• Love, it's a word many people use. In good ways and bad. In my life though it's mostly bad. Have you ever loved someone so much but they don't love you back? And you feel horrible...you wish you never met them you wish they would go away forever. So you can 'love' someone else right? But what really is love? Is it real? Has anyone really been loved or been IN love? It's really not a simple question to anwser. Love can be so much as your parents. But then again some people say they hate their parents then the next second they love them. How simple is love? Could it be as simple as a pet? Or even a friend? No one will ever know. Boy's say they love you then the next second they break your heart. Does anyone in the world know how to define love? It makes people nervous, feel crazy, you get butterflys, nervous, feel like your going to puke. But once you see the one you love your heart stops. The whole world stops. when you see them it's only you and him. But why is it not like this with your parents? Is it because you have known them your whole life? Or is it because you felt like that when you first met them? No one will know. I am in this so called love now. But he doesn't love me back. But is it not rules...when your in true love with someone they HAVE to love you back? Even if they don't know it? Love makes me crazy I tell myself what to do...but I don't listen! I feel one thing, I say one thing but do another! This love thing makes me insane. It's like it is controling my life! I've been broken up with this boy for almost 4 months, it's never taken me this long before. Maybe I really am in love REAL love like marry love. Well who knows, maybe it's a trick of the mind. No one will know until the time comes right?
    Love, is it really everything people say it is? Is it really everything people hope for? I don't really think so. Love was made to destroy hate. But some people say I love you but mean I hate you. Love is complicated. It makes you crazy and when it all falls apart your heart is broken, torn up, you don't want to see anyone. See what love does to you?! This is why you should stay away from it. Love makes people crazy makes them do things they don't want to. If the person they love tells them to do something they will do it without even thinking twice! My life is full of hate and love. My life is very difficult. Nothing is ever what it seems. I have to keep secrets, lies, everything .I could look so happy on the outside but be screaming and crying on the inside. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who isn't loved.
    If your in love how does it feel? Does it feel scary, good? Does anyone know? Does anyone know about this love? So many questions are to be asked. When you in love do you know it? Is it simple? Is it hard? Has anyone ever really felt love? Does anyone know if their in love? And if someone lvoes you why do they do such horrible things? Love is just a complicated word. It is the most complicated word in the english launage.