Clarik Gunner
at the beginning
Clarik stormed out in rage as his mother started to bother him how he spent to much time playing the cello and not getting grades she wanted him to get.
As the rain fell from the sky as if the lord himself was crying Clarik slung open the jeep door,slid in and turned the music on
-Apocalyptica featuring Adam Gontier of Three Days Grace - I Don't Care.
'I wish mother would think like that'Clarik murmerd to himself,as soon as he said that his mother came running out.
'Where in hell do you think your going?!'.But Clarik didn't hear her as 1.the window was up 2. the rain was getting heavier 3. the music was blaring.
He just drove away,his mother stood there as mud flew in the air drenching her head to toe.She stormed back in the house.
'Man why cant she just go away and
leave me alone!!I'll do what i want with my grades!!'he shouted to himself.
He pulled over to a fenced of area about 2 miles away.He stormed out and ran as fast as lightning to the fence and leaped over it.
He stormed through the forest and found a large hollowed out tree,large enough to fit about ten people in.
He crawled inside and sat with his arms hugged tight around his legs.He fell asleep and about nightfall he woke up by a call of a crow.
'Man what time is it?'he asked himself and forced his eyes open.His watch read-8:30.
'holy crap,I'm bloody hungry'
He heard a rustle outside the tree.A young lost fawn.'Poor little fawn your time is over.'he whispered to himself.As he dashed out he morphed into a dark ice wolf.
Then he leapt out the tree and attacked the fawn with a short yelp from the fawn it was over.
Amy Tucker
I felt the cold wind cut around me.As i stumbled to my feet i started to remember what happened.When i was standing upright it all came flooding back,The fight with mother,
the tree and then i found the blood on my hands and the rotting flesh of the fawn lying lifeless,limp and the smell was horrid.
It was to much so i ran back to my jeep opened the door and slid in.The heat was calming but it was no help as my skin was frozen stiff.As i turned the keys the clock said it was 9:00.
As i drove home i thought what i should do with my life.'Should i create a band of Cello and drums??'i asked my self.
'DAMN!!Don't have a bloody drummer!!'
As i was talking to my self i drove into my drive way.I jumped out my jeep and as i walked into my house my brother Jet asked
'Hey man where did you go last night?You said we were going hunting to day.'
'We still are dumbass.Im just going to have a shower.'
I walked to the bathroom and climbed in the shower the hot water burned as it fell like acid rain.I walked out the shower and dryed off,
i got dressed and as soon as i was dressed the door went.Mother opened it,i heared hear voice.Amy Tucker.
I legged it down the stairs as she walked in.She is one of the mock=st caring people you can ever meet.
'Amy hi'
Hi Clarik.I came to ask you some thing.'
'Sure what is it??'
'would you like to come see Apocalyptica with me??'
stunned i asked my self why would someone wanna go to a gig with a shape shifter?Or even just me?I spitted out a few words
'Yes sure...when is it?'
'17 April at the Glasgow ABC'
'Hold on .....thats my birthday!'
'I got them as your bday present'
WOW.Someone got ME concert tickets for my bday.
'AWSOME!Thankyou so much!after that why don't you say we come back here?'
At this moment in time i didn't see Jet standing at the top of the stairs.
'Sure.I better be getting back my dad said i shouldn't be out in this weather.'
The heavens above were still crying.
'You should go and don't get to wet!'I shouted to her as she ran back to her not so dry moterbike.I turned to go back up the stairs and then i saw Jet.
'I think someone has a crush?'
'Shut up or I'll crush you.'
I walked up to him and pulled him down the stairs.
'Shut you wimp,'
'Where are we going?'
The Hunt
As i pulled Jet halfway across the yard,Amy was standing there on the phone.
'Amy your still here?'
'Sorry i was talking to my dad he said i should be home looking over notes and stuff for my up and coming tests.'
'I know how that feels'.Remembering the night before all over again i stooped and rotted myself to the spot.
;Where are you going??'
Wheres your gear?'
'In the back of the jeep.'After that she left without another word but this time she left for good.We started to move again and we both slid into the jeep.
'So wheres the guns and hunting stuff?'
Jet asked in a stupidly sarcastic voice.As we drove down the highway i saw the spot from last night and came to sudden stop,
as Jet didn't have a seatbelt on he flew forward into the front seat.
'What are trying to do get my head split?!'
'Why did i not think of that?'
He through me a glare i just pinged his head.
'Wimp.Come on get out the car.'
'This is where were hunting....you have be kidding?'
As we clambered out the car we raced over to the fence.
'Holy crap!What in hell is that smell?'
'Its a dead fawn'
'How do you know?'
I refused to answer and as i jumped over the fence i caught sight of a herd of deer.
'Well go on.'
'Go where?'
After i said that he walked away and morphed into second form.A fire wolf and knowing him he went straight to the buck.
'Don't go for the buck you a** hole!'He didn't listen so as the big brother i am i morphed into my second from.A dark ice wolf.
I sprinted after him and before he got close to the buck
and i killed it.
'You dumb a** wolf he could have speared you with his antlers!'I snapped at him.
'I could have taken him!'
'No,you are to weak!'
Just as i finished Jet lunged at me.He went in all guns blazing something a wolf should never do.It turned into a full blown battle between too brothers.
Finally Jet gave in and lay on the floor.
'hurry up and eat the buck before the meat gets cold.'
After Jet ate his fill we moved through the cold,dark forest back to the jeep.Once in the car not one of us spoke,not a word.
Wow.3 weeks had gone so fast.This is awsome!I'm going to see the best ever band!Plus it's my birthday!Can my day get any better!?I slid into my jeep set for school.
I turned the keys as i did the C.D player came on-Apocalyptica,Hall of The Mountain King.As i raced down the highway,i started to headbang,my black and blue
hair blurred my visoion.Then as i passed the new killing spot the C.D changed to Three Days Grace-This animal i have become.It's true,i am an animal,
and i cant tame it.I cant even face to tell my one true love what i really am.A beast,Monster.
'WHY!?'I screamed to my self as tears started to roll down my cheeks and hit the fabric of my skinnies.Enraged by what i am i turned to the next song,
Three days grace-pain.
'Why does every song relate to my life!?'I asked my self.At this point i was rolling in the stone drive,the crunch against the tyres.As i did i saw Amy.I turned to the
nearest parking slot.I ran out to meet Amy,as she turned to face me i seen she had a art folder and relised i left mine in the car and as soon as i got to her
i turned back to get my art folder,then it hit,me my Cello was in the jeep to.I ran back to Amy art folder in one hand,Cello in the other.
'Hey!Your here!'
'Yes.. i normally am at school.'
The bell went for class and as we walked in we both sat back of the class,as Amy started to draw i looked over to see what she was drawing.
'What are you drawing?'
'5 wolves.A light wolf,wind wolf,fire wolf,water wolf and a dark wolf.The dark wolf is based on you and the water one is me.'
It's scary how she knows our family elements-mother is a light wolf,father is wind,Jet is fire and im dark.
'So what are you doing for your project?'
'I'm doing a comic on wolves.It's called The dark wolves of bloody hollow.What about you?'
'I'm doing one on shape shifters,mine is called Black blood runs in the pack.'
There was an long silence.When the bell went for the second period,Amy jumped.
'Sorry,i didn't think the bell was about to go.'
'It's ok.'
As we walked to class i got my Cello,and it was Amy and my free period.
We got the last spare room,empty apart from me and her.She started to play a tune on the Piano,i got out my Cello and started to play along.As we
got further into the song i relised it was Three Days Grace-Get out Alive.
I asked myself,will she get out my life before i hurt her?
That was one of the first rules shape shifters learn,NEVER leave your self with a human alone.I stoped
in the middle of the song.
'What is it?'
'I cant do this.I have to leave.'
At the end of the of that line i ran out the door and to my jeep.As i sat there in an enraged state of mind,i screamed at my reflection
in the mirror.
I screamed at myself,
Amy walked out to my jeep.
'Amy,i'm sorry it's not you it's me and i'm sorry,i can explain.'
I nodded my head and she got in the jeep.I turned on the music.Three days grace-this animal i have become.
'Your a?'
She urged me to spit it out.
I closed my eyes and told her
'A shape shifter.'
Her eyes opened with great fear.
'Are you still cool with going to the gig?'
Thats all she could ask.
- by Ayleigh_knife_of_lust |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/17/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Claric Gunner
- Artist: Ayleigh_knife_of_lust
- Description: i was watching to many stuff about werewolves and shapeshifters
- Date: 02/17/2009
- Tags: claric gunner
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Comments (1 Comments)
- angry_sugarblocks - 02/18/2009
- it's too long... sorry cant finish it... ^^,
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