• ~Two days later~

    On all my days off, I spent the majority of my time thinking of him. Detailed and obvious thoughts came into my head at the pounding rate of an ADHD child’s on speeding mind. Every time one left and I got to a subject that had nothing to do with him, I ended up coming right back to that same smile and face I was falling for. Because of that, sleep never came for me. My dreams of him were never seen.

    I walked into the academy and stopped by the outside of the Hokage’s door. By listening to the lack of sound emitted, I could tell I was early. Great, now I have to wait.


    I let the alarm go off for two minutes before I get annoyed and slam my hand down on the button.
    “Uh,” I grunt out while wiping the sleep from my eyes.
    I just woke up from a horrible nightmare.
    From what I can remember, it started off in the bath house in a room full of mist. While I sat and relaxed, I heard someone else move from behind the mist as the water stirred. Moving with
    Slow caution, I got up and went towards the intruder.
    Sitting up straight, expecting me, was the girl of my dreams. With a sly smile and a yearning look, she made a beckoning motion with her finger.
    Reaching out, I tried to get to her.
    Before I knew it, more mist came, and she was fully clothed as it cleared way. I winced as I looked down at myself. Strapped to my back, were a pair of angel wings and instead of pants, I had on a clothed diaper. Oh F*ck.
    Covering her mouth to keep fits of laughter from escaping, she just stared at me.
    Blushing, I tried to cover how embarrassed I was.
    “Silly Kakashi, you’re way too old for me.” She said in between each laugh.
    “I only date boys who are younger than me.”
    What?! Is she serious?!

    Out of no where, Naruto appears and whispers something into her ear. She goes red and replies to what ever he said in a low whisper. With one last laugh, they kiss passionately front of me.
    Uh! Where is everyone?
    2 minutes pass and 100 different images of him go through my mind. Oh my god….
    I’m falling for my sensei. The same vision of the other night replays in my head once again.
    “Oh, Kakashi”, I speak softly to myself.
    “What about Kakashi?”
    I snap my head up as the voice behind me approaches closer.
    “Oh nothing, I just remembered something.” I say rushed with panic.
    Iruka, chuckling, walked up beside me and just continued to question me.
    “Something about Kakashi maybe?”
    “No! Yes! I mean, Erm….Look a bird!” I yell out randomly to change the subject.
    Both Iruka and I spin to see who had fallen for my unplanned distraction.
    Approaching at almost a run, Naruto glanced around quickly in confusion, looking for the imaginary bird.
    “I don’t see it,” he exclaimed like an imbecile.
    I should have known. Only Naruto would have been stupid enough to actually look. Then again, I am slow for thinking of the bird in the first place. I guess Iruka saw this as his q to leave.
    “See you Chi. Naruto, keep up the good work, and maybe later I’ll buy you some ramen.”
    Exiting just as he had entered, he was gone.
    I turn to my teammate, trying to forget what had just happened.
    “Hey Naruto. What’s up?”

    “I came to find you. Last night Sakura came over and gave us a message from sensei saying that he wanted us to meet him at the training grounds instead of the Hokage’s office. When you didn’t show up, Sasuke and I figured that she didn’t tell you and I came to get you.”
    “That explains….”
    Smirking, he holds out a hand to me.
    “Come on, everyone is waiting.”
    As we run, I get the sense that today, something was going to change. I just by the way it had started out, but the way I felt it was going to end.