• We walked to his car. It was a small two door Tauras. It wasn't too crapy, but also not in the best condition.
    "In you go,"Joey said as he opened the door for me. I slid in and buckled up.
    "So this is your amazing car you're always talking about." I smiled. Joey always said his car was a piece of s**t. He hated it but he didn't have the money to get a better car.
    "Ha,ha. Funny and cute. Lucky me," he smiled.
    We went down a backroad, a shortcut to his house.
    "Hey, what do you say we stop and talk for a while." Joey winked and burst out laughing. I started laughing too. I knew what he meant by "talk". In a matter of seconds he was kissing me. It felt so good. And then my phone rang.
    "Dammit. It's my mom." I was kind of out of breathe. "Hello?" I asked.
    "Were are you? You should have been home by now." My mom sounded irritated.
    "I missed the bus," I lied. " One of my freinds is giving me a ride home. We just stopped at his house for bit."
    "Well, you could have called." she puffed.
    "Ya,ya. I'll be home later." I hung up before she could say any more and turned my phone off.
    "I didn't get you in trouble, did I ?" Joey asked.
    "No.she just wanted to know were I was."
    "Well,since she thinks we're at my place, why don't we head there. My parents are at work." Joey smiled smugly.