• Once upon a time(yes I did just start my story with once upon a time if u don’t like it then don’t read it but u r missing out on a good story anywhoo)once upon a time lived two werefoxes who were deeply in love. Their county at the time was in a war against the werewolves. The war had gotten so bad that the leaders of there clan started forcing them to fight and end the war. The two lovers were oblivious to the out side world until one day Tokala, the male, was drafted into the war.
    When Sinopa heard the news of her love's fate she instantly broke down. She knew that many were dying because of the war and the chance of her love Tokala coming home was slim to none .When the day finally came for him to leave he went to her den to talk to her.
    "Sinopa" he whispered, “do not be afraid for I will come back to you"
    "How... How Tokala? How can u keep your promise when the chance of u coming back is 1 to 10000?"Sinopa asked.
    When his love asked that question he pulled out two boxes a small one and a larger one. He opened the smaller one and pulled out an object that glistened in the sunlight. Tokala went behind Sinopa and put the necklace around her neck. The chain was pure gold, and the pendant a ruby locket.
    "Do not open the locket or the box until I came back from the war “he instructed her.
    "But how do you know th---"
    "Because I promised" Tokala said simply and then left.

    Sinopa did as her love told her she waited. A year later she wanted to give up, but then she found out the good news. The war was over and all the men were coming back home.she went to her den to tell every one the good news.when she got there ther were too men standing out side. one she recognised as her child hood friend todd.
    "hello todd!!"sinopa said unaweare of wat was happining"wat brings you here?"
    "um...hello sinopa its been a long time"
    "ya it has i havent seen you sence u were ten.now look at u you lost all your baby fat!!"
    todd blushed but then became serious once again.
    "sinopa i have come to tell you somting"
    "what is it?? are you getting married or did i miss that too??"
    "no"todd said"tokala-"
    "is coming home i know isnt it great finnally the war is over!!"
    "let me finish" said todd"tokala was lost in battle.we could not find him or....even his remains... im sorry sinopa."
    "but he was just lost in battle right??"sinopa said behind her tears"he can still come back or somthing right???he can still come back.he said he would come back!!"
    "wel...he could....but....sinopa he....was lost in battle....he may never....come back."
    "but he promised!!!"she wailed"he promised...he did..."by this point she was in todd's arms crying"he promised he told me he would come back"
    "yes i know he promised"todd whispered
    "he promised"sinopa whispered

    5 months later

    sinopa grevied for wat seemed like an eternity but only ended up as 2 months. after that she did her best to get back up on her feet.her friends tried to introduce her to some other guys but none of them would be good enough they would either be jerkes or verry masculine girls (girly guys)
    soemtimes wshe would see things in them that tokala had.but that just made her depressed.

    "thats it"sinopa said to her best friend maiyana"i will be forever single!"
    "no you won't"said maiyana"wel still havent looked at some guys here and the nextpack to the west of us has some fine men we can sill look at other tribes the man for you dosnt have to be from our tribe!"
    "maiyana! we have looked at all the guys from this tribe!!all of them!!!we even triend tod!!"
    "oh ya how could i forget that was soo awkward.....ewww ewww ewww!!!!
    "ya its not like Todd isnt good looking its just that...."
    "he is our little child hood friend"
    "ya exactly"
    "sooo....to the north tribe???"maiyana said with an evil girn on her face
    " i guess."sinopa sighed
    thats wat they did they looked through all the differnt men on the north tribe.when they finnally thought to move on they found a man with skin almost as white as the snow he walked on.unlike their tribe who normally had reddish brown ears and tails he had white ones his hair was a golden brown.when he walked past he gave sinopa a flower saying
    "maybe you can teach the flower to be beautiful "and walked off. the two girls where so dumdstruck that they stook there for about 10 seconds until they ran after him

    his name was akihero fedorov he was fromea forign county but there in the north tribe to stay
    akihero and sinopa sceduald a time to hang out and talk
    "sooooo..."sinopa said "hows life???"
    "it very good i finnally found a job i like"akihero
    "what is your job??"