• Today was one of those annoying days where Link had taken Eponia to ‘save the world’ and whatnot. “Don’t go outside, don’t answer the door and don’t go near the windows.” he had said before leaving. “What if I want to go outside?” I whined to myself a few hours later. When Link went out like this I always got lonely. He was probably in Castle town hanging out with Midna, getting drunk and going into caves holes and dungeons. Why he likes to do the holes I don’t know but, he thinks it’s the s**t. All day I had avoided the windows but now it was dark. “No one would see.” I reasoned. I krept to the lowest window, or the one closest to the ground, I gave it a push and, “Holy ********!” I whispered in amazement. Link had left the window open. I slid through the open window and to the outside. The times I had been out here had been many but all short because Link was terrible when it came to anyone seeing me. I slid off the sill and onto to slanted roof. From there I slid down and caught on the porch. Then I let go and let myself fall to the ground. I took a deep breath loving the smell of the fresh air and the feeling of the grass under my bare feet. Then I saw the gate leading into Ordon and knew that I had to see it for myself. Two men were standing by a cart. One had a horse tied up beside him both had their backs to me. “Make sure you get these to Castle town and get them sold quickly.” The man without the horse said. Link was going to castle town! I thought. Why should Link get all of the fun I want to see it for myself! I thought. So, I snuck into the cart, rolled up into a ball, and waited.