• I looked at the clock, it was around six almost seven. I went and turned on the TV, it was the same show. After a while there was a knock at the door. I got up and crept to the door, I looked out and saw…

    Victor standing there. I gasped and covered my mouth. I felt tears fall from my eyes. I didn’t want this to be the end. He knocked two more times and shouted, “I know you’re in there! I hear the TV.” I wiped my tears and straightened up. I opened the door just a little. He stared at me and looked me up and down. He strained his neck to look inside, I started hyperventilating. He looked straight back at me. I grabbed my jacket and grabbed the keys. I walked out and shut the door. I sniffled and said, “What do you want?” I looked around, and I saw the car driving down the street. I couldn’t let him stay, I needed to get inside before the car came back. I started to shove him, “Leave, please, leave…Hurry!” I started crying again. I pushed him down the stairs. I turned to the door and tried opening the door. It wasn’t opening. His car hadn’t started and I heard footsteps. I turned around and screamed, “GET OUT OF HERE!” I sobbed out a whisper, “please…” He went to his car, and started the car. The lights caste the same shadows. I covered my mouth and looked at my keys. I grabbed the wrong keys, they were the car keys. Victor was still in his car, I waved at him to tell him to go. I ran to the side yard and climbed the ivy. I saw the car coming. I screamed. Victor had already started driving away. I looked and saw the ivy that broke, I grabbed a different vine. I kept climbing. The man spotted me and shook the ivy. I dropped a little, and I grabbed the wrong vine. I fell to the ground. The man looked at me and said, “Do you know the day?” My eyes watered and thought. It was two days before the anniversary of the accident. I looked at the man he had a scar on his eye. I spoke clear, “Yes. I know who you are too.” He laughed and picked up my broken arm. He twisted it a little too. I screamed in agony. He knelt beside me and said, “Yeah, tell your uncle I’m going to kill him. Since he put me away he made my life in jail a living hell. And this is for the drunk who killed his family. He got to do what I wanted to do when I wasn’t able. Now in two days someone is gonna get hurt. Only one person knew what we were planning-” I tried to stand. He laughed and put grabbed my foot, he twisted it. I screamed and fell back down. He finished, “Now as I was saying. Me and my friend planned to kill him, but your parents were in his car. Your father knew what we were planning, he heard us talking one day when he came to visit your uncle when he was on watch at the jail.” He stood up and said, “Two days.” He went to his car and left. I laid down and cried in the grass. I heard a car come and footsteps running towards the side yard. I felt a hand on me. I screamed and tried to move and cried out, “No please don’t! No please don’t!” I sobbed into the grass. I heard a familiar voice, “Jay its okay. Come on get up. We’ve got to get you to the hospital.” It was Emma. Someone’s hands slid under me. It was Victor’s. I opened my eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry…I had to get you out.” Emma shushed me and said, “Just keep quite, relax.” I blacked out after that. I woke up in a hospital, Emma was laying on the bed with me. When I looked at her, she smiled, “I’m happy you’re up. Oh your uncle and aunt is here.” I tried to sit up but she pushed me back down. She got up and walked to the door, “I’ll get them.” She walked out and a minute later a nurse came in. She checked the monitor, tubes, and other stuff. She smiled and said, “You got banged up pretty good, what happened?” I looked at my bandaged ankle and my arm with a cast. I didn’t make eye contact and whispered, “ I fell off my roof.” She made an aw sound, “ Aww, Hun feel better.” She made a tsk sound as she walked out. A few minutes later my aunt and uncle came in. My aunt’s eyes were wet and my uncle’s were concerned.
    “Shut the door.” I sat up.
    My aunt went and shut the door and started, “How irresponsible are you?! You scared us half to-”
    “SHUT UP!” I heard the monitor beep a little faster and I took a deep breathe, “Sorry, but you guys need to leave. Like leave town…fast. The man who killed my parents, his partner… the uh master mine was at the house, he made me fall off the ivy and twisted my ankle… he is going to kill one or two of us…mainly you two.” My aunt started crying my uncle grew quite. He finally spoke, “I’ll die before you do.” My aunt stood and said, “Me too. You’ve been through enough.”
    My uncle started passing and said, “How long before he attacks?”
    “One day, he said two days last night, so it would probably mean one day. He said my dad knew.”
    My uncle stopped and looked at my aunt. They stared at each other and he said, “ We’ve got to get you home.” The doctors released me. They said my ankle was not bad, just bruised on the bone. I was able to walk on it without crutches. I was sitting in the car when my uncle and aunt was talking to Victor and Emma. Victor’s eyes and my eyes met and didn’t part until my uncle drove. Emma and Victor were following my uncle’s car. Once we got to my house my uncle looked around. He nodded his head at Victor. Victor picked me up and I freaked, “ Put me down! I can walk the-” he shut me up by kissing me. Once I stop trying to talk he pulled away. My aunt and Emma walked ahead of us. Victor told me, “Your uncle said you wouldn’t go willingly, so I’ve got to do this.” I was quite I figured out what he meant when we were outside the door. They expected me to go in. All I did was yell, “NO! NO! NO! I’m not going in!” My aunt nodded at Victor and he held me. Emma opened the door and I closed my eyes. Victor walked me in and my eyes opened out of curiosity, and….