• To Syn:

    hehe thank you.

    so Becca read the msg that i sent you earlier. shortly after she said something about objecting to the marriage and running up to the alter to kiss you. we then decided that everyone, minus me, will kill her. the entire time i will be in the background getting it all on tape. then i'll announce that we proceed with the wedding, cremate her, and hold the funeral the next day. if we stay at a hotel i'll place the urn above the fireplace located in the lounge. we will then have a moment of silence that will last 5 minutes. afterwards i will call her momz and ask if they give refunds if the person that had a ticket can no longer use it because they're dead. momz will probably be like, "What!" then i'm a be like, "Oh yeah. Becca died yesterday and i got her cremated. i'll be bringing her ashes on the plane with me because i don't want the urn to break. upon entering the airport i will have to place my bag in a container so that they can see wt i'm carrying on the plane. most likely the people will be like, "Um ma'am, what is this?" then i will have to explain that what they saw is an urn containing my best friends ashes.
