• Prolouge

    The grass was dead where i had stepped. I pondered over this. Why did grass that was holy die when I stepped on it for a long time? Or was the grass already dead when I stepped on it? Either way it was dead and I needed a new dolly. Better get moving, before all the women go to bed.

    Chapter One-Decision

    I, Susan Treecot, am seven in age and survive alone. My parents are dead and I like that about them. They don't get in the way. I'm happy to be on my own. This is the way women become my victims. They think I am just so cute! Then when I do something wrong they yell at me like I am a puppy. Well, they know what happens.

    I dislike fighting. It doesn't intrest me. Now, I am walking into a small city, wearing my saddest face like a suit of armor. An older woman taps her daughter on the shoulder. She looks at me and smiles. She walks over to me.

    "Hello, little girl what's your name? I'm Tammy." She says to me. I glare at her for a second for using the term "little girl".

    " My name is Susan thank you! I am no little girl," I answer, trying to make my rage as cute and silly as possible at the same time. That's how I normally nab the single mothers or whoever these women are at the moment.
    "Aren't you cute. Don't you have a mommy? Do you want me to help you find her?" Tammy motioned me to the streets with her head. I realised this was my moment to shine on her and get another soul. I am hungry afterall. I also need a new dolly.
    " Oh but my mommy abandoned me a long long time ago! I'm all alone," I cried outstreching my arms. She took the bait, giving me a hug. I pretended to cry in her arms for a few minutes and kept myself sniffling when I stopped.
    " I'll take you to my house, there, you vcan stay for the night, I'll take you to the orphanage tomarrow," She assured me quickly. I hate orphanages! All there are, are a bunch of whiney children who cry over nothing!
    " Thank you ever so much," I yelped at her almost happily. I get my food and she'll die quickly, what a good combo. Maybe I'll make this woman's extra painful for calling me a little girl and threatening to take me to the orphanage. Maybe I'll just make it quick to get a good meal.
    We walked a little to the right and turned a corner. My bag was closed and the souls in it were begging me to let them out. I hated beggars. This ally we were walking down had no windowed places and the ones with windows were dark. There was not a soul on or in the street. More convinent for me.
    " Tammy..." Iwhispered.
    " Yes? What do you need, little Susan?" She asked me in a mockingly childish tone.
    " Would you like...to become one of my dead dollies, and give me your soul?" I asked looking up at her with widened up eyes.
    " W-What!?" She stammered as an appalled question through her teeth. She turned and ran away from me. Too little, too late.I was in front of her now, holding my hand out. Tammy turned away from me unfortunetly, and ran away again. I was staring to become irritated. Time to finish the job I suppose.
    I threw a large rock, hitting her in the back of the head. Tammy fell to the ground crying out in a pained yelp. The look on her face made my stomach jump. I grabbed another rock and ran up to her. Pounding her face in, I sarted to suck her soul out. It went into my bag already. Now all that remained was the empty shell of what used to be her. The skin even started to fade away into complete dust. Instantly, my stomach was filled and I was no longer hungry.
    Tammy's dust faded away imidietly. This would make news. All over the city there would probably those television contraptions. Now all I had to do was lie in wait for the other women or the police people. That was simply the whole means of becomin gthe cerial killer of this town. Then I will move on to the next place. In search of more food.
    "Well, Goodnight..." I mumbled to myself, lying down on an abandoned bench in this abandoned ally I just happened to murder someone in"...I'll have some more fun tomarrow I guess. Until then, I'll just take a little...nap." That's when my eyes closed and my senses woke up.


    My eyes opened now. They were still heavy after sleep. I was bored again.
    And hungry. My senses fell back asleep. I should sleep like that more often.
    Lost in my own daze, I walked along the area, completly aware that I would need another dead dolly and soul soon. I prepared to leave the ally and sat down on the ground.