• "wakey wakey" i heard a voice, through my sleep. I cringed and turned away from the sound. The bed so comfy and warm... my teddy oh...so...soft. I sighed fully satisfied with my glorious kingdom. "hmm...is someone satisfied with their glorious kingdom?" grrrr. damn him and his stupid mind reading abilities. I pretended to be asleep, please please leave...

    Suddenly, the curtains were blown open and a monstrous ray of light striked the whole room. I screamed, "IT BURNSSSSS CLOSE THE CURTAINS!!! CLOSE ITT!!!" I reached for the safety of my bedcovers, i yelled discovering they were taken away from me. I slowly sat up. Even with my eyes closed, i could still see the light. I opened one eye carefully to find him about 3 inches away from my face.

    "EEEEKKKK!" i fell backwards onto the bed. He laughed that stupid laugh of his. His jet black hair was messy from sleeping, falling in an array of tangles, covering his bright blue eyes. His white unbuttoned shirt and baggy school pants, didn’t help me hate him either. Why did he have to wake me up. I could of slept till 2 p.m. Even worse was that the first thing i had to see was his face...I think i'm going to be sick. I sighed, knowing that i wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. He sank onto the bed with a raised eyebrow, "hmm do i excite you that much?". He paused smiling at my annoyed expression. "perhaps i should do that again?" He towered over me from where he sat, his face pressed even closer to mine.
    My heart started beating a 100 miles per minute. Too close. toooo closee. "or maybe like this" he whispered softly into my ear, pulling me up into his lap. His warmth radiated, his arms held me gently, much comfier and warmer than my glorious kingdom.

    Something i would never admit to him, it would only give him a bigger head. Any bigger and his head would probably count as two. Two very gigantic sized heads. "How are you feeling princess?" he continued whispering. As if he only wanted me to hear his words. There were a million princesses in the world but, he only wanted his princess to hear those precious words. Everything was exaggerated, everything was filled to the brim with love, everything was sugar coated inside and out, everything was beautiful. I thought i would get bored of this gooey love, i thought i would continue hating it. I hated myself for actually falling for this crap. I moaned and closed my eyes, urghh stupid stupid men.

    He sighed releasing me from his grasp. No come back!! Warmth come back!! "Are you still mad at me about yesterday?" he said looking at my back. How could i be mad at him? or How could i not be mad at him? I hated this feeling. This quick heartbeat, these shivers, this warm feeling, this happiness in it’s purest form. All of it I loved and hated. I couldn’t deny that this feeling made me happy, made me look forward to every precious moment I had left, I couldn’t deny that it was love. At the same time I was scared of love. Love couldn’t be defined, the dictionary didn’t contain a single definition worthy of it. Didn’t love give the other the power to control you? Manipulate you? I hated how head over heels I fell for him, even when I didn’t even own a single pair of heels. I hated how my only purpose in life was to be near him, didn’t I have a purpose before I met him? I was confused, even worse than usual, drowned in a million contradicting thoughts. I was so scared to depend on him, this ordinary human being. There’s so many of those, so many other fish in the sea. I didn’t care, I don’t care. I want this one, this fishy, this fishy I have called mine.

    “No, not really” I said removing all the emotions that I was feeling, I didn’t know how to reply. He understood my tone of voice and waited patiently for me to continue. Even with my back turned I could feel his gaze on my back. The yellow bedsheets underneath us suddenly became interesting, and I began to study the different folds. “I…” Please let me go back to sleep, I want to go back to dreaming. I was scared to find out yesterday never happened. Please let me go back to sleep.

    “I really am confused, I have no idea how you feel… about me. Yesterday I fell asleep so happy, that I was finally able to tell you how much I liked you, and that you accepted me. I’m sorry if I hurt you, put you under pressure, I just wanted to tell you, that I like you. So much… I.. I’ll go make breakfast” he gave me a sad smile and slowly got off the bed. I didn’t let him take another step, I jumped on him and turned him around to face me. Before he could even protest or blink I put his face into my hands and gently pressed my lips to his. I saw his eyes grow wide, and felt him take a sharp intake of breath. His lips were so soft, breakable, I let go as quickly as I kissed him. I sat there in front of him fidgeting, embarrassed that I had kissed him so quickly. He stared at me still surprised, I don’t think he comprehended what I just did. His eyes slowly got softer and a smile grew on his flushed face. "I love you..." I stated.

    “Rosie…” he said softly a hint of a question in that word. That word my name, that word asking if I had actually kissed him. That word drenched in sweet undeniable love. It made me shiver, I suddenly loved my name. say… “Say it again” I demanded, needing to hear my name, a desperation in my voice. He closed the distance between us, parting the ocean to get to me. He touched a strand of my hair and wound it back behind my ear and paused. I searched his face, his eyes for an answer for the pause. A single tear fell from his blue eyes, a raindrop from the sky. It fell down his face as he stared at me, and his lips began to tremble. “Rosie…” he said his voice breaking, “I thought I dreamt all of it… yesterday… how I wished it wasn’t a dream… it’s not a dream… it’s not” and his sentence was followed by a laugh. I hugged him, my glorious kingdom.

    "I l..loove you Rosie..." his hands went around me, "I love you..." he kissed my eyelids, "I love you" he kissed my nose. His lips tickled my nose, “You idiot” I began to laugh, and somehow managed to tell him through my laughs, “I guess your not the only idiot, were both idiots”. He grinned, “I guess we’re not suited for this prince and princess job huh?”. “Nope, not one bit I think we should become rulers somewhere else” I responded to our imaginary high and mighty titles. “hmm…” he pressed his forehead against mine, “ Can you be my princess?”. His blue eyes looked into mine, a smile reaching them. “As long as you and this bed become my kingdom”. He grinned and kissed my forehead “ I think I’d like that princess”,I blushed underneath his touch. “Oh and by the way…I think your kingdom has to be fed”.

    And then I forgot all about my worries I had before, I forgot about the breakfast I wanted, about the sleep I longed for. It was all unimportant because I finally found one thought, one truth. I wanted to depend on him, to trust him, to spend the rest of my life by his side. I wanted to be his princess, his to own, his to love. There were no more contradictory thoughts, I knew what I wished for, and I wasn’t planning on giving him up any time soon. After all, I don’t think the fish store does refunds on fish bought a long time ago. Dear Fish store, I don’t want to return your stuff I seem to have lost my receipt, So please find someone else to bother because this is my kingdom, and this fishy I have called mine.