Scarlett ran down the side walk, she wasn’t late, for once, she just wanted to get to school early and spend some time with her friends. As she came around the last corner she saw someone standing at the front gates, Scarlett strained to see who it was ‘he looks so familiar’ she thought.
She stopped running when she saw the person turn around and face her. There standing a few feet ahead of her was Lance.
He was dressed in one of the school uniforms. His long silver hair was simply tied loosely at the back of his neck, leaving his bangs and a few loose strands of hair to blow in the wind.
“What are you doing here?” Scarlett asked.
Lance smiled, “Not happy to see me?” he countered walking up to Scarlett. “I told you I would always be by your side didn’t I?” he asked leaning over her shoulder he whispered “and what better way then come to your school” straightening himself up right again he smiled “your looking at the new foreign exchange student from France.”
Scarlett shocked and surprised flooded Scarlett’s face then she snapped out of it, “What! You have to be kidding me?” she stamped.
Lance shook a finger in front of her “Now, now this is nothing to get in a fuss over, I’m going to this school now so I can be by your side and…” he paused and wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her close to him, “So I can protect you if anything happens” he whispered into her ear.
Lance let go when he noticed Scarlett’s face was all red and flushed, “I guess you can stay” she said slowly.
Lance smiled and walked Scarlett toward the gate, with his hand at the small of her back, “Now you’ll have to show me all around the school so I don’t get lost” he laughed.
Scarlett grinned “Yeah I bet, but then I bet more that you know this school a lot more then I do. I know you’ve been watching me during the day, I could always feel that someone was there” she said sarcastically giving him a little gab in the ribs.
Lance rubbed his side “Your quite the little smarty aren’t you?...you should always trust your instincts” he whispered.
Before Scarlett could comment Holly and Violet came running up, surprised and suspicious of the stranger at her side.
“Scarlett is that really you? Are you delusional? I never see you come to school this early” Holly asked putting a hand on Scarlett’s forehead to feel her temperature.
Scarlett pushed away the hand, “No I’m perfectly fine” she answered but they did hear her they were too drawn to the guy standing beside her.
Grabbing Scarlett’s hand and moving a save distance away Holly and Violet seemed to ask at the same time, “Who it that?”
Scarlett froze for a moment “Is he your boyfriend?” Holly asked, a wide smile spreading across her face.
Scarlett went beat red “NO, NO, NO THAT’S NOT IT!” she stammered “he’s….he’s….” she was cut off.
Lance stood behind the girls “Ladies, my apologizes, Lance Dazzle, it’s a pleasure” he announced bowing politely to Holly and Violet.
Holly and Violet went red in the face, “No, no it’s our fault for not asking you” Holly stampeded.
“So where are you from?” Violet asked clasping her hand together in adoration.
“Ah…ah….he’s fro…” once again Scarlett was cut off.
“I hail from France. The city of love is want you call it over here in Tokyo, isn’t it?” he asked lightly kissing the top of both of their hands.
Holly and Violet seemed to melt with every word he said, annoyed Scarlett crossed her arms and looked away silently cursing him ‘man he’s playing them like tools’ she thought.
“Do you have a lucky lady?” Violet asked staring at her feet and blushing then back up at lances face.
Lance quirked his head to the side “Lucky lady?” he questioned.
“I mean a girlfriend?” Violet corrected, Lance thought for a long moment leaving the two girls hanging in suspense.
Without warning Lance reached out and grabbed Scarlett by the waist bring her to his side “I’m sorry ladies, but I believe my heart has been taken by this beautiful gem right here” he answered nodding his head towards Scarlett.
Scarlett when beat red as Holly and Violet looked like their hearts had been crushed, “What do you mean by that? I don’t remember agreeing to be your girlfriend” she asked trying to push away from him.
Lance wouldn’t let go of his grip, “But don’t you remember the sweet kiss we had not too long ago” he replied moving his head ever so close to her face.
Scarlett could feel the heat rising from her cheeks as his face came closer to hers; his lips seemed to hover over hers for what seemed like hours but was only seconds, then pulled away without contact.
Holly and Violet stood astonished by what was happening right in front of them, when Scarlett stood her face was all flushed, they both laughed.
“Come on you two lets get to class” Holly finally broke the silence, walking towards the school “So Lance what classes are you taking?” Violet asked as they walked.
Lance reached back and pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket, “Well let’s see Literature, Mathematics, Biology, and History” he answered.
Scarlett eyes widened, “Wait a sec let me see that” she said snatching it out of his hand and inspecting it carefully. “It can’t be true! You have all my classes and the same teachers as me” she said shocked “This is all your doing isn’t it?” she asked glaring at him.
Violet grabbed the paper, “Don’t say such harsh things of course he didn’t, those just happened to be the classes he got stuck with. It’s not like he broke into the school during the night looked at your record knew what classes you were taking and singed up for the exact same classes as you, that would be obscured” Violet said waving it off.
Scarlett glared at Lance, he smiled back almost as if that’s exactly what he did.
Scarlett sat in her classes all day glaring at Lance as the girls flirted with him like there was no tomorrow, she finally lost her cool when one of the girls offered him private tutoring for catching up in the work he had missed in a seductive suggestion. Jumping up from her seat Scarlett grabbed the sleeve of Lance's shirt and dragged him out of the class leaving everyone flabbergasted at what had just happened. She charged down the hall and up the stairs to the roof 'it's the only place to get some privacy' she thought barging open the door then finally leting go of Lance's shirt. She turned around and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
Lance glanced up at her "What seems to be the matter?" he asked casually, walking past her to the railing.
Scarlett stomped her foot "I can't stand it any more!" she yelled angrily.
Lance glanced back, "With what?" he teased. He knew exactly what she was being bothered about.
Scarlett looked away from Lance's eyes "I can't stand how those girls hang off of you" she muttered color rising to her cheeks.
Interested, Lance leaned a little closer "Does that make you jealous?" he asked mockingly. Scarlet spun around and glared at him "No! I just don't like it ok, they wouldn't be doing this if you weren't here" she yelled.
Lance looked suddenly saddened "Does me being here really make you this upset?" he asked pain written across his face.
Scarlett clapped her hands over her mouth, "I'm sorry Lance, it's just...I guess I'm not use to you being here" she apologized, staring at the ground, embarrassed about her attitude.
Lance closed the space between them with one smooth stride and lifted her chin with his fingers to look at her in the eyes "If you want me to leave? All you have to do is ask. I only wanted to be by your side to maybe..." Lance stopped and glanced away for a moment taking a deep breath, then glanced back "To maybe make some new memories, some good ones for you to look on in the future" he pleaded.
The saddened look on his face brought tears to Scarlett's eyes. She knew where he was coming from, he wanted to cover up the bad memories with new ones of the both of them, like the old times.
A tear ran down her cheek as she smoothed her hand on his cheek "I guess it wouldn't hurt" she replied.
With out a warning he brought his lips to hers, pressing them softly together, then moved away "I promise to make the best memories for you" he pledged.
Scarlett closed her eyes, placing her head on his chest 'you already are.' she though
The rest of the day had gone smoothly, Lance kept the girls at bay saying he had a girlfriend and wasn't interested in anyone else, and Scarlett kept her jealousy under control.
The bell rang to end the day.
"Hey Scarlett you walking home with use or do you have someone else in mind to walk with?" Holly asked sarcastically.
Scarlett stuck out her tongue "Oh why would I want to go with you guys, your so boring and I barely know you" she replied back with he same amount of sarcasm as she picked up her bag and walk towards the door, Lance following behind.
As they got to the front gates of the school Holly started causally walking backwards "So were do you live?" she asked Lance.
Lance thought for a moment "Well I live in a house" he answered.
Holly shook her head "That’s not what I meant, where’s your house? Like the street address or house number?"
Once again Lance thought for a moment, "Well I can't say that, the land lord wouldn't like me giving out the address" he answered.
Holly sighed "I'm not going to get anything out of you am I?" she asked but before anyone could answer she backed into a telephone poll, crashing to the ground.
Violet ran to her side "Are you ok?" she asked.
Holly rubbed the back of her head "Yeah just a bump on the head" she answered.
Scarlett stood in front of Holly "You just like to be beating the crap out of yourself now don't you?" she asked, but was ignored when Holly looked at her hand that had been rubbing her head with. Her finger tips were covered in blood.
"Oh s**t what happened?" Holly asked reaching into her bag for a cloth to whip her hands.
Violet looked at the poll "There’s your problem, it looks like someone left a nail in it and you happen to hit it with your head, what luck you have" Violet commented, grabbing her hand to help her stand.
Scarlett hadn't heard any of their conversation, when she saw the blood she suddenly noticed how the air reeked of the sweet scent, she licked her lower lips as she gazed at them like she was looking right through them, her body craved the taste of blood. She suddenly seemed to come back to reality when she felt Lance's hand on her shoulder, looking up at him, he glanced at her, and his face had warning behind it, "Are you close enough to you house Holly, to get there?" Lance asked keeping his cool. Violet looked up at him, Scarlett was looking away "Yeah she lives close to me, we can walk there in a flash" she answered.
"Would you two be able to walk there? I just remembered I have to get home quickly, I want Scarlett to come with me incase I get lost" Lance asked. Grabbing Scarlett's hand he started to walk past them.
Violet nodded "Just leave this dummy with me I'll make sure she gets home in one piece" she smiled but stopped when Scarlett walked by. A suddenly chill ran down Violet’s spine, Violet glanced over to Scarlett but she had her head bent and her hair in her face that Violet could see Scarlett’s face.
Violet watched them walk past and down the street, "Come on what are you waiting for lets go" Holly asked looking at Violet, Violet snapped out of it “Yeah lets go" she said unsure of what just happened. She glanced back 'I wonder what that feeling was?' she thought as Scarlett and Lance disappeared from sight.
After they were out of sight Lance turned and went down a narrow dead end ally and hide behind a large dumpster, when they weren't visible Lance pulled Scarlett into his arms, "Are you ok" he asked worry high in his voice.
Scarlett seemed to still be in another world "I don't know" she answered dazed by the saddened sensations that swept through her body.
Lance placed both his hands on her cheeks and moved her face to look at him. As he looked at her face, one eye was it's natural blue but the other had turned a blood red, her skin had lost a few tones of color turning slightly paler than normal, he could even tell the that the temperature of her skin had turned a little cold.
Lance placed her head at the nape of his neck "Bite" he whispered into her ear "You'll feel better afterwards" he added.
Scarlett stared at Lance's neck, she could almost see the veins pumping blood through his body, smell the scent of it, a sudden dryness clenched her throat and he mouth watered. She closed her eyes and lightly bit down, sinking her white dagger like fangs into his pale neck.
Suddenly her body seemed to come alive with new life, she could feel the blood, which she sucked from his neck, lighting her body like fire, and it coursed through her veins. She loved the feeling but pulled away when she heard Lance moan like he was in pain.
Lance seemed to stager a minute, Scarlett braced her hand at his forearms, to stop him from falling over, "Are you alright?" she asked forgetting all about the craving for blood.
Lance placed his hand at his neck "Your hunger seems to be growing" he straightened, his voice scratchy and horse.
Scarlett shook him a little and tightened her grip "Are you going to be ok?" she repeated getting more and more worried about Lance.
Lance waved her off and walked to the wall placing his back against it then slid down to sit of the ground with his back against the wall "I'll be fine I just need to rest a little" he answered. Scarlett felt guilt overwhelm her, kneeling down in front of him she whispered "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean I didn't want to hurt you...it's just."
"Stop" Lance cut her off "I'm the one that said I would protect you, right now your vampire blood is battling to take control" Lance said.
Scarlett looked up at him "What do you mean, I'm all vampire so shouldn't it already have control?" she asked.
Lance griped one of Scarlett's hands "You are but, when you came to this world your vampire blood and powers were locked away with your memories, now that you have remember your vampire blood and urges will return" he replied sadness creeping into his eyes.
Scarlett was suddenly struck with understanding "So the reason we left Holly and Violet is...." she trailed off.
Lance closed his eyes and opened them again, "You would have killed Holly and most likely Violet too" he paused for a moment to let it sink in. "I'm sorry, but you have to understand that the longer you stay in this world the more danger you put your friends in to" he said.
Garbing her hands with his and squeezing them tightly "It's only a matter of time before you turn on them" he added.
Scarlett was horrified, in her mind she screamed NO!, but she stayed quite, in her heart she knew. Scarlett bowed her head making her hair cover her face, she thought for a long silent moment.
Finlay when it seemed hours had past she asked "You would do anything for wouldn't you Lance?"
"Yes?" Lance answered, confused.
"Then I have one wish to ask of you before I am forced to go back" she said looking back up into Lance's eyes "Would you watch me and take care of me when I'm like this? I know it's a lot to ask and it might get more rough, but I want to stay a little longer, please let me stay a little longer" she started to cry as she buried her face in his shirt, warping her arms around him.
Lance smoothed his hand over her hair "I would do anything for you, but you have to understand the danger..."
"I know" she cut him off "That’s why if it comes to a time when you can't keep me at bay, then I give you permission to take me to the other world before I do any harm" she shuttered and cried "Please just this one thing" she pleaded.
Lance sighed "Alright I’ll do it...for you and only you" he whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.
- by inuyasha luffer |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/10/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Silver Cros part 4
- Artist: inuyasha luffer
- Description: Scarlett goes to school to find a surprise wating for her at the front gates.
- Date: 06/10/2009
- Tags: silver cros part
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Comments (4 Comments)
- Lance_Dazzle - 06/12/2009
- LOL omg Lance is so funny when he can be.
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- l1l n1nj4s h4v3n - 06/12/2009
if u think vampires suk then dont read it
its really good but you need to edit it a bit more - Report As Spam
- vv7722 - 06/12/2009
- Umm the beginning is good but yehh... VAMPIRES SUCK... but other than that i like it soo... 4/5
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- inuyasha luffer - 06/10/2009
- Part 5 will be posted a week from now around thsi time. Thanks for reading ^.^
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