• Please read the other story "Please, Like me" so you can understand easily this one

    And so Seth our -hero- was in this date with Ari a cute chick he met in the park, but... wait...

    Where are they?

    -Dude, we are here...

    Oh yeah, the pizza place...

    -So tell me Ari, what's your story? What were you doing in the park?
    -Oh well... I was... ummm...

    With a nervous expression in her mouth Ari was rea...

    -Can you please shut up? You are not helping me...

    Sorry... nobody likes me...

    -What a shame... but I don't care... what were you saying Ari?
    -Well I was in the park watching the people and... the birds


    -Shut up!
    -Uhhh? So you were also looking for someone in the park like me, Ari?
    -Well... not really but you say it was like that...
    -I don't understand... by the way... I think I know you...

    Idiot, she lives in the building next to yours

    -Ohhh, that's true... That why you looked so familiar, You are that chick with the cool telescope


    -Shut up I told you! Or he will discover it...
    -Discover what?
    -Ummm that I like the stars...

    Man that was sooooooo lame...

    -Ignore him... so do you have any hobby? besides Star gazing
    -Well I am good in artcrafts...
    - Oh Really? Well I am good in that too...
    -Well... I 'm good Origami... that something

    Yeah right...

    -Ohhh can you do things like frogs or rabbits?
    -Ummm... no...
    -Can you do any kind of birds? maybe a duck?
    How about a flower?
    -Well... I can do... planes...

    Way to go, sucker...

    -Ok you know what, go to hell... this is your fault!

    My fault? For what?

    -Everything! You started really cool you know like a narrator, but now you are annoying
    -Umm... please, Seth calm down....
    -I will not calm down... is your fault that I have a horrible morning in the park

    Hey calm a little...

    -Is your fault that so many Women rejected me, and even a dude with woman costume
    -Seth, please....
    -Is your fault that I am in this bad date!

    ... Now you screw it up...

    -Seth... this is a bad date for you...
    -I am not... a good companion... I am a Bad date...
    -Wait, no... I didn't mean...
    -Sorry Seth....

    And She ran away from the restaurant, meanwhile she let a sad tear fall to the ground

    -Can you shut up... Man, I ruin it really bad...

    Well I think you can reach her...

    -But she is angry with me...

    No, she is angry with herself, this was supposed to be her dream date, but, it didn't turn out well...

    -Well I don't know...

    Come on man show some courage, go for your girl, like in the movies...

    -You know what... you are actually right... I will go for her

    And so, Seth ran away chasing Ari to apologize... Meanwhile I stayed with the Pizza...

    -And the bill sir...


    -Ari!, Ari! Where are you? Come on I know you are here... I can hear you cry...
    -Go away...
    -Come on, Ari forgive me... I know I was stupid... I know this was your dream date and everything but I ruin it...
    -I thought... *sob*... this was going to be perfect...I never thought this date will occur, but I always wanted to something like this to happen...*sob*
    -Because... I think... I feel something...
    -yes... something... in my mind... I only want something...
    -What is?
    -Please... be with me...

    Then she started to cry, and he did something so natural in this moments... he hug her...

    -I will... I will be with you...

    She cried more... but her tears were of joy, and happiness,,, and

    -Shut up!
    -Shut up!

    To be continued...