• Nishato Tyuuki was born June 23 in the year of the Nine Taled Fox attack in the Hidden Leaf
    Village. Her parents had traveled the world, and were secretly living in the leaf village when the Nine Taled Fox appeared, so the Tyuuki ‘s ran to a place far away. They ran through many
    places, and finally found what they were looking for. It was a small village near the border between the Land of Fire, and the Land of Lightning. They lived very decent with a 2 year old girl, and a 3 year old boy. Along their travels a thick mist formed, causing the boy to wandered off, and was never seen again. Their parents looked everywhere for about 2 years, but gave up when Nishato was able to understand more. She never knew her older brother, and her parents never told her in, preventing the thought of Nishato going to look for him, and never finding her way back. Her little brother was also to young to remember his parents or his sister. He could easily forget in a matter of years. Years past and Nishato didn’t know she had a brother. She was five when a tragedy she never thought would happen beacame true. Here is the story of how I Nishato Tyuuki overcame my worst nightmare.