• It happened so fast I didn't even see it coming. I'm having to deal with a broken heart.
    I've been numb for the past two days.My eye's are red and swollen,my cheeks itch like crazy, but what hurts the most of all;Is my heart.My heartjust feels like it's been wounded ,but that stubborn wound won't heal.
    So far I've been trying to avoid seeing Luke's repulsing face.Cady's been getting worried,so has Destiny.I've been trying to ignore Luke and his posy
    of friends ;man they can get on someones nerves.
    Maybe if I don't think about love ,I won't hurt
    anymore;it's just an emotion ,"Who really cares?"
    "Hey Ryan anyone home",Cady asked.
    Crickets chirp in the background.
    "Ryan",said again.
    "Hm-what"?I asked a little confused .
    "I was just wondering if you wanted to
    come to my house for a sleepover"?Cady asked.
    "Sure sounds fun,"I said in a bored tone.
    "Okay it's this weekend",Cady stated at
    the top of her head .
    That dat there was a new kid in school.He
    was in my English class;he had pretty blue eyes
    with curly blonde hair and he was about six inches
    taller than me .
    "This is Ethan," stated Mr.Corder smoothly.
    I showed Ethan around the school.After I did that was already time to go home.I never made it to Cady's sleepover.
    3 years have past since i learned how to love again.Of course I'm still going out with Ethan.
    I'll say this;if Ethan hadn't came to school that
    day ,and I hadn't been dumped ny Luke,or I
    hadn't shown Ethan around.I probably would have made the stupid choice to give up on"Love".