• It hides secretively behind your trash on the streets of down town LA. There's a baby crying upstairs that you have complained about because the mother forgets to feed it while she's busy with the other 4 children. Your about to call the LAPD on her, but then all the crying and loud noises stop, you are at piece for once in the whole time you have lived in this rat infested apartment. A shadow fly's by your window but you don't take notice, probably just trash. Your life is happy, no noise is there for weeks, but a wrenched smell takes its place. You hear the rats in the walls. You decide to call the LAPD again. They come to check it out; you watch their faces as the drag garbage bags down the stairs, for your building doesn’t have an elevator. A horrid smell passes by worse than before. You ask the supervisor what happened. He tells you a gang member apparently broke in a few weeks ago, slit their throats, drained their blood and left, killing the whole family. It finally dawns on you, the shadow that flew past your window wasn't trash or even a shirt that had fallen because the other tenet doesn't have a dryer. Someone was there, and it could have just as easily been you, being carried out like garbage. But how could he have climbed up to the fifth floor? Many questions left unanswered, and they never will be.