• I found myself in my school library. Books in hand, I walked up to the librarian to check out. I stared at the gold-trimmed name plate on the desk, so not to look at the mesmerizing look of the librarian. It read, 'Mr. Alfu'. He was not the ordinary librarian, for he always wore a long trench coat with the collar flipped up, jeans, and a dark-colored shirt. His hair was brown, cropped to a number 5. His eyes were as blue as the sky on a sunny day. If you made eye contact, you would probably be paralyzed by his gaze. I did. It was the worst mistake of my life. I was so mesmorized by his clear blue eyes. He asked me to go behind the desk, and he led me down a hallway, his hand on my back, pushing me forward. At the end of the hallway waited a mohogany door. He opened it and lightly pushed me in. He looked down, and the hold of his eyes released me.
    I finally got a chance to look at where I was. I turned around, just to find... "A closet? You led me to a closet?" "Not just any closet, my closet of coats." "Are you kidding me?? What do you want me to do, your laundry?!" "No. I want you to search through all these coats, and find 4 buttons; a silver one, a black one, a gold; pure gold one, and an old one." "What kind of old?" You'll know when you see it." "But why me?! Go get a ... button-searching person to do this!!" He chuckled at this, his laugh was just evil. "No. It has to be you. You... are the chosen one."
    "What... are... you... talking about??"

    (**Still under construction.**)