“You can say that again.” Kitan said as he and Axel walked the streets. People were bustling by the two of them, shouting their deals and trying to get the people to buy their wares. Men and women dressed in all different things that made him do a double take.
“Are these people all here for the tournament?”
Axel shrugged his shoulders and replied “I doubt it. Some are probably here to sell things. Other’s just live here.”
Kitan nodded he heard a man talking louder than the others at the stalls. He motioned for Axel to follow. A man was standing on a wall with a small crowd surrounding him.
“Come one, come all! To see the strongest among the world, rise to meet the challenge of a new adversary! Come and see one by one they fall to someone stronger until…” The man raised his arms and the crowd roared with life. He lowered his arms and the crowd went silent. “The strongest man will then be received by an honorable man. The new Lord of Dralgo; Lord Vargas.” The crowd erupted once more.
Kitan nudged Axels shoulder and motioned them to get going. The man continued speaking but Kitan paid it no mind. The two of them continued down the path.
“Axel, as you have done I thank you for guiding me to Dralgo.” He tossed a bag filled with the koins he was promised. “You are free to do as you please.”
Axel studied him as he walked along Kitan. He was silent for a good time, making Kitan assume he had left and gone on his way. Then his voice replied,
“I thought I already was.”
Kitan smiled despite himself. He nodded and turned to Axel. “Once a thief…”
“Always a thief.” Axel finished, returning the smile. “Now let’s go find a place until the tournament.”
They asked around and found a place called the Royal Sword and Shield. The two of them found it and spoke to the innkeeper.
“You’re going to be fighting in the tournament?” the innkeeper asked, Kitan nodded. The man laughed and replied “Free of charge! You gotta promise me you’ll win though.” He was smiling “You win and I will be known as the man who housed the strongest man. My business may just need to be enlarged.” The innkeeper showed them to their room and left them, talking to himself about plans for after the tournament. Kitan decided to explore Dralgo, and take in all that there was. He saw many things. He passed by a weapon smith, who tried to buy his blades.
“Sorry these mean too much for me to sell them.” He replied just walking on.
Kitan continued and saw a tower where many people were going. He decided to go check it out. When he reached the base he saw a spiraling staircase that wrapped itself around until it reached a very wide, open area where you could see all of Dralgo. Once at the top he looked out. Many people were up there. He saw a mother and her child, the child pulling on her hand and pointing off at something only he seemed to see. He looked off to his side and saw the streets lined with buildings on either side. He focused and saw the inn he was staying at. Being up there helped put this large place in perspective. In front of him off in the near distance; a large open area with many people; building stands and things of the sort for the tournament. He looked off to his left side and saw a small wooded area. He mentally told himself to go there once he was able to do what he desired to do, what he had always dreamed to do and see. That area will be the start
Axel was getting bored. Why should Kitan get to go out and see all this, leaving me to watch the stuff? He thought to himself slightly annoyed. Axel left the room, and instructed the innkeeper to not let anyone near their room. He just smiled and said something that slightly reassured him. Axel stepped outside and immediately he saw a group of people coming in on horseback through the entrance the two of them had come in just earlier. He paid it little attention. He glanced from one to the next rather quickly and only counted the people. He saw twelve people. Four women, six men and two children, who shared a small pony, Axel let them pass and he went on his way. As he passed the people walking by he resisted the urge to ‘liberate’ their pouches of koin. Gotta play nice now that I am travelling with him. Axel thought to himself as turned a corner. He smiled as he turned the corner. It would seem he had made his way to where most of Dralgo’s taverns were. He passed a couple that didn’t suit his style, and a few he thought were too eloquent for the likes of people spending their time in them. As he was beginning to lose hope of finding a place that fit his idea of a good time, he came across a tavern called Lady Luck’s New Haven. He smiled, it looks like back home. He took a deep breath and coughed, it even smells like back home. That putrid, yet tolerable smell of cigars, cheap cologne, and the available woman from the brothel. He made himself look somewhat decent, and walked inside. It was lively, men at tables shouting about their days when they were younger and sharing their adventures. Women in very attractive uniforms. They wore a very small bonnet, where some kept their rolled up hair behind. The women wore matching black with a small but very eloquent stripe down the side of purple tops and matching knee length skirts. Even with the length, it would seem that they were taught how to make even their clothes seem apart of themselves, the way they were moving. One saw him and walked towards him. She walked very seductive like as she made her way to him. He could see how this place stuck out among the rest. He smiled as she neared.
“Care for a drink hon?”
He leaned in so his cheek brushed hers, and ran a hand up her arm from her elbow to the tray she was carrying. He took a drink, not knowing what it was, and with his other hand slipped a koin into her pouch on the front end of her top. She smiled and gave him a wink. While he was still close to her she asked in a sultry voice “Can I get you anything else hon?” He just smiled and shook his head. “Though if I do, what name should I ask for?”
“Melissa” she replied looking him up and down quickly, liking what she saw she added “you may be the best lookin guy in here, so I hope you come back and ask for me.” She gave him another wink and went off to a table to serve them drinks. As he sat down at a table playing a card game. He told himself this was going to be a fun few hours.
Kitan had left the viewing tower and went to where the Gladiator’s arena was located. He had asked a local merchant. The man just smiled and pointed him in the right direction. When he did reach it he noticed the many people. Most were large and built like a wall. One man in particular noticed him, shrugged the shoulder of a man next to him and pointed over his shoulder. The two men laughed and turned towards him.
“What village in Dralgo would dare to send such a small, tiny man with a pair of toothpicks to the tournament?”
Kitan ignored them. That made them annoyed. One of the two men stepped towards Kitan and stood in front of him. He was built like a wall and stood as tall as one. He smiled and said “You, tiny. I was talking to you. Speak or I will make you speak, and you don’t want me to make you.”
Kitan remained silent. He just looked on waiting for his turn to enter. It made the man very aggravated. He grumbled a very audible growl and reached down to pull him up by his shirt. As the man’s fingers made contact with Kitan’s clothes, Kitan using only his head, stood up on his toes and quickly head-butt the man. The man and Kitan stayed like that for only a few seconds. After that, the man fell backwards, and onto the ground next to his friend. His eyes rolled back into his head.
“You should take your friend somewhere where he can rest.” Kitan replied calmly. He passed by the man, adding “Oh and I trained under Master Tin Dall.” It got a very unnerving response. The crowd that had gathered began to mutter among themselves. He continued on until he reached the registration.
“I would like to enter myself into the Gladiator fights. Am I too late?” Kitan asked
The man just nodded and stuttered “Y, y, yes. We will b, begin again t, tomor, tomorrow. Sign in a, and come b, back.” He handed him the sign in list and Kitan signed it. Kitan walked back towards the Royal Sword and Shield. He had enough exercise for one day and wanted to get some rest for tomorrow. He smiled all the way back. Axel wasn’t there, but he wasn’t worried about him. Kitan knew he could take care of himself. He yawned, and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be busy for him.
Axel had just won the last three hands. He was smiling at the moment. His hand was a very winning hand. After his first win a stranger to the table had joined them. He hadn’t spoken much, this mystery man had just tossed in his koin when he felt like, knowing full well his hand was a losing one. Axel didn’t care; it meant he had more to spend.
“Alright boys, this is my last hand. Once I am gone, you can split what money this fine gentleman has among the three of you.” Only one laughed at his comment, the other two just grumbled to themselves.
They did their final ante and showed what they had. Axel went first. “Read em and weep, a full house of lovers and their bag boys, Queens over Jacks.” The others all at the table slammed down their cards. All but the mystery man; he smiled and put his hand down face up. He spoke finally. His voice sent a chill down Axel’s spine.
“Royalty and their assassin’s. Aces over Kings… You lose, boy. Get used to that concept” the man said looking him in the eyes. The man was blind.
How does he know…? Axel thought as he gathered his things. “Sorry, I don’t lose often, old man. Consider your win, beginner’s luck. Till next we play.” With that he left the tavern. The sun was setting and Axel felt his pouch with a hand. It felt fairly heavy. It would get the two of them by for a good while. He yawned and made his way back to the Royal Sword and Shield. His step just a little more enthusiastic then necessary.
Kitan woke up early the next day. He was excited to finally test his skills with the blade against people who he had never sparred with. He knew they would most likely come for him with death as their intention. After all, he had read the rules and he didn’t see the rule disqualifying him if his opponent was killed. He gathered his things and grabbed a couple fruit for on the way. He didn’t want to have to fight both some guy trying to kill him and an empty stomach. He made quick time, as there were few people on the streets. Once there he registered.
“Your match is scheduled for midday sir. Your opponent hasn’t registered yet.”
Kitan was curious as to what his opponent’s name was.
“His name is Kris Write. That is all I know, for now.”
He thanked the man and decided he had some time. He would check out the woods he saw the other day. Kitan left the Arena and made a left. He passed more people trying to buy and sell things. He was coming to realize why they had to shout so much. People got tired of having things thrust into their way. Kitan made it a point to walk in the middle, weaving his way in between people. As he made his way finally to the open wooded area, he smiled. It was peaceful.
Like back home, a place for me to focus Kitan thought positively. He unsheathed his blades. He started out with the meditative stance known as Calming Waterfall. Once he had his breathing under control, he slowly went through the stances. As he warmed up and once again got used to using them as an extension of his own arms he moved through the forms like fluid. He moved like he was dancing a beautiful dance of death. While going through the form Crescent’s Demise, he noticed the sun was almost at its peak. He sheathed his blades and jogged back to the arena.
Kris… Kris Write and Kitan Namathorn, please enter the ring.”
Kitan looked around to see who moved. A small boy moved towards the center. He was shocked someone so young was entering. Kitan joined him and saw that he carried with him two sickles with a long chain attached to the hilts.
“Fighters ready? Begin!”
Kris instantly went on the assault. He threw one end at him and Kitan effortlessly knocked it away. While Kris tossed one end he kept spinning the other end near him, like a shield Kitan told himself. Kitan began to formulate a plan. Kris threw his sickle once again. This time Kitan didn’t knock it away, he ducked. Kitan was about to go on the assault when Kris threw the other end towards him, and pulling on the other end already extended. Kitan had no choice but to quickly sidestep as the two changed places. Kris was smiling. Like he was playing a game he continued to move like the child he was. Kitan doubted if he had ever seen someone killed. As Kris once again tossed one end towards Kitan he dodged and ran towards Kris, expecting the same tactic. He was wrong. Kris flicked his wrist and the effect was like that of a whip. A whip with a deadly end. The whip lashed back towards Kitan and once again he was forced to dodge. He wasn’t fast enough and the ends grazed his left leg and left arm. They weren’t deep but he got the message. He wasn’t predictable. Kitan had to think of another way to get close. Then it hit him. Kitan continued to dodge the ends until Kris made the mistake of not whipping the end. Once one end was fully extended Kitan grabbed the chain with his blades and with one of the blades sent a backlash of his own. The chain slipped out of his hand and for the few moments Kris was open. Kitan rushed in and just as he regained control of his weapon, Kitan had swiped at his feet sending him off balance with one blade and with the other…
“Winner. Kitan Namathorn!” The people cheered. Kitan using his other blade swiped at his throat, stopping it short of his neck. Kris was looking down at what had happened. He sighed, kicking dirt up into the air with his foot but looked to Kitan with a smile and said “That was fun! You’re really good, my papa would have liked to meet you but he is busy. Thanks for the fight mister, bye.” Kitan watched him run off accepting the consolation prize. Kitan was pumped up after that match but the finals weren’t scheduled until dusk. He went and got some lunch. As Kitan paid for some food from a vendor he noticed a pack of people passing by on horseback. Six men and four women. He just focused on getting ready for the final match and forgot about the people on horseback.
Axel woke up once again after Kitan. Today a note was on the door for Axel.
‘I am at the Gladiator arena, if you need me I am there. Try to stay out of trouble?’
Axel rolled his eyes and crumpled the note, tossing it on the dresser. He got some food from the common area and once again sweet talked the barmaid with a few koins for the fresher food. She smiled and giggled and returned with the freshest assortment he had ever seen. He was getting used to having some comfort room with people. Once he was full he left and saw a woman he saw come in on horseback the other day. He decided his luck was good enough for him to try his way with her. Axel quickly caught up with her as she made her way up to the highest tower. Once up at the top she set up her belongings and sat down. Waiting for something. Axel looked around for someone or something to catch her attention. Nothing, Axel was getting impatient. He decided to walk up to her and introduce himself.
“Hello beauty, my name is Axel, Axel Minitil. What should a woman such as yourself be named, though I doubt comes close to equaling your beauty.” He said softly, bowing gracefully. She laughed softly and replied “Jade Nichols, I think you’re wrong though. I rather love my name. Tis simple yes?”
“Ah, yes. I can see how even simple things are better than complexities. What business has you all alone up here?” Axel asked giving her his best smile.
“I am here to sketch portraits. It would seem my client is a bit late...” She sighed.
“Would you like me to keep you company? Someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t be so alone on such a day as this.”
She smiled and nodded after a moment of thought. “I would like that. So what brings you here?”
Axel leaned against the railing and replied “A friend of mine is competing in the tournament.”
She gave him a mock gasp, but laughed softly afterwards adding “When does it begin? This tournament?”
“Tomorrow in fact. You’re welcome to join me in cheering him on if you’d like? That is, only if your free of course.”
She smiled and nodded excitedly. “I would love to cheer on your friend; I haven’t been to a tournament before.” She glanced behind him and saw what Axel could only guess was her client. It was a very eloquent looking woman. She didn’t look too old; a few wrinkles that gave her face a defined, yet graceful look. He nodded and bid her farewell. Once he left her he decided he had nothing better to do so he would go look for some form of entertaining himself. The mystery man at the tavern came into his head. He wondered if the man would be there again. Axel pulled out his lucky coin. Rolling it along his knuckles he made his way back to the inn, deciding he would have enough excitement come tomorrow, when he would accompany the beautiful Jade.
Kitan was being hammered. Once dusk had come his opponent, a woman by the name of Hailey Filial joined him in the center. She was using typical grappler’s claws. She had the tips made longer, and curved out so that even when she missed; there was a chance of striking. Kitan had sustained many of his cuts that way. He learned fast how to evade them but he was exhausted now and his vision was getting harder to see her thanks to the setting sun. She lunged for him slashing swiftly at the same time at his shoulders inward. Kitan rushed forward, deciding on an all or nothing approach. Her arms enclosed around him, Kitan ducked but she anticipated it. Her arms were around him and two of the deadly points were inches away from his throat. She would have killed him there had he not crossed his blades in defense against his chest.
“The winner, The Puma, Hailey!” The people cheered for her and she released him. She winked at him and left him. Standing there baffled at her. People outside are very… different. Kitan thought as the medic came and cleaned his wounds. Once he was taken care of they awarded her the grand prize, a fairly large bag of koin. To Kitan they awarded him a cloak with the emblem of two swords crossed together. He graciously took it and made his way back to the inn. It was odd though; people were talking to him as he passed. They would come up to him, congratulate him, and always repeat one phrase that made him stand a little taller. They called him ‘Kitan of the Crescent Blade.’

- Title: Dreams and Legends Ch 6
- Artist: Namathorn
- Description: 6th chapter of Dreams and Legends.
- Date: 06/03/2009
- Tags: dreams legends
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