• He sat next to me, still holding my hand. My heart was beating like crazy. Was I nervous? Or happy? He scooted next to me. It was cheesy, but in a really cute way. I laid my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes and smiled. Yes, I would be embarrassed too, but that as because this was too cheesy. Cheesy in a good way. No one was there, so it didn't matter. The clock struck twelve.

    Just then, I heard yelling. I opened my eyes, and the magic disappeared. I saw my car on the outside of the park. In it was Margret. She ran out of the car, and ran towards us. "Your highness, the king is coming home in 30 minutes! You must get home before he does!"

    I stood up, and kissed Jack on the cheek. I then ran to my car, and Margret drove me back home. I quickly tip-toed back upstairs, and changed into my nightgown. I jumped in my bed, and shut my eyes.

    10 minutes later, I heard voices downstairs. They were here. I shut my eyes tighter. My dad opened the door, and walked up to my bed. He kissed my head, and whispered, "Tomorrow you will see your wonderful surprise I found." I smiled, and he left.

    Surprise? From the other country he went to? I wonder what it'll be. A new pet? A new dress? It didn't matter right now. I'm just glad I got to see Jack tonight. I went to sleep.