• Chapter One

    COMING BACK TO KAHONA WAS A BIG MISTAKE. Naruto Uzumaki thought as he scoured the pitch-black streets of the village he once had called home. Maybe, He thought to himself a little depressed. It could be my home again. But… There’s still the Uchiha factor.

    The blond ninja looked up at the night sky and sighed. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he continued on his way still looking at the black ocean of never ending space above him. But then again, he told himself. Uchiha is probably already a slave to his own sins.

    “N… Naruto-kun,” a soft voice said from behind him.

    He looked, towards the source of the voice, surprised to see her.


    His heroin, his nicotine, his drug, his addiction, his wildest dream. Every time he smelled the lavender fragrance of her body, his chakura flowed faster. Every time he saw her a red ribbon of power engulfed his body, filling it with pain, agony, lust and longing devotion.

    He hadn’t seen her in so long. He barley even recognized her. Her hair –that blackish color with the always-breathtaking purple tint- was longer. Her bangs were longer too just how he remembered Neji’s from five years earlier. She still wore her headband around her neck. She was unique in that way. Her eyes still the same shade of periwinkle sparkled still in the moon light.

    It was like she had her own gravitational pull, like she was luring him towards her. Naruto took one step forward and the hesitated.

    “It’s been too long…” She whispered, looking at her feet. “I… I’ve missed you.”

    “Right…” he muttered, “you and Kiba.”

    “It wasn’t like that …” She replied her tone up a notch.

    “Sure…” Naruto slurred, finally looking her in the eyes. It was so hard, to tell the one he loved that he didn’t love her. “You’ve broken my heart enough for one life time.”

    “But I was-“ she broke off, and saw Kyibbi taking over. Naruto arched his back and began screaming in agony. He grabbed his hair pulling it hard, trying to clench the pain. His pupils’ converted to slits, his irises turned scarlet. Teeth to fangs, nails to claws, that red ribbon of hate overshadowed him, like second skin, and three red shadowy tails sprouted from his backside. His piercing red eyes caught hers holding her in.

    “Hello love…” he whispered, “welcome to hell.”

    He lunged forward and a piercing shriek rang.


    Naruto woke with a start, breathing heavily, his heart beating unevenly, his body glistening with sweat.

    “A dream,” he assured himself sighing. He looked at the moon above him in the skylight, and soon fell asleep again, his dream continuing where it had left off.

    Naruto had a migraine and heartburn. The dream from the previous night had taken a toll on his strength. He lay in bed, hands behind head staring at the beige ceiling.


    He turned his head and stared a the purple velvet box wide open revealing a large elegantly cut diamond wedding band.

    “Hinata...” he sighed. The word “finance'” put Naruto in fetal position. Not literally but still. He groaned and rolled off the bed onto his feet.

    He quickly stripped from his clothes and turned on the water for his “indoor” jacuzzi. The room steamed up and he walked over tho the full body mirror. He compared himself to when he was younger. He used to be somewhat chubby always snacking. Now he was tight abbed with cuts. His chest was like peach stone panels his arms, tough boulders.

    Once the tub was full he slowly slid in, savoring the warmth. He soaked for what seemed like hours. He started to wash his angular body. After he had rinsed he drained the tub and stepped out covering himself with a towel. He walked over to his closet. His closet was like a while different level of the house. Mostly because Hinata kept all of her stuff there. He quickly got dressed.

    He had to wear a ceremonial robe and mask. His robe was orange with white clouds outlined in black and blue. His mask was of course a fox, with red tipped ears and a breath hole near the mouth.

    At the wedding hundreds of people would be there all of the guys wearing the same thing and all the girls as well. For the ceremony to officially start. The finance's had to find each other. Once they were confident that it was the other the ceremony would begin. This symbolizes that you know who you are meant to be with no matter who or what or where they are. The bride and groom take off each others masks when prompted by the priest. Then they are married and a celebration of twenty-four hours begins.

    Naruto stepped out on the wide platform, golden lanterns hung high in midair. And he already knew where she was. The had made a plan to meet under the arch where they were to be married and there she was, standing alone he strolled over to her, took off her mask and kissed her lips tenderly.

    The ceremony began and the priest told Naruto to slide the ring onto Hinata's left ring finger. Then Hinata did the same.

    They kissed and fireworks filled the sky.

    Hinata was sitting on the bed and Naruto was standing at the foot.

    “Do you want to help me?”

    Naruto obliged. He crawled onto the bed and slipped Hinata's robe off. Hinata hastily trembled when helping Naruto remove his own robe. Only left in undergarments Naruto began to caress Hinata's waist he kissed her gently moving his hands up the small of her back to her bra. He unclipped it and tossed it aside. Hinata at the same time used her feet to remove Naruto's boxers.

    He shimmied them to his ankles and kicked them off he then removed Hinata's panties trying to be as gentle as possible.

    “Wait!” “I'm scared!”

    “I would never hurt you,” Naruto promised.

    Hinata nodded and Naruto kissed her neck gently as her could and moved down her chest her reached her breast he nudged it with is nose and began to circle it tenderly. He kissed it and continued down one kiss per second her reached her belly button he licked it clean. He then spread her apart and inserted himself. He moved up to her face and kissed it. They moved with a rhythm.

    “I love you,” Hinata managed between kisses.

    “That's why were here,” Naruto said then he plunged hard catching her off guard Hinata screamed and Naruto unleashed his knot.
