Fan Fiction 3; Parts 13-18
By: Megan B.
Note: If you happen to like any bands that associated with An Café, you’re going to be pleasantly surprised. ^.^
13. I Felt Like Sleeping Beauty
“Rae,” a distant yet calming voice called. “Rae…”
Someone shook me.
I snapped my eyes open with a cry. Staring straight up, I saw Takuya was leaning over me.
His hair was still slightly wavy, making him look yummy. A combination of purple and black eyeliner smeared together and ran down his cheeks, stopping around his nose and chin. He looked rather tired—he wasn’t the only one. Both his hair and clothes were rumpled.
“What time is it?” I mumbled sleepily.
Takuya turned to the clock. “8:10,” he replied.
Groaning, I leaned over on my side.
On the floor, the six still slept comfortably. Teruki snored gently in the heap of blankets. I could only see his gentle, haggard face, and his mouth hung open, closing momentarily upon the intakes of breath.
Smiling to myself, I sat up. Takuya’s brown eyes met with mine.
“Can we step outside to talk?” he asked, playing with the buttons on this shirt sleeve.
Nodding slowly, I stood up, feeling light headed. I grabbed Takuya for support. “Just outside the door? Or go-for-a-walk outside?”
“Outside, outside; like, ‘going-for-a-walk’,” he answered, gently pulling my grip from his arm.
“Sorry,” I apologized. Not bothering to look in the mirror, I followed Takuya downstairs.
My mother had already left. We slipped on our shoes and went outside.
The wind blew fiercely. I let out a startled cry, holding onto the door. Taking a deep breath, I followed Takuya down the sidewalk.
“What do you need me to talk about?” I asked, turning to Takuya and brushing my hair from my face.
“Bou-kun,” he replied, face hard in concentration.
“Well,” he replied, focusing on the sidewalk as we moved, “it just seems a little awkward. I mean, I took his spot in the band. Now, having him here, it makes me feel baka.” He looked in my direction, hair gusting around his face.
I nodded sympathetically, and he continued.
“I’ve heard how great he is. I’ve seen how great he is! I mean, ‘Bonds~Kizuna’! I know I’m not the ‘new kid’ anymore, but he was with them longer. Me and Yu-ki-san. But Yu-ki didn’t replace anyone. I…” He paused. “Boku…” Sighing, he shook his head. “They seem to like him better…”
I patted his forearm. “It’s okay. You’re both great. But Bou-kun left! You can’t control that!” I stopped and looked deeply in his eyes, sighing. “Takuya –san, you are An Café. Bou was An Café. I love Bou! Don’t get me wrong; kare kawaii desu! But, now you need to be there for them. I’m sure Bou feels weird too. But it’s okay. Really. True fans love you both.”
Takuya’s eyes became glossy with brimming tears. “I know. Thank you.”
We hugged in the middle of the sidewalk, three blocks from my house, wind blowing around us.
14. Morning Has Broken
Walking back, the wind now going against us, Takuya and I talked about past experiences, making each other laugh out loud.
Back up in my room, stirring was happening; as I shut the door behind Takuya, Jo’s eyes popped open.
Smiling with fatiguness, she sat up. “Where were you too?” she asked.
“He needed to talk to me,” I replied, pointed to Takuya, now sitting on my bed, with all seriousness.
Nodding, Jo nudged Teruki with her feet.
With a choked snore, Teruki opened his eyes. “Aa…,” he moaned.
“Teruki,” Jo said, loud and clear, “you snore!”
He sat up quickly and scratched is head under his messy hair.
“I do?” he asked, eyes squinting from the 8:30-in-the-morning brightness shining confidently through my window.
Jo laughed and nodded, tight-lipped.
He turned to me, puzzled.
I nodded. “She’s right; you do!”
Teruki gasped and banged his head against the pillow nearest him. Groaning, he looked at the clock. “Be right back.” Out the door and across the hall he went—bathroom.
Upon his waking, Miku rolled over on his back. Opening his dark eyes, he reached up and grabbed the air. Sitting up, he reached over into his pants pocket and produced his glasses after much searching.
Glasses back on, he saw the four of us were awake.
“Ohagon!” he said, smiling. “Kawatta kota aru?”
Just then, Teruki walked back in. Seeing Miku, he ran over and threw himself down on Miku’s lap.
With a startled cry, Miku fell backwards. “Teruki! You weigh a ton!” he shrieked.
Child-like, Teruki hugged Mik-san and joined Takuya on my bed.
Laughing, Jo and I sat down on the many pillow and blackest surrounding Miku.
Miku reached over and stroked Kanon on the back.
“Kanon-san!” he whispered, slowing shaking the bassist. “Oh, Kanon-san! WAKE UP!” he exclaimed, shaking Kanon with vigor.
Slowly, Kanon stretched out his arm, poking Bou-kun. His hair was flat and his eye patch was off. His bangs still hung over his eye, but not as well. Behind the thin black hair was a beautiful dark brown—almost black—eye.
Smiling, he poked Bou. “Bou-kun,” he whispered in his ear.
Surprised, Bou leaped up, banging heads with Kanon.
“Ow!” Kanon cried, crawling over to Miku.
Bou stayed on his blanket, face facing the ceiling, eyes staring.
Kanon slowly crawled back and peeked over Bou’s face.
Smiling, Bou flipped over and watched as Kanon leaped on the bed, snatching up my Teruki plushie.
“Mind the head!” Jo cried.
Crawling over to Yu-ki, he slammed the doll against Yu-ki’s forehead multiply times.
“Yu-ki, Yu-ki, Yu-ki.” he chanted rhythmically.
Yu-ki sat up, groaning. “NAMI?” he yelled, blonde curls hanging loosely over his eyes.
Laughing chaotically now, Kanon punched my plushie.
Glancing at Teruki, he smiled. “You signed this?” he asked.
Proudly, Teruki smiled.
Kanon nodded, interested, and handed Teruki back to me.
“Drive safe, kid,” he said.
Miku laughed, cheeks bulging in half circles.
Snatching my plushie back, Kanon grabbed its large head and moved it, pretending it was talking.
‘He’s so not getting coffee,’ I thought.
“Drive safe,” he said in a high pitched voice. After a long laughing fit of rolling on the floor, he threw my Teruki plushie to me. “Sorry,” he said. Looking around, eyebrows knitted, he rubbed the holes were his piercings normally were. “I’m hungry.”
I laughed. ‘That’s so Teruki’s line!’ I thought.
Yu-ki stood. “Yeah,” he agreed.
Suddenly, Teruki leaped on Kanon’s turned back. “Me too!” he exclaimed.
“AH!” Kanon shrieked. “Teruki!” Flinging him off, he turned to Miku and pointed demandingly. “Make me food!” he laughed.
Miku pretended to make food and shove it in Kanon-san’s mouth.
Rubbing his tummy, Kanon licked his lips.
I rolled me eyes, laughing. “We have real food in the kitchen downstairs!"
“Even better!” Bou cried as he sat up, long blonde hair matted from where he had slept.
Leaving the mess, we all went downstairs. None of us bothered to even comb our hair.
The kitchen began to be raided the second Miku stepped a toe on the floor!
Waffles, eggs, cereal, coffee, orange juice, tea, toast, sausage, apples, strawberries, yogurt, granola bars, and milk were all consumed by 9:30—and we came down at 9:00!
After breakfast came the ‘potty breaks.’ It was worse than baby-sitting!
Everyone invaded the bathrooms—besides Teruki.
They were predominately guys; five out of seven of us, so it look less than seven short and simple minutes.
I was the last to enter the bathroom—after Jo. When I came out not more than two minutes later, wiping my wet hands on my pants, the others were all piled around the table.
I glanced at the microwave clock. 9:45.
“Do you guys need to take showers?” I asked, addressing An Café.
They simply shook their heads.
“We can when we go back to the hotel,” Kanon answered.
I nodded. That was a relief. Assuming everyone was full, I surveyed everyone’s face—including Jo.
“You guys want to brush your hair?” I asked, thinking self consciously about myself.
Miku nodded. I couldn’t tell what the look on his face read, but it looked like a bit of disgust and relief.
“Alright,” I addressed. “Brushes and combs are in the bathroom sink drawer, second to the right.”
An Café walked into the bathroom as Jo and I waiting at the kitchen table.
A lot of commotion and racket filled the closed bathroom door—for several seconds. Kanon walked out, every hair in its place; soon, Miku and Yu-ki—then Teruki. Bou and Takuya took the longest, have the longest hair.
I smiled gently, thinking about the conversation between Takuya and me that took place not two hours previous.
After everyone was groomed—hair wise—, I brushed my own hair with Jo. That took barely a minute.
Out in the kitchen, silence stilled the room. Dead…silence.
I cleared my throat. “Cartoons or video games?” I asked.
Hesitantly, the guests shrugged, even Jo.
I sighed, motioning everyone to follow me into the TV room—where it all started.
The camera still lie on the desk, picture preserved inside.
Flipping on the TV, I turned to Jetix. Anime was playing.
“Claymore!” Teruki exclaimed, sitting down in the middle of the couch, not taking his eyes off the screen. Wrinkling his nose, he let a disappointed sigh escape his lips. “This is a rerun of Episode One,” he explained. “But I still love it!”
Miku nodded slowly, hypnotized by the show.
The room became still as everyone watched the commercial-free show.
For generously more than an hour, he watched Claymore.
When the rerun was over, the Power Ranger theme song took over the television.
The room filled with faces of disgusted expressions.
I coughed. “Ehem.” Flipping off the TV, I turned to the guests.
“Video games?” I asked.
Kanon-san stood. “Actually, I was going to tell a ghost story last night, but I forgot. It won’t be as scary. So can I tell it? Please?” he asked.
I could tell he truly wanted to tell it. Nodding, I motioned for him to take the room in his command.
He smiled, and I sat on the couch. Taking a seat on the hardwood floor, he put his fist under his chin.
“Pretend my hand is a flashlight,” he laughed.
Bou laughed. “Embarrassing,” he muttered.
Grinning widely, Kanon began. “No, but uh, wait. I don’t know the translated version very well…It is okay that I tell it in Japanese?” he asked, turning to me and Jo.
We nodded. “We know some,” I answered.
“Speak for yourself!” Jo laughed. “Hai. I’m pretty fluent,” she bragged.
Kanon nodded assumingly. “I know Rae knows some from yesterday,” he teased. Finally, he began.
Ten minutes later, the seven of us on the couch were trembling as we hugged each other for comfort. Kanon-san was right! Even though it wasn’t dark, it was pretty scary. I almost felt relieved he forgot to tell us last night. I would have crapped my pants! Or peed…Either way.
When done, Kanon stood and bowed as the couch of the audience clapped. Smiling, Kanon squeezed between Teruki and Miku, squishing Bou on the left and Takuya on the right ends of the couch.
I stood up and strode over to the closest in the other room.
Pulling out a dusty Xbox, I blew on it to rid the dust.
“Anyone want to help me?” I called.
Footsteps stampeded over and Bou and Takuya appeared to my right. They obviously got too squished on the ends of the couch.
“Thanks,” I said, pulling out a tangle of cords. “Can someone please take these?” I asked, holding them out freely. Takuya took them.
“Thanks,” I replied again. “Bou-kun, can you please pick out a few games from the tote on the bottom shelf on the left?” I asked.
Gladly, Bou obliged, and I carried the Xbox to the TV room.
15. Video Games Are Not My Thing
Full of care, I sat down behind the TV, my feet as cushions.
Sighing out of frustration, I motioned to the loitering Takuya.
Obediently, he handed them over.
Untangling the mess, with his help, I got the Xbox system hooked up and ready for a game.
Conveniently, Bou-kun was standing over me, games in hand.
“I could not really decide, so I picked three,” he said, showing me the games: Guitar Hero, some random Sonic the Hedgehog game, and the Mario Brothers game my mother first bought for me when I receive the Xbox. That was the beauty of being an only child!
Standing, I took the games and help them up, Bou holding Mario.
“Bou’s choice,” I pointed out, smiling. “What would you like to play?” I asked the others.
The majority chose Guitar Hero—go figure.
Bou and Takuya groaned, laughing at the fact they had done it in synch.
Takuya must have felt more comfortable.
“Now,” I instructed, seeing the looks of eagerness in the guys’ eyes. “We only have two controls. That means four to a team. Jo and I are captions.” I stood on the left side of the room. “Jo, stand on the right.” Jo did as told. “An Café, part to a side that you want to be on.”
Hesitantly, they parted. The results were typical: Teruki, Kanon, and Bou on my team; Takuya, Yu-ki, and Miku on Jo’s.
I could see a smile creep across Jo’s lips as she watched Miku join her side.
I nodded. “Alright. Who will go first?” I asked me team, turning to face their anxious faces. They all looked so huggable!
The three looked at each other. Kanon shrugged. “I guess me.”
On Jo’s side, they decided Jo would go first. Taking places on the pillows set up by each controller, the game started.
After choosing their characters, Kano provoked.
“I may play bass, but you are so going down!” he exclaimed, quickly hitting the colorful buttons as they floated aimlessly down the screen. Kanon zapped nearly all to “Back in Black” by AC/DC.
Then final results proved Kanon was not a force to be reckoned with! His percentage was 97% while Jo’s, sadly, was 78%.
Shaking her hand for a job-well-done, Kanon joined his team, smiling.
“Congratulations!” Bou laughed. “I will go next! Can I?”
I beamed and nodded.
Bou sat and waiting for Takuya to sit.
Shifting, Bou glanced at his opponent. “Ah, Takuya-san, we meet again. Both guitarists, but only time will tell that I am clearly going to win!” he teased.
Takuya and smiled and shook his head. He chose “Miss Murder” by AFI.
After a sweaty four minute battles, Bou jumped up, pulling the losing Takuya up with him.
“Ah,” he said, “with age comes wisdom.” He wiggled his fingers and patted Takuya on the shoulder.
Smiling, Bou motioned Teruki to take place in the pillow, Yu-ki sitting to his left.
“You’re going down!” Teruki pointed to the floor.
Yu-ki raised his eyebrows and stared at the TV screen. His song choice was “Rock of Ages” by Def Leppard. How ironic.
Narrowing his eyes a concentration, Teruki fought the colored buttons.
However, in the end, he lost by five percent.
Yu-ki stood up, helping Teruki up. Smiling, Yu-ki stretched a sweaty, pale palm forth.
“These, Teruki-san,” he motioned to his hands, “are not only good for the keyboard.”
Biting the side of his mouth, Teruki bowed. With exaggerated glumness, he trudged over to us.
Jo’s team jumped up, clapping and cheering with exaggerated cheerfulness.
It was down to Miku and me.
Pretending to prepare for a boxing match, Miku stepped forward as his team clapped.
My team imitated.
“Don’t forget, little girl,” Miku addressed, “I play guitar.”
“And I play piano,” I shot back.
Four minutes and thirty-two seconds later, Miku was jumping for joy, shooting fake punches my way.
Sticking out my tongue, I walked back to me waiting team.
My lost stung—95% to 72%.
I shrugged. “Sorry.”
Bou hugged me gently. “It’s okay,” said, offering an assuring smile.
Teruki nodded and patted my back. “He’s right. But he’s lying. He’s actually really upset,” he teased.
I shook my head and glanced at my triumphant opponent.
Spotting me, he shrugged.
“You better watch your back,” I joked.
Miku gasped and covered his mouth, trying to hard to conceal his smile.
I smiled and shook my head. “Well, the winners are: Kanon-san”, my team cheered, “Bou-kun,” again, cheering from my side, “Yu-ki,” loud cheers from the right, “and, Miku!”
The room exploded with claps and laughs as we collapsed on the couch, ignoring the pulling of the hair, the heavy bodies, and the waiting video game.
16. Water, Water Everywhere
Unaware of the time, I fought my way out of the pig pile on the couch and walked over to the digital clock on the TV stand.
10:30; the red blocks seemed to mock me, laugh. Confused, I turned back to the pile on the couch.
“It’s 10:30,” I said, watching Jo poke her hand through Teruki’s and Bou’s arms. Her fingers gripped Yu-ki’s hair. In a tangle of blonde curls, her fingers struggled to free themselves.
“OWCH!” cried Yu-ki.
“I’m stuck!” cried Jo. “My fingers are trapped in Yu-ki’s hair!”
Laughing, Takuya shot up.
Jo made frantic squeaks. “Help, Rae!” She laughed; I could see her smiling through the tangle of bodies that were now retiring from the couch to watch the scene at a close, comfortable distance.
Yu-ki grimaced on seeing Jo and he were the only ones left on the couch.
They all watched in awe.
“You are so not cutting off my hair!” exclaimed Yu-ki.
Jo grunted. “Don’t plan on it. Just get my ******** fingers out of Yu-ki’s hair!”
A light bulb sparked in my brain. A brush!
Running at dead sprint to the bathroom, I snatched the brush and ran back.
Panting, I stepped in front of the tangle. “Don’t move!” I instructed. Holding up my brush to show that it was okay, I leaned to Yu-ki’s head where Jo’s hand was struggling.
Holding Yu-ki’s head (“OW! What the hell?”), I ripped the brush through his hair. Yellow clumps fell to the floor.
Bewildered, I nudged the clumps of hair under the couch with the tip of my toes. ‘Leave ‘em for the dog,’ I thought. Hoping no one saw, I glanced over my shoulder. Bou was staring, mouth agape, but smiling faintly.
Pretending not to be aware of him, I turned back to Yu-ki and brushed through his hair until I could feel the knots loosen.
“Okay, Jo,” I said, backing away with a relived sigh, “pull your hand out. Slowly.”
Jo nodded and yanked her fingers through.
“Oh my god! OW!” Yu-ki screamed.
“God damn it, Jo! I said slowly!” I cried out.
Jo paid no heed to our yelling. She looked at her free fingers, yellow strands stuck in various places. Smiling, she looked up.
Yu-ki rubbed his head where Jo’s fingers were.
“Mm…,” he groaned.
I sighed. “Hm, well, I-I-do you guys want to take a shower yet?”
They guys eyes widened.
“ALONE!” I cried.
With relief, they shrugged.
Miku smiled, his cheeks bulging. “I will!” he said.
I nodded. “Come on, Mik.” He followed me to the bathroom.
I sighed and opened the door.” Uh, well,” I pointed to the shelf next to the open shower door. “There are the towels. Shampoo and conditioner are in the shower. If you like baths, go upstairs. If you have any special stuff you need, tell me. The soap is also in the shower. Feel free to look around! Just don’t look in the sink’s last shelf on the right.”
Miku nodded like he fully understood.
I hoped he did.
I started to walk out, but paused. “Ah, don’t forget to lock the door. Wait, here…” I turned back in the room and turned the lock on the door with haste. I wiggled the doorknob. Didn’t budge. “Now,” I stated, walking out, “don’t forget to unlock the door!” I shut the door and walked away. From behind me, the sound of running water sounded.
Back in the TV room, the guests gathered noisily. Upon my arrival, they hushed.
I threw myself down in to nearest rocking chair. “He’ll be out soon, I’m assuming,” I said. Rocking gently, I glanced at the clock. 11:00. Damn! “If anyone else wants to shower, just tell me. Of course, after Miku.”
Kanon nodded slowly, as if in deep thought. “Ah, I think I’ll shower next. Can I?” he asked, leaning his elbows on his knees.
I nodded. “I’d wait five minutes after Miku comes back.”
He nodded and we all waited in condemning silence.
At 11:15, a wet Miku walked in to the room, wearing his PJs. His hair was dark and dripping. He looked revived, awake, but the same altogether, and, yes! He looked great. He shook his head, livening his limp hair.
“Ah…,” he sighed.
“Five minutes,” I told Kanon.
Kanon nodded. “Okay.”
“Actually, get ready. Miku, please show him where everything is at. Will you?”
Miku nodded and motioned the bassist out of the room.
Half an hour later, a dark, damp Kanon stood in the doorway. “Thank you,” he said, grinning. His eyes looked smaller without the eyeliner. His clothes stuck to his wet body, and I could not help but catch Jo’s lustful look. Smiling, I turned to the others.
17. Boredom in the City
By one o’clock P.M., a wet An Café sat in from of me and Jo, now feeling like slobs.
From left to right, sodden and dark shades of hair lay wilted, even Bou-Kun’s. His eyeliner had been washed off and showed vaguely on his bottom eyelid.
They all looked adorable! If someone would have walked in, I swear, they would have screamed in affection, and that was understatement!
Everyone looked so amazing; Yu-ki didn’t look like Yu-ki, however. His hair was straight and dark, and he still wore no sunglasses. Cute, or what?
I took a deep breath. “Well, I’m taking a quick shower. Jo,“ I addressed, turning to my friend, “you can use the upstairs bathroom. Yes?”
My best friend nodded. “Yes.”
“Be right back!” I told the guys. Taking one last look at An Café, I walked to the bathroom.
In the lavatory, I noted that Teruki, the last to use it, had left the room quite clean. Balled up towels lay in the hamper, and the bottles of shampoo were lined up neatly on the right shelf; conditioner on the left. The green soap shone with water, lying in the soap holder.
Smiling and satisfied, I quickly undressed and took the fastest shower in my shower history.
Once out, I toweled off my hair and neatly brushed it, parting down the middle. I had already redressed in my Mickey Mouse characters pants and shirt. I thrust open the door and walked in the direction of the room the guys were waiting in.
In the room, Jo had already taken place. Her thick hair appeared longer with the dampness.
I sighed. “Well, it’s one-thirty and I have shopaholic fever. What do you say?”
The others nodded excitedly in reply.
“Good!” I laughed. “Grab you clothes from my room. If you need other clothes, feel free to go back to your hotel and dress. Meet us back here when you’re done. Deal?” I asked.
“Deal!” the room exploded.
An Café ran up the stairs quickly, rushed around, and came back down. Miku cradled his puppy; slipping on their shoes, they offered quick “Bye!”s and flew out the front door.
Meanwhile, Jo and I headed back to my room. Like before, I grabbed a quick outfit of black jeans and a white and black lace up top with a collar, and a black and red vest decorated with lace—Danger*Gang cosplay without the dresses and boots. ‘This will look so good with my flats!’ I thought.
Content, I left the room to change, leaving Jo to choose yet another outfit of mine to wear.
Once dressed, I went to the bathroom next to the guest bedroom and styled my hair: pigtails converted into messy buns places neatly in the sides of my head; few strands fell around my face as framers. Applying black liquid eyeliner around my eyes followed by blue eyeliner, I stepped back to inspect what I could see in the cabinet mirror. Everything the mirror allowed me to see looked good!
Confidently, I strode over to my bedroom door. Fist up to knock, the door swung backwards. In the doorway stood Jo, equipped with a black and white dress, socks pushed up her just below her knees. She had on a smidge of red eyeliner. Her hair was up in a bun on the back of her head, bangs and loose hair casually lay on her forehead, and the angle barely covered her right eye.
(Bou-kun? (!)) “Whoa, Jo!” I cried. “You look great!”
Jo smiled in accomplishment. “Thank you! You too!”
I beamed and grabbed her arm. “Let’s put our shoes on while we wait for the others to return, shall we?” I asked.
“We shall!” she cried, grabbing my arm in return.
Together we walked down to the kitchen and slipped on our shoes—flats for me and XX high-tops for Jo. Sitting at the table, we waited.
At 1:25, footsteps sounded from outside th door and the door swung open. Sure enough, there was a newly dressed An Café, eyeliner, hats, and piercings in tact.
I smiled. “Awesome!” I completed. “Now, let’s go!”
Jo’s car was still parked outside of my house along side the curb.
Piling in, Jo started the car and, checking all the mirrors, drove yet again towards the city.
In the back, all six sat. They looked squished, but complained not.
“Neeerrrr, neeer, neerrr, EEEEET!” complainanted Teruki.
Jo frowned. “Thank you for the sound affects, Teruki-san!” she said sarcastically.
Teruki smiled openly, eyes squished by cheeks.
Laughing, we drove into the city.
“The mall?” Jo asked.
“The mall!” we exclaimed.
‘If there were a movie, this would be the part where the hip music breaks in as the camera shows our zooming red car,’ I thought to myself.
Approaching the mall, Jo slowed. “Money everyone?” she asked, browsing for a parking place.
“Hai, hai!” we chanted.
Once parked, we got out and walked in the mall.
Together with the six guys, we pointed through the windows at items we liked before finally deciding to but them for ourselves.
Just like in pictures.
After what had to be twenty minutes of shopping, hands full of bags, we made a quick pit-stop to the food court.
Picking up small sodas and snacks, we were off again.
The eight of us were just about to enter Hot Topic when someone male behind us called, “An Café!”
Slowly turning, scared of what we were about to see, we saw nothing but passer-bys.
“Hmph,” mumbled Miku, scanning the crowd. He squinted his eyes. It seemed to have helped because soon he was jumping up and down.
“KYO!” he yelled, bending slightly for more emphasis.
How could we have missed him? He stood out, even in the large crowd, with his dark eyes, wild hair, and fluffy outfit.
Then again, so did we.
Running over on platform shoes, Kyo plowed into Miku, engulfing him into a taut hug.
(I love you, Momoko. HAHAHAHA!)
“Kyo!” Miku repeated, freeing himself and gesturing to the others, bag swinging wildly, momentarily hitting the new comer.
“Nice to see you again, Kyo-san!” said Kanon.
Kyo smiled, dark eyes searching me and Jo.
“What brings you here?” Miku asked.
Waving back to Teruki, Kyo sighed. “Well, we’re on tour. Playing here tonight. Not here, but you get it, right? Got to check out the place, you know?” he answered, face hard.
For a second, he almost looked scary.
Miku nodded. “I do know!”
Jo gasped. “You-you-you mean, you guys are playing here tonight?! Here, in the city?” she cried, choking on her words.
Kyo simply nodded. “We’re on tour; hey, if we would not have sold out, I would give you tickets—no price. But, well, I would hand them to An Café, and they would hand them to you, or I would tell them to.” His hands flowed with actions as he spoke.
Jo sighed, and looked at her—my—shoes, disappointed. “Darn!”
Teruki and Bou laughed; Jo shot them a glance that dared the others to make a sound.
Kyo looked around and sighed. “Well, Mik, An Café, girls, I need to get back. Just wanted to say hello!” Rushing back across the room, he was lost in the crowd.
Miku still smiled largely as he watched the Dir en Grey vocalist be engulfed by the crowd.
Turing abruptly back, Kyo bowed to us.
“Ja mata, Antic Café, tomodachi!” he called, smiling quickly before running off again, platform shoes’ pounding heels muffled by the carpet.
Miku wasn’t the only joyful one. Jo was smiling big. She also love, I mean luuuurved, Kyo.
“Damn,” she said. “If only I knew!” She cursed herself several times throughout shopping.
Making several trips around the mall, we threw away our empty containers, and shifted our bags, daring to shop more.
Well, our dare was worth it. By 2:30, all eight of us had literally shopped until we dropped! Frequently, we had to stop at round side tables to rest from the weight of the many bags strung around our arms. Who knew that clothes and accessories could weigh so much? As we sat around a table, resting our arms and, or course, legs, I counted the bags lying around at our feet. From what I could spot on my side, I saw fifteen bags, not counting mine. And that was what I could see! So much for window shopping.
I started to feel the slightest bit lightheaded, carry around all the bags at much a fast haste.
“Guys,” I said as we chatted, watching shoppers stare, “I’m starting to feel a little out of it; plus, we have like, three enormous bags to each of us, so think of how crowded the car will be, considering how jammed it was before we came!” I really hated to sound like I wanted to trash our fun.
Suddenly, the car was brought into consideration.
“Yeah, I forgot,” said Jo, holding up her four bags. “And my trunk is full of car maintenance things.”
Bou nodded and glanced at Yu-ki’s watch. “Oh, yeah, and it’s 3:00 P.M. You guys have to leave the hotel at 7:00 P.M. tonight, right?”
Miku nodded.
Bou continued. “So, you’ll probably be at the hotel at, say, 6:00?”
Kanon smiled. “Bou, with your reasoning!”
The ex-guitarist laughed, covering his mouth.
Takuya butted in. “He is right, though.”
The table agreed.
“So, we should go?” Jo asked, surveying the faces around the table.
I nodded. “I think it’s a good idea, even if we don’t want to go.”
Struggling to stand upright like obese children, we grunted, but eventually sat up and walked to the exit.
Upon opening the door, a wave of breeze hit us, forcing us to retreat a step or two. That didn’t help. Now with more pressure, we broke from the exit and make over the Jo’s care, placed four horizontal rows down. Not too bad!
The hard obstacle was awaiting us—cramming into Jo’s already too small car. We did it as well as we could! I had to hold both Jo’s and mine bags, nearly blocking the view of the road, making me feel sick.
I couldn’t but help feel sympathy for An Café. Bags in laps, they squeezed in the back. Takuya’s knees were pressed piercingly against the seat, causing me to feel it on my back. Wincing, I tried to swallow the pain, knowing he could do nothing about it.
The ride home was quiet, and slightly painful. Nevertheless, we said nothing.
Back home, we had a snappy stop to all the guys except Bou, to rid themselves of their bags.
Once back in the car, we drove the two block to my home.
18. Nothing Good About Goodbye
We reached my house at 3:30. Two hours left.
Walking in the door, we discovered my dog was up and energized. It was hard not to notice when the second I stepped in; Zing was yapping and jumping at our feet.
Swinging my bags to keep him of me, I made a clearing for everyone to come in.
Setting my bags aside the wall, I addressed Bou-kun.
“So, Bou, when those guys leave to go, where do you go?”
He glowered. “Well, could Jo drive me to my hotel down town?” he asked, not liking the fact he would soon have to leave his old friends.
I smiled and turned to Jo. Putting her bags next to mine, she smiled and nodded her head.
“Anything for you, Bou-kun,” she said.
Bou smiled. “Thank you!”
We returned the smile before turning to the other five.
“We have two hours. What would you like to do?”
Kanon shrugged. “Mess around?”
I smiled widely. “Sounds good!”
Making a quick run to the TV room to pick up my camera, I emerged back in the kitchen and held it up.
“One more photo?” I asked.
Making Nyappy signs, the guys lined up in a long line, Zing at their feet.
I snapped a photo and zoomed up on the camera to see the full affect. Perfect.
“Hold up,” I told them, running to my computer; I plugged in my USB, and printed off two color copies of the picture.
Walking back to the kitchen, I handed a copy to Jo. Placing mine on th table, I turned to the Japanese band.
“Anyone want to sign?” I asked, pulling a Sharpie from under the cluttered mess of papers on the table.
Forming a line, An Café signed the copy with the market. Miku was first to sign—classic. Shockingly, Kanon-san was the last to sign. I allowed Jo to sign too, and I signed hers, along with the others.
Picking up my now valuable paper, I gazed at it. Precious. And that was not just a statement of words.
Gently setting the paper into one of my shopping bags, I snapped the camera to video mode.
“What about some vids?” I asked.
They agreed and we set up.
For an hour and a half, we made pointless, adorable motion pictures.
They really love the camera!
Smiling at five o’clock, I set me camera along with my paper in the merchandise bag.
“I’m so going to treasure those,” I said, meaning the videos. And paper, but I didn’t say that.
Bou nodded. “One more hour.”
Miku bit the side of his lip, just above the piecing.
“Yeah…,” he mumbled a note of unmistakable glumness in his voice. "Actually, we should go soon….Good byes take a while…”
Takuya agreed, voice cracking and tears welling up in his eyes, letting them fall down his cheeks. “Oh, Bou! I love you so much!” he cried, embracing the former guitarist. “I’m so glad I got to meet you. You’re a truly great guy.”
Bou didn’t know how to react. He patted Takuya on the back, eyes closed. “Takuya-san, you’re great too. And that’s why you must move on. Really.”
I was surprise to hear them speak in all English, as if they wanted the American’s to fully understand.
They pulled away and a faint smile formed over Bou’s reddening face. Soon, his eyeliner started to smear, and he was weeping silently.
Yu-ki took Bou in his arms. ”Bou, Bou desu! Nyappy? You’re a good guy. Awesome at everything. Please,” he said. I couldn’t tell what was going on behind this dark glasses—for once an advantage.
Bou nodded and, without words, gripped Teruki.
“Oh, Teruki-san. We part again. Teruki desu, stay good to the guys,” he told the drummer, pulling away, grasping Teruki’s upper arms. His eyes, streaked with red, searched Teruki’s cheerless eyes.
Teruki nodded and held his balled up fist to his mouth; he turned from our view.
Miku grabbed Bou’s arm gently. “I didn’t know it would be harder the second t—,” Miku could not finish. His hard-falling tears choked his perfect tone.
Slowly nodding, he hugged Bou and gently kissed him on the cheek.
“Aa, Miku, don’t cry...,” Bou pleaded, bending his knees to peer up at Miku’s hidden face.
Shaking his head, Miku grabbed Bou’s hand, and softly let go, allowing Kanon to confront Bou.
This was all too sad and next thing I knew, warm tears were plummeting down my cheeks. I glanced at Jo and noticed she was bawling too.
Kanon embraced Bou and buried his head in his shoulder. I could hear his soft crying.
“Kanon-san, please, look at me,” said Bou quietly.
Kanon straightened up. “Sorry,” he said.
Bou tried to smile and rubbed Kanon’s tears off his jacket.
“Kanon, please!” Bou choked.
Kanon nodded and stared Bou in the eyes. “Bou-kun, I don’t want you to leave again. Will you keep in touch with all of us?” Kanon’s voice had a pleading tone attached to it.
Bou nodded. “Promise.”
Kanon chokingly inhaled and let Miku hug him.
“Bou,” I muttered, reaching to grab his arm.
Bou, now more red-faced, turned to me. “Rae,” he said. “You took me here. Brought me back to my friends and helped me make new ones. I’ve met a lot of fans, but I promise you, promise, I will not forget you. Never.”
I hugged him. It was just too touching. It was almost a reflex. “Don’t rebuke,” I told him, pulling away.
Bou wipe the falling tears from my cheeks. Forcing a smile, he forced back tears. “I don’t even know what that means.”
I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter, Bou-kun.”
Bou turned to Jo. “Jo like Bou,” he said.
Jo batted her wet eyelashes, trying to clear her vision. Without words she hugged Bou.
“Bou like Jo,” she whispered, pulling away.
Bou-kun nodded and wiped his eyes. “I wouldn’t have put on eyeliner if I new this was going to happen!”
Bou was truly my idol. Even in hard times, he still found room to make a simple joke.
“Aishite isamu, Bou-kun,” I said.
He slowly looked at me and smiled weakly. “Arigaton, Rae,” he murmured.
‘How cute, yet so sad.’ I thought.
When the five of An Café walked out my door, it was 5:30. Good byes were not fun, as demonstrated.
I didn’t want them to leave as much a Bou didn’t.
But, suddenly, Bou ran out the door. I followed.
“Kanon-san!” he cried.
Hopeful, Kanon spun around. “Hai?”
“I need to give you your clothes back,” Bou replied in Japanese.
Kanon nodded. “I’ll be waiting here.”
Bou turned back to my house.
I stood in front of An Café. This was my chance. “I’m so glad I got to meet you. I love you guys; really. Thank you so much! Please, if you ever find time, contact me,” I rambled, giving out my number.
Shocked, they bowed in unison. “Thank you! Rae,” they replied.
I blinked back tears. “Feel free to give my number to Bou…”
Bou appeared at my side wearing the clothes he first appeared to me in.
Tossing back, Kanon’s clothes, he bowed. “I’ll miss you,” he said.
Troubled, An Café nodded and fought back another battle of tears. Slowly, they turned and walked away.
I didn’t want to see them go.
Bou sighed next to me. “It’s hard, isn’t is?”
I nodded, staring at the fading figures. “Teruki’s so cute. They all are. How’d you do it the first time?”
Bou shrugged, shaking his blonde head.
We stayed rooted for more than a minute. I pulled out a slip of paper out of my pocket, wrote down my number, and handed it to Bou.
He took the paper and slipped it into his pants pocket. “I promise.”
I smiled. “Thanks. Now,” I started, turning, “we should get you back.”
We walked together like old friends, not wanted the walk to end, lingering on what each other said.
Back in the kitchen, I told Jo that Bou had to go. Sadly, we walked out to her car and got in, Jo driving and us two in back.
With his instructions, we wound up at Bou’s hotel. We all got out and hugged one last time, not even attempting to hold back tears this time.
“Promise,” I mumbled.
Bou nodded and patted his pants’ pocket. “Promise.” He turned to the building, and, taking a deep audible breath, opened the hotel door and disappeared behind the glares in the glass door.

- Title: Fan Fiction 3; Parts 13-18
- Artist: moorizzel
- Description:
- Date: 04/06/2009
- Tags: fiction parts
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