• Shadow people part four!!!!

    We left off with the four of them getting stronger and if you don’t know what happened read the first 3. Ava turned into a vampire lady bat thing, Riley turned into a green dragon, Kyle’s clone turned into a harpie and Rosey turned into a cat person A.K.A a neko.

    (Ava the vampire bat lets see what she’s up to) “How can this be I don’t have that power. But what ever I’ll still destroy you! Earth Style rock slam justu!” he yelled at her. Six rocks came up from the ground and slammed into Ava.

    Boom boom. The six rocks hit Ava and broke in to small pieces.

    “Was that supposed to hurt me?” Ava asked and then started to walk towards him.

    He had a worried look on his face. He kept throwing rocks at her none stop.

    “Times up little boy.” she told him and flew into the air.

    (Well I don’t want to be Drack know anyway here’s Riley)

    “How do you like me now pretty boy?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

    “UUUHHH how did you survive?” he asked her.

    “It’s no concern of yours.” she told him.
    “Dragon Style dragon roar justu!” she screamed as she roared and knocked him agents a tree.

    “No I can’t lose my boss will be furious.” Matt told her.

    “To bad.” she told him.” Her wings started to glow blue. “Dragon Style blue dragon rage.” she said. Two blue wing shapes were coming at him.

    (Now here’s Kyle)
    “Caw Caw!” Kyle’s clone/harpie screeched. It flew up and dove at Kiki.

    Kyle popped out of the ground with his pet raccoon Bandit.

    “Okay Bandit use rainbow shards.” Kyle told his pet. Bandit made hand sings and punched the air. Then several different colored shards came out and hurt Kiki in the arms, stomach and chest.

    “This is why I hate men!” she screamed and made an ice shield.

    “Bandit lets teach her a lesson.” Kyle said to Bandit. Bandit made seven copies and they morphed together into a black creature with four glowing red eyes. It has a giant knife on it’s right arm and a cannon on it’s left arm. The creature that the little raccoons made was 30 feet tall.

    (Wow that’s a large beast so lest move on to Rosey)
    Rosey looked down at the sword in her stomach. With her tail she pulled it out.

    “UUUMM I don’t remember you having this power!” he yelled.

    “Well you won’t see it for long.” she told him and went running towards him.
    Electricity was surrounding her as she ran at him on all fours. She threw the sword at Dan but he dogged it. When he was turned around she rammed into him with electricity threw his body. . Dan feel to the ground and Rosey tied him up and she started to head to the hokages faces.

    (Ava’s turn to destroy)
    Once Ava was into the air she turned red and opened her wings wide and started to suck out his chakra.

    Drack couldn’t move and Ava sucked out all of his chakra. Ava tied him up and she started to fly to the faces of the hokages.

    (Time for an explosion with Riley)
    The blue shapes hit Matt and it made a very large explosion. Riley flew towards Matt and wrapped him up. She didn’t feel like staying so she flew where she saw Ava going.

    (Now back to the large beast and Kyle)
    The 30 foot beast came funning towards Kiki and glared at her. Kiki got knocked out. Kyle shot a net and caught her. He turned back into a raccoon and Kyle they both headed to where Rosey told them to.

    They all meet up on the 5th hokages face. They all placed there enemies down and saw a shadowy figure come out of the darkness.

    To be continued……………

    Remember that fifth person I told you a bout in the second story? Well if you don’t it doesn’t matter because here he is.