• Its been Three days since ive last seen that blue thing. I didn't even get his name or anything whatsoever! well any ways today is the day we get to go see the museum of un- natural history and hopefully i might find some thing that can help me find out what that thing was.
    sitting here in my desk, listening to the teacher babble.
    oh thank god. And so its off to the school busess.
    "Hey Akumu, over here heart !" i look over to my right and there she was, my super awesome girlfriend Neko. "hey Neko your looking mighty fine, whats up!" "I came here to go with you on the bus but, thats not the only reason why im here." i replied as we both board the bus "oh really now." "well its just that you've been acting really strange lately." she said as we took our seats and begin to move toward the museum. "what, OH... um its nothing."
    Of course, like most concrend girlfreinds, she started nagging me about it all the way to the museum. However when we got the i was a bit more surprised. as it turned out the police had blocked out the enterance with barraceds of SWAT cars and army men. they wouldn't let us in do to the fact that there were terroist in side the museum and the had taken hostages. And thats when i heard that voice again. "psst, hey akumu over here!" so i sneeked past the cops near a side enterance and there he was, that big blue ball of light, but this time he was with a tall man in black, and with this very strange mask with a very big smile going across the face. "thats funny i dont remember giving you my name." it replied "well lets just call it a guess then shall we, anyway its time to do the first part of your little quest and save the hostages in side this here museum, and i got-" "wait, what, you want me to go in there and save these people?" i inturrpeted. "Nooooo, i wanted you to go inside and see the pretty pictures of the unicorns and the small little lepurcons, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK!"
    i mumbled." you dont have to yell at me (sniff)." "Well aaaanyways, I need you to go in there and save the hostages but more importantly the head of the museum Mr. Pocks, here are yours weapons, a mp5, a desert eagle, a combat knife and a sniper rifle along with a couple of grenades and flash bangs, and just to make sure that your butt's coverd, i got my friend here to assit you, his name is ka-nife... for now." "what the hell do you mean for now you big blue bas**** !!!!" Ka- knife said " hey guys, i dont know how to say this but i never shot any body." then the blue guy "dont worry it will come naturally, now get int here!"