. In the coming days it became obvious that everyone treated us differently. We didn't care anymore that we were strong; we just wanted to destroy the elite core that tried to make us puppets. I was cleaning my blade while thinking one day when I noticed that the lightning had scarred my blade so you could still see the lightning. I walked out into the pouring rain and started to cry for the kingdom I had come from had fallen. The land of Mithralia had been gone since I was just two days old, destroyed by violence and hatred. As I wept in the rain I felt like a thousand different weights were being put on my shoulders and I decided to carry them until the pain would be more than I could bear. It wasn't long until someone found me there but I didn't care, all I wanted to do was simply fade away. Most people get to see the lands they have come from but I only get the distant memories of long forgotten records and souls that no longer recognize what once was. Hana told me it was Valentine that picked me up and carried me out of the rain to the library so I could dry out by the fire. I thanked him for taking me inside; I said that I wasn't thinking with my head at that moment but with emotions. Valentine told me that it was okay to mourn what once was that we will never know. All I could say was emotions didn't belong in the battle and crying would do me no good. He looked at me as if he could understand what was going on within me but I knew he couldn’t. Teckoru was still there and he could come and go as he pleased, though many didn't accept him and his brother because they were and still are vampires. He had a home, I was a refugee in a land that didn't care if you had no family it only cared if you had enough coin to satisfy their greed. Through the course of several days I trained just so I wouldn't have to answer any questions.

    A week went by before anyone could get me to talk again and even then I still felt out of place. So I decided to visit the ruins of Mithralia and see what was left of my home, my country, my heart. I walked for many days across miles of desert and finally came upon the ruins of a kingdom long since lost. As I walked into the ruins I came upon a young wolf pup that was injured, I picked up the pup and searched all of the ruins but found no other wolfs. All I found in Mithralia ruins was the young pup and an imperial crest in a small box decorated with lotus blossoms. I walked back to Pomeru and went back to the room I had been living in and made sure the treatment on the young wolf was working at the pace I wanted it to. When Valmai walked in her eyes went bigger than the moon at night seeing the wolf, I had to calm her down and tell her that Oriana (that was what I decided to name her) was not going to hurt her that she is going to train with me when she becomes well again. Valmai still looked skeptical but stopped freaking as much as she was though with all of her screaming Armand and Valentine came running to see what was wrong. They were about to attack Oriana when I stepped in between the fight (Oriana though injured looked like she was about to take them out) I screamed at them at the top of my lungs to back off or I would personally make sure that they wouldn't be able to fight for a year. Needless to say they were surprised at my outburst but I informed them that this was the last Luna or moon wolf from Mithralia and to do destroy it would kill any possibility of future repopulation. Armand looked confused and then asked how the Luna wolf could repopulate with only one wolf; it was the stupidest question I had ever heard. I told him that she would end up inter mixed with a surviving breed called the Selwyn or sun wolf and that a new breed of wolf would repopulate the rebuilt Mithralia that would be called arena or seer wolf .The look on Valentine's face when I said the rebuilt Mithralia was as if I had gone mad but the truth is I only came back to get the herbs I had for Oriana and grab my scrolls from the library. They must have sensed what I was thinking because before I could do anything they blocked the door though they forgot one simple fact that they should have added into the mix. I jumped out the window with Oriana in my arms and ran into the middle of a sand storm. They never added the fact I had master my power to control storms into their mix and the fact that my pulse strike was storm based doubled the power. It was easy to go through the storm because of that fact and all I had to do was open a small pocket for me and Oriana but still they tried to give chase. They were definitely fools at that point because all that it did for them was to injure them because they had no clue what they were doing. I laughed at the fact that they were still following orders from the higher ups but I did bring my speed to a higher level because I knew Valentine would keep pushing it until he couldn't move anymore (aka dead as a door nail).He kept up for a little while than actually stopped because he knew that it would do no good catching up only to end up having to fight in my natural element. I was in the ruins before the storms let up and it seemed like I wasn't alone but I knew that the only thing that could be there was me and Oriana because no one else knew about the fact that the ruins were still there. It was hard but for two years I worked at becoming stronger and rebuilding the castle until I finally completed it so me and Oriana had a place to stay. It was after we moved in that Valentine, Armand and Valmai came to take me into custody but they never realized how much I had changed. Now my twilight soul state was permanent and Oriana was trained to kill on command, the only reason I didn't command her to be because I saw the hesitant looks. It was Valentine that asked the question that everyone was thinking how I was in that state without being in pain anymore. I simply smiled and told them who said it wasn't painful anymore? Though they kept their composure in front of me I knew that they were going out of their way not to fight me in this state. So I did something they weren't expecting and I took Pulsar out of its sheath, I was prepared to strike with no hesistance.I told them that by no means would I leave this castle unless I was dead and in a coffin. The look on their faces was that of pure astonishment and I relished every minute of it. It was Armand that stuck first but he never thought that I would actually aim to harm him. The strike to his shoulder would end up healing fast but it kept him out of the fight. Valmai being enraged at the fact that I would strike not only a former comrade but her precious boyfriend and attacked but didn't realize that her pulse strike would do nothing against mine because hers was of a lesser type. She made the mistake of leaving an opening to her shoulder and she too was displaced from the battle so that the only one left was Valentine and he obviously didn't want to attack me. I knew that he would be the one who was most improved and would probably be the hardest to bring down and he was. We fought for hours and struck many blows to each other until we looked like we were two carved up hams. I waited until they were unconscious and then I had Oriana help me take them to the borders. We immediately saw swarms of units but I didn't care, they would be safe but I knew that the people I once knew were gone because of the winds of change that reached through the years to take away all that was cared about. When I got back to my castle I thought about the changes that I had seen, the tears that we all must have shed and the dreams that have been let down. Armand had gone from being lanky with bright amber colored hair to a toned well built man with hair the color of blood and Valmai oh my dear friend Valmai (before I left we had found out that was her actual name) she had gone from being short with lime green hair to a taller young woman with leaf green hair that had become longer. Valentine, how many times had I dreamed of him and how he had changed from what I knew? He had become amazingly gifted swordsmen, his blade had become huge compared to what it was and how he looked at merit was like he had gone from trying to understand to hatred for my leaving him behind. He looked different from before too, the change was astounding, he used have deep red hair that was close to his head at all times to the deep cherry red hair that was at his neck in a ponytail now. He used to be kind of lanky like his brother but then(still is) he was muscled like he trained every second he could and his eyes when had they changed the pain that was once reflected was replaced with bitterness.Oh had the times changed and how I wished I could have taken them with me...

    My heart was torn between what once was and what it was then when more units came. I simply started a sand storm and went back to my thoughts until before me was Valentine. If one thing was true he hadn't lost his stubborn streak but this time he looked as if he would kill me with no hesitance’s I asked when he had changed and he didn't know how to answer but I gave him the answer anyway. I told him that I knew the answer and he looked at me like I was about to explode into flames because of his rage. So I told him it was when I left and didn't take him but he knew that I couldn't because he was too loyal to a kingdom that had no right to loyalty. He looked at me like I was about to slice through him but I didn't move from where I was, the wind felt too good blowing in my long hair. He told me to get up and fight but I told him that if he truly wanted me dead that he could kill me where I was and just as I thought he left murmuring something about the fact that there was no honor in killing someone who didn't fight back. I knew the real reason, he just didn't want to test Pulsar again and he still cared too much to do damage like that. That was one thing I had missed, if I wouldn't attack he would stop fighting and it was then that I would attack but not anymore I had changed too much for that. I now had a chance at rebuilding and I wasn't about to mess that up. My heart was in constant chaos, what was I supposed to do if they tried to strike this land again. I realized that if they wanted to strike again then my only option would be to destroy every last munitions I wanted to keep the death toll down as much as possible. My pain was in truth the only thing keeping me alive in a barren land with no other soul but me. Its seem that something is stirring though and it’s about time. Apparently the higher ups in the strike force told Armand, Valmai and Valentine that soon an order of twelve guardians with a dragon symbol on each of their arms would rise up and come together in Mithralia to protect the twilight soul. They even told them it would make me invincible but of course they were wrong again. It would never make me invincible because they could only fight so much and when they had come together there was one missing and I knew at once who it was among them. The order asked me if I wanted him brought to the castle but I refused their request because he had to come of his own accord for the sake of love or deny it in hatred. What he would decide could have made or destroyed a kingdom. I sent a message on a raven's wing as we had done when we were younger; it explained everything about the order and what was happening at that point. I knew he would understand the sentiment even though he was now twenty and waiting for battle to begin with me again. Valentine was always the one I would run to if I had a problem because I saw the symbol when we first met and I knew I could trust him but now I don't know who I could even talk to. The pain was growing and the connections I once had were weakening and soon would fade into complete darkness. No one could save me from my fate but I had to rebuild Mithralia before I left this world and all was lost for nothing but a dream. I went to the order and asked that if I should die in the coming battle for them to rebuild and restore the kingdom. They told me that they would not let me die but I stopped them before they could continue and told them I would die of a broken heart before a strike could hit me because the one that was missing was an old friend that had long since changed. Before I continue I must tell you of the twelve guardians, there is at the first rank Rainer from the ranger country Azure(blonde, hazel),second we have Terra of Luminaria(pink, desert red), third is Cradoc from Ionia(purple, green) ,fourth is Llewellyn from Hastero(blonde, red),fifth is Alluvia from Digestion(lavender, nearly black),sixth is Aretha from Raptoria(crimson, orange),seventh is Socorro from Night Bane(white, blue),eighth is Cilia from Severino(auburn, amber),ninth is Ellis from Pelerine(aqua, tan),tenth is Riordan from Tolnaga(teal, frost blue),eleventh is Marcello from Welario(orange with red streaks, salmon) and the twelfth was to be Valentine and as you know now he is fromTeckoru.Marcello was always the most protective of me until........

    It was midnight when he finally showed up and I guess he needed to tell me in simpler terms than I thought about his decision. He said he would stay but only on one term, I was to never use Pulsar to strike against him. I made my first mistake by readily agreeing to this, never had I realized how far Valentine had fallen. It was the very next night when I was asleep he tried to kill me but Marcello and Cillian were nearby and heard his footsteps. They saved me and all I could do was hiding in Llewellyn's arms when he came to take me away from the fight. It was in the next few weeks that I decided to break my vow to him from when we were younger, one that he probably didn't remember anymore. I walked with the eleven to the border and we just stood there waiting and they indeed showed up all three of them ready for battle. It was then I set Pulsar into the sand in front of me and told them I was breaking my vow. The look that came upon Valentines face was pitiful but he knew it was coming. I recited the vow for memories sake "by the starlit night I vow to always protect the lands of the ones that I love and by the sun in the sky I vow to take upon myself your burdens of old and new ,by the moon I vow to take care of your wounds as if one of your family and by the bluest of skies I vow to never use my pulse strike in a way as to leave you permanently injured or forever gone" this was the vow I took and that was the vow I broke for the sake of those that had started to gather to my kingdom. Valentine fell to his knees and wept as we walked away from all things from my past but it was for the best for soon another showed himself to be a part of the twelve. It was a raven that told me that Valentine's dragon symbol was gone from him and that Valentine's missing twin brother who had just been found saw the symbol fade then reappear on his own arm. His twin, the one person in his family that only I knew, Illias the strongest of his family and the only one who can use the twilight pulse as I could. At night he would visit the throne room and pet Oriana without her growling at him like she did with Valentine but while he did he was always talking to me as well and he made sure I could always have eye contact. That was something Valentine never did for me, he always looked at the ground. Illias would always look at me with those gunmetal silver eyes and tell me right before he would leave "may the wind always protect your heart from the treachery of sorrow that ravens wings can bring" because he knew that was how I would get information from Valentine. Illias much like his twin was well muscled but not like he was just one big block of muscle , he had the black cherry hair as well but he kept his hair just past his collar bone, his eyes as I said were gunmetal gray the last time he came but that was when the castle was still being built. I wonder if he has changed any I certainly hope not because he was so kind and gentle not at all harsh or condescending. He probably wouldn't recognize me much anymore, I had grown taller and I had cut my hair to chin level but I still had my electric eyes and my porcelain skin. Illias showed up soon after the raven and oh my heart soared at the sight of him, I knew I could trust him. When he saw the cuts on me from the attack his rage with Valentine was evident but I told him that it was nothing to be angry with. The twelve were now assembled and it was time, we were to attack at dawns first light and leave no question as to what we are any longer....

    Valentine always asked what I was but I never told him because the order had to figure it out on their own terms. Illias knew from the start what we all were as I did but we decided to keep it from everyone else. It would be too painful a separation from the rest of our realm but it must now be told to this entire realm. We are the last of an old race called the Luminix as such we were spread out and intermixed with other races to strengthen bonds but it back-fired on them. Now all that is left is the remaining twelve noble families and one last royal who is left with only her powers and the twelve loyal men and women whose families have guarded hers for centuries. The Luminix were the most powerful race to have ever been in this realm but they had a weakness, they were highly susceptible to pain and sorrow. Many enemies tried to destroy them using their weakness as a tool but until the very last attack they never fell. Never the less that all changed in a single heartbeat and no one survived this attack but those who ran with the twelve children and one infant royal. Those who ran soon died so the children including the young royal had to fend for themselves, some were taken in to homes including the royal. The rest grew up fighting for what is rightfully theirs in the first place but all became well because now they were home. The battle for the future of the Luminix had begun and it was going to be the worst battle to ravage this realm. At dawn we began the attack, ranger corps (strike unit) sent out their best fighters and expected a victory that would never come. It was twelve against twelve and no one was going to budge, we were each matched up against someone who was the opposite of ourselves. Illias was ready even if it meant fighting his brothers and indeed he had to go against Armand his younger brother, he obviously wanted to fight Valentine because of the attack but that was my choice. Valentine was ready for a fight but he never expected that I would use a technique he had never seen before and I was prepared to fight at all costs.
    I used the for the first time ever the twilight storm pulse and the quantity of pain was staggering compared to every other strike I have ever used but I had to do what would end this battle as soon as possible. It would be the breaking point that I had always tried to find but never managed to reach in Valentine's defense. Fighting until the very last man was our idea but we didn't have to worry about that at all because of the twilight storm pulse. As I unleashed the devastating effects the power from the strike created a sand storm that sent all of the ranger corps flying several feet back and it severely injured some of the soldiers. As they pulled back we decided that the best thing to do would be to go home and plan the next attack on the Ranger corps. We arrived back home and everyone started talking about what attack they didn't get to use but really wanted torso in order to give you an idea I’ll tell you about the attacks,Rainer:wind based attack,Terra:fire based attack,Caradoc:water based attack,Llewellyn: rock based attack,Lluvia: plant based attack, Aletha:light based attack,Socorro:shadow based attack,Cillian:storm based attack,Eilis:sand based attack,Riordan:sound based attack,Marcello:Rain based attack, Illias: light matter based attack and finally my own attack which is dark matter based. We usually only use these attacks in extreme situations but we figured this would be counted among the desperate situations group. When we finally finished the last of the battle plans, we received a message on a raven's wing and all it said was "let go of what is no more”. I promptly threw the note into the fire and went to the window to watch the stars with a hope burning deep into my soul. Illias came up to the window; all he did was look at me and say "true beauty lies in the heart of the hopeful soul”. The tears slowly rolled down my face on to the ground below as Illias held my hand as if to tell me that life wasn't going to crash down all around us. We always were able to comfort each other with things like techno music and making each other laugh. It had been awhile but we knew that no matter what we were safe around each other. We didn't have to worry about offending each other because both of us realized that we would have different opinions. I had missed it for a long time but realized it was always going to be a road worth traveling, But if our new battle plan came together we would have the advantage for a long time. We decided to create what we called battle suits or what some may call vehicles but our battle suits had A.I. chips that had their own personality different from our own. My battle suit was named Hoshiko Gunmetal and Illias had Punk Shogun, the others in order Ocean Spark, Spring Pearl, Midnight Song, Fire Heart, Snow Fox, Lightning strike, Desert Oasis, Techno Soldier, Starry night, Cello Fight and Element Mix. We would always make sure they were taken care of because they definitely make the difference in battle. I bet your wondering why we call them battle suits if technically their vehicles, it’s all because of the fact they "suit" us in battle. They are literally extensions of personality and even what sometimes seem to be our very selves. We all make absolutely sure that our A.I. chips never fall into anyone else's hands because it would be absolutely devastating. The next week after our attacks we went to a nearby ridge and of course did it in our accustomed style. They all started doing tricks but according to them I out distanced them by doing some pretty crazy stunts. Illias and I made it to the ridge first and as we took of our helmets saw something that was beyond your average rage issue. As everyone came up they tried to ask but as soon as they saw it they would be struck speechless. I remember distinctly that I was openly weeping because what we saw was beyond forgivness, an entire village massacred with no way of survival unless they had abilities. I ran into the village before the others could stop me and I searched for any survivors, there was only one a little infant that could only have been a week old. There was a shield around her and as I was about to pick her up, her mother asked of me to keep her safe from the ranger corps. Told her I would so with that assurance she passed on and the shield fell away. The infant was so small and weak and as I walked back into the street the others saw her and said that there were no other survivors. I told them that I would raise this child as my own and that I would avenge this village with all that I had within my soul. Illias was the one to ask the name of this child and I told them she would be renamed Innocencia Hafwen, my little innocent summer's beauty. Our attack was supposed to be the next day but I realized I needed to make more preparation, this time I wasn't about to let them be able to destroy innocents life. The day of our attack I left everyone except Illias back at the castle and told them if we didn't make it to protect Innocence to the last man because she too is the last of her kind. When they asked what she was I told them if I made it back they would find out but otherwise it would be a mystery. After we walked away I told Illias that it would be "that day”, he didn't seem too surprised but did seem saddened. Though if you had to make sure that your friend could stay standing long enough to destroy an entire army while in incredible pain, you too would be like him. I told him it would be alright but he said that he knew I might not survive and that it would destroy him even more than knowing his brothers were out to kill him too. It was when we reached the edge of base Death Strike, saw them scattering around to try and get in line to attack that my emotion decided to show through. I was angry and near tears because of the fact that they could be so cruel knowing that all it would do is anger menthe strike unit showed up just like we wanted them to and Illias and I joined our attack and used against the first round of the twelve members......
    From the first round there were no survivors but the second round contained my former squad members. Valentine and Armand combined their attack but it was still too weak and I began to use the twilight pulse attack. Illias also decided to use the twilight pulse and we both stood back to back and let our most powerful attack loose on all of the camp. With our power intertwined we were the strongest force for miles and the base was completely annihilated with only two survivors. Armand and Valentine were injured but not dead and I made my second mistake by letting them live because they couldn't move. Illias and I left back to the castle and told the others of the battle. They asked of Innocencia’s people and where she came from so I told them she was an Aquanos.She was of the people that built Atlantis but her village was named Aquino and they asked how they had lived outside of water(because we had found the village dry).I told them that the village had been drained of water and then massacred,Eilis and Marcello were physically sickened by this and I had to give them a mixture of herbs to calm their stomachs all the others wanted to make absolutely sure that all of the attackers were dead. So they went to the village to find evidence and indeed found evidence, it was then that my mistake was evident and I was increasingly sorrowed. The attackers were the last survivors of the base Valentine and Armand; I promised everyone that the next time I fought against them they would die. It was two months later they had the nerve to walk straight into my throne room and they pulled their swords. I pulled out Pulsar and Illias pulled out Solaria, we attacked full strength and fought for hours but they were barely injured. I told Illias to put away Solaria and get Innocencia out of the castle along with the others. I released something that no one but I knew about, the Nova Phoenix and it destroyed the castle while it released the ultimate power that had been given to someone. I attacked Armand and he was soon a memory of the past, that left Valentine who by now realized that I was not going to hold back anymore. As I attacked Valentine my dear Inocencia's power was revealed as she covered the twelve with a shield made up of water. Valentine must have realized I was watching Innocence and he struck me in my side but my power was still strong though the pain was strong enough I could barely move. I released upon the Phoenix pulse and as the ashes rose up around me, my memories were of pain were gone and I faded into the darkness. When I awoke Illias was pacing like a man whose wife was about to have a child but as soon as he saw my eyes open he called everyone to the room. They said that they saw the battle but when they walked to where I was they didn't even see Valentine or Armand. I told them the attack was so strong they were turned into ash so they thought they were able to celebrate but I told them something else would rise up and that we weren't safe yet.....